Thursday, September 2, 2010
8 Steps to Maximized Health during Seasonal Changes
I have always been told that ‘a man without a plan is on a fast track to failure’. I don’t know about you, but when it comes time for the seasons to change I don’t plan on getting sick – I plan on getting through without a scratch. I literally have a plan for accomplishing this. Do you? If not, feel free to copy mine:
1.Take advantage of natural health care. It is well known that chiropractic care improves immune system activity. Some chiropractic adjustments are more powerful than others, i.e. upper neck adjustments can dramatically stimulate the nerve-immune system connection. I always try to get adjusted more frequently during seasonal changes, and because of this I feel confident putting my hands on sick people all day long. Keeping the body lined up and tuned up just makes sense!!
2.Increase high quality nutrient intake. Your immune system needs fuel to function properly. Healthy, high quality foods and supplements can keep your body healthy in a room full of sick people. You should be extra cautious about nutrient and supplement intake during seasonal changes. Increasing your efforts in this department could mean the difference between laughing all day vs. coughing all day. If you need help in this department – please ask us!
3.Get some extra exercise. Regular exercise stimulates the body in so many healthy ways you can’t believe it. A body that moves well, and often, is a body that is better able to adapt and remain symptom free – and, has a longer shelf life! Schedule 3-5 workouts a week and stay committed.
4.Increase water intake. A chronically dehydrated body is a breeding ground for illness. If you care about increasing bodily function than you need a daily strategy for monitoring water intake. At lunch time and at dinner time I know exactly how much water I have consumed and therefore how much more I should consume by the end of the day. Formulate a strategy and stick to it!
5.Decrease your sugar intake. It is well known that a diet high in sugar can suppress the immune system and create chaos throughout the body. Decrease your sugar intake during seasonal changes and you will increase your ability to adapt and thrive during this period.
6.Get enough sleep. During seasonal changes the body is slightly more stressed than usual as it is forced to adapt to a changing external environment. Adequate sleep gives your body the opportunity to repair, regenerate, build resistance and rise to the challenge without complications.
7.Maintain a positive attitude. We can not maintain a strong healthy body if we are chronically stressed out, stuck in a state of negativity, or have nothing to look forward to. Find several positive influences (people, books, hobbies) and cultivate a positive outlook on life. The body has a strong tendency to follow the mind.
8.Take time to relax. Out of all the things you have to get done during the day, taking time to relax and recharge should be the most important. Take a 60 second time-out at your desk whenever you get stressed out and say a prayer, meditate, read a passage, or just take some deep breathes. Resetting ‘the system’ (mind – body connection) now and then keeps the system from breaking down.
9.I have saved my “SECRET WEAPON” for the upcoming seminar entitled, How to Build a Titanium Strength Immune System. Stay tuned in for more details later.
Do you see the value in having a plan for avoiding health problems associated with seasonal changes? Your plan should always be a work in progress – continuously evolving and improving. Do a little research on your own, and share your findings with others. Too many people nowadays think that being sick is a matter of bad luck. The truth is… you can stack the odds in your favour if you just put a little work into doing so.
Speak Up and Educate Others,
Dr. Craig Burns
The “Scary Truth” About Getting Sick with Seasonal Changes
Our body’s ability to adapt to seasonal change is a reflection of how stable our health profile really is. Therefore, monitoring how well a body adapts is a good measuring stick for how healthy a child or an adult is at that moment in their life. Unfortunately, we are not taught to think like this – but, we should be!
A healthy, well balanced body can adapt to changes in the environment. An unhealthy, unbalanced body can not! Signs i.e. symptoms of imbalance of an unhealthy body that can not adapt well to seasonal changes would be increased sinus problems, headaches, elevated joint pain and stiffness, fluctuating mood, frequent onset of cold and flu-like symptoms, decreased immune system activity, inflammatory responses, etc.
We are taught that the body reacts this way for external reasons (bugs, germs, the weather, etc). The TRUTH is… there is a problem or weakness inside the body that is causing it to react in an abnormal manner when challenged. When our body behaves this way we should immediately ask ourselves “WHY is my body doing this, what is the weakness or imbalance, and what do I need to do to fix it?” If we don’t learn to focus on the cause, the weakness, it will surely get worse with time. And, perhaps lead to a larger state of illness in the future.
There is always a reason for our body to manifest a symptom and it is NEVER the result of too little Tylenol, Lipitor, Prozac or Benadryl in the diet. It is incredibly empowering to understand that health and disease is primarily an internal event brought about by our very own lifestyle choices.
Long ago a Doctor told me to make up my mind... to take control of my body and be proactive or give up control and be reactive. I am forever grateful for that man’s advice.
Since that time I have stopped blaming external circumstances for being sick and relying on external factors to make me healthy again. From that day on I have been the steward of my own health, on a journey to find and foster health from the inside-out.
The care we provide, the newsletters we write, and the seminars we conduct are all done with one PURPOSE in mind – to point others in a more positive direction. We want people to realize, sooner rather than later, what it is like to be INDEPENDENTLY HEALTHY.
We know that if we can help someone change the way they think about symptoms, their body and their health – then we can drastically change that person’s life forever!
It is with this great purpose in mind that I ask for your help in getting this message to other members of our community. One way you can do this is to forward this newsletter to friends, family and co-workers. Another way is to tell people what you are learning in this office in regard to health and disease – tell everyone!
I truly believe that every person in our office is moving closer and closer to taking control of their health and their body, and knowing what it is like to be INDEPENDENTLY HEALTHY. By changing the way you think about your body you are committing to a better you, and a better future for your family!
Yours in Health and ON PURPOSE,
Dr. Craig Burns
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Who Is the Colorado Wellness Foundation
What exactly is the Colorado Wellness Foundation (CWF) you may ask? This is a group of top-notch healthcare professionals dedicated to educating our communities about health and wellness. Members of the CWF pledge to speak a number of times per year in our communities, at no charge, for the sole purpose of educating those around us.
The Colorado Wellness Foundation’s success has always depended on help from the communities that we serve. Members receive ideas for speaking and teaching engagements from their respective patient families.
It is a true win-win situation; our community helps us create a stronger community!
So how can you get involved?
Now that you know about the “Big Idea” the next logical step is to share that knowledge. Next week will be your chance to help to find audiences in our community to hear from the Colorado Wellness Foundation. We will roll out the details next week… in the mean-time thank you in advance for your willingness to make our community a better place by sharing the “Big Idea”!
More to come next week…
Yours in abundant health,
Dr. Judd
Read Page 1 of this newsletter: CLICK HERE...So What Is the "BIG IDEA"?
P.S. Don’t forget to visit and watch the short video entitled the Big Idea. This video will only be up till the end of July!
… Go watch it now, don’t wait any longer!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Health Literacy Leads To A Longer Life
Higher health literacy is directly correlated with a longer life, according to a new study published in Archives of Internal Medicine. A health literacy level would refer to a person’s knowledge base of health and disease, including their ability to read and understand health information.
The researchers speculated that people with poor health literacy may be more likely to die not only because they are more likely to become sick, but because they also have a harder time managing illness when it arises.
So, what does this mean to you? Basically, your ability to be proactive (think and act for yourself) about health and disease can greatly impact how long you live!
In regard to increasing your ability to better care for yourself, here are some things to work on:
- Find places where you can get credible health awareness information on a regular basis.
- Find people you can share ideas and thoughts with, and receive advice and counsel.
- Develop a deeper appreciation and understanding for the needs of your own body.
- Observe the health habits of people you admire and emulate them.
I know that many of you inherently want to know more, do more, and be more… when it comes to your health, and how your body feels and functions on a daily basis. I also know how hard it is when you don’t know where to start, who to turn to, who to trust, etc. Even though it may be a difficult task to undertake, you must come to terms with something very important…you are responsible for your own health!
Too many people nowadays think that they can neglect their health (examples = no chiropractic, poor diet, minimal exercise), and when things get tough a Doctor will come to the rescue and fix them. This line of thinking is not only irresponsible, but it’s also quite costly. When I say costly I am referring to the medical bills and prescription medications that unhealthy people must pay for because they neglected their health for way too long. But, more importantly I am also referring to the cost of life that is lost.
The cost of life that is lost refers to all the things that compromised health prevents a person from being able to do and experience. Examples of life that is lost might include refraining from social activities or hobbies, inability to travel and get outside, time lost with children / grandchildren / great-grandchildren, or perhaps time lost with a spouse, etc. Can you put a price on any of these things? Of course not! But, this is the cost that is paid when one does not INVEST time and energy in maintaining health and preventing disease. If you are not engaged in the process of taking control of your health and increasing your health literacy- start now!
At Maximized Health Chiropractic we go to great lengths to empower every patient with a higher level of health literacy, and motivate you to avoid the heavy cost(s) associated with compromised health.
Speak up and educate others,
Read More..."Hey, What's the "Big Idea"?" CLICK HERE
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Pet Allergies: Is There A Cure?
How Do Most Pet Allergies Work?
Pet allergies typically occur when your immune system overreacts to certain animal proteins contained in the urine or saliva. This reaction can trigger inflammation in the lining of the nasal passages (allergic rhinitis), causing sneezing, runny nose and other signs and symptoms usually associated with hay fever. For some people, a pet allergy may be the primary cause of inflammation and contraction of airways of the lungs (asthma), resulting in wheezing, shortness of breath and other breathing difficulties.
What is the Research Telling Us?
New research from the U.S. National Institutes of Health shows that cats are the single biggest trigger for asthma, causing reactions in 29.3% of asthmatics. A Swedish study, meantime, found 40% of kids with asthma reacted to cats, 34% to dogs, and 28% to horses. For the kids who got runny noses and itchy eyes, 49% reacted to cats, 33% to dogs, and 37% to horses.Dr. Jeffrey Davidson, an allergist in San Francisco and a clinical professor at the University of California San Francisco, says it’s fair to expect that as the incidence of allergic disease grows, so does the number of people reacting to animals. And while cat allergies are by far the most prevalent, people can be sensitized (allergic) to any animals with feathers and fur, including dogs, guinea pigs, mice, birds, and ferrets.
What is Considered Traditional Treatment?
The traditional solution to pet allergies is to avoid contact with cats or dogs. Keep the pets out of the house, and avoid visiting people with pets. Avoiding cats and dogs may seem easy, but in reality, avoiding all people who have a cat or a dog makes an avoidance strategy nearly impossible.
You'd be surprised to know how many people, with non-life-threatening allergies, live with pets despite having allergies to them! However, in many cases the situation is much worse: people are forced to live on medications that help manage their symptoms, or worse yet, are forced to get rid of their beloved pet forever.
For many of us our pets are like our children and we cannot imagine a life without them. So what should we do in a case where our “furry” children make us miserable? Perhaps, it is time to find a better way to understand and treat these symptoms?
Is There a Better Solution to Pet Allergies?
Yes, a new solution is emerging, and boy is it long overdue!
There is a group of trusted and well respected health care practitioners that have a new and improved way of looking at, and addressing pet allergies. A BioVeda Health and Wellness Practitioner is a type of health care provider that is equipped to offer real, long lasting relief.
A BioVeda Wellness Practitioner is focused on the #1 factor missing in most other forms of treatment for pet allergies:
- Instead of trying to control the symptoms, the concern is trying to control the cause of the symptoms, the over active immune system or hypersensitive stress response.
Does this sound like a more logical, more direct approach to treating the patient and not just the symptom? You bet it does.
As a BioVeda Wellness Practitioner, we are seeing success where other treatments have failed. To their surprise, the patients we are treating are astounded by what we are doing for them, and so thankful it brings many to tears. Now, that’s real health care!
Where Can I Learn More?
To learn more about the BioVeda Wellness approach to eliminating allergy symptoms, visit our website at If you want to experience “real health care” call or speak with any member of our staff to learn more about how to schedule your consultation and assessment.
Read the 1st Page of This Newsletter HERE: "6 Ways to Avoid Medically Induced Bankruptcy"
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Gluten Sensitivity: Treatment, Avoidance or Both?
Important information:
- Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, buckwheat and oats.
- Gluten hypersensitivity is made worse by the increasing consumption rate of grains, breads, cereals, pastas, corn, rice and potatoes.
- The inability to properly metabolize this protein, which often leads to a vast array of symptoms, is called celiac disease.
- This condition is commonly misdiagnosed as (IBS) irritable bowel syndrome or lactose intolerance.
- Common symptoms of gluten sensitivity include but are not limited to diarrhea, gas, bloating, reflux and constipation.
- Misdiagnosis and mistreatment is so common, it has been reported that gluten insensitivity can go for an average of 11 years before properly diagnosed.
- Ten years ago it was estimated that this problem affected 1 in 10,000. A 2004 report estimates that number to be a staggering 1 in 133.
- Atypical symptoms can include problems with skin, brain function, energy levels, fertility, depression, weight loss or gain, osteoporosis, and various organs and glands. (Most physicians don’t know this!)
- Gluten can be hidden in many foods including soups, soy sauce, candies, cold cuts, and various low- and no-fat products so you will need to be sure to check the labels before you eat it. Also watch out for malt, starches, hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP), texturized vegetable protein (TVP) and natural flavoring. Some pharmaceuticals, vinegars and alcohol can also contain gluten.
Let’s think it through…
When a person, with said hypersensitivity, eats gluten the immune system triggers an autoimmune reaction. This reaction inevitably damages healthy tissue in the process, specifically the villi of the small intestine. The villi are small hair like projections responsible for nutrient absorption: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and even water in some cases. Can you imagine not being able to absorb all of the nutrients you put into your body? This is a harsh reality for many people. It may even be a health problem for you, and you don’t even know it.
If we want to fix the problem and strengthen the body, wouldn’t it make sense to do something to address the cause(s), i.e. the exaggerated immune system reaction? Of course it would! If we could normalize the immune system, even a little bit, by reducing stress within the system, would that strengthen the body internally and help reduce symptoms naturally? Again, of course it would.
I know that mainstream medicine does not acknowledge this line of thinking as valid, but that’s not important. What is important is what YOU think is valid, logical, and in the end - a better course of action.
In many cases an avoidance strategy may be necessary, especially when you consider that the average diet is completely overloaded with grains already. In many cases, too much is just too much. So, it just makes sense to reduce and or eliminate gluten for a healthier lifestyle. But, consider the possibility that another issue needs to be addressed. That issue being an overly sensitive immune system, i.e. a weakness in the body. There are ways to address these weaknesses. If you or someone you know has a problem with gluten I suggest doing some research on what a BioVeda Health and Wellness Practitioner can offer. You can do more research by going to
Stay tuned for Part 2: "Insights into Gluten and You"
Speak up and educate others,
Dr. Craig Burns
Read the 1st page of this newsletter HERE - "Over 2000 in Colorado, How Do You Choose?"
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
You Are Unconquerable...If You Choose To Be!
What can we learn from Nelson Mandela's sotry? We have the potential to be the master of our fate. We have been talking a lot lately about the fact that our choices determine the course of our lives and health. You can in fact change your genetic expression simply by choosing to live a healthy lifestyle. Simple things like eating more fruits and vegetables, drinking more clean pure water, and daily exercise will make dramatic changes in your life.
I hear all the time, "My parents had it so I am doomed into getting it too." Or, "I just have bad genes." This train of thought is just wrong! What would have happened to the people of South Africa if Mr. Mandela simply said, "I have been dealt a bad lot and there is nothing I can do about it"? Instead he found inspiration in a poem titled "Invictus" by William Earnest Henley that reminded him that no matter what the circumstances, he could remain unconquerable (by the way, invictus is Latin for unconquerable).
Below is the text for the poem:
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but hte Horror of the shade,
And yet the menance of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
You are unconquerable!!
Yours in Abundant Health,
Dr. Judd
Read the 1st Page of this newsletter HERE "Allergic to Amino Acids, and Don't Even Know It?"
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Medical Doctors’ Thoughts About Chiropractic
“Drugs never cure disease. They merely hush the voice of nature’s protest, and pull down the danger signals she erects along the pathway of transgression. Any poison taken into the system has to be reckoned with later on even though it palliates present symptoms. Pain may disappear, but the patient is left in a worse condition, though unconscious of it at the time.”
I know many people today still consider medicine to be mainstream, and chiropractic to be an alternative form of healthcare. I would challenge you to consider how this perception came to be, and whether it is truly accurate or not. Consider the word healthcare… do you honestly think that medicine(s) are the ultimate source of health and healing power? I would strongly answer NO and argue that the chiropractic profession, and especially this chiropractic office, strives to TEACH and TREAT the cause of illness and not merely focus on symptoms. Therefore, I would argue that our approach is a no-alternative approach to healthcare. Meaning everyone needs to care for the health of their spine, nerve system and immune system as if it were top priority. Everything after that should be considered secondary or alternative, and that would include drug therapy and surgery. The people around us at work and at home need to be taught that Chiropractic should be the first option when it comes to healthcare, and not last resort. After all, what is the alternative to maintaining your health naturally?
“Look well to the spine for the cause of disease.”
Speak Up and Educate Others,
Dr. Craig Burns
Read Page 1 of this Newsletter HERE "Your Lifestyle Legacy & The Butterfly Effect"
Monday, April 26, 2010
Can Chiropractic Supercharge Genetic Expression?
There is a growing body of evidence that wellness care provided by doctors of chiropractic may reduce health care costs, improve health behaviors, and enhance patient perceived quality of life. Until recently, however, little was known about how chiropractic adjustments affected the chemistry of biological processes on a cellular level. In a landmark study published this week in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation, chiropractors collaborating with researchers at the University of Lund found that chiropractic care could influence basic physiological processes affecting oxidative stress and DNA repair. These findings offer a scientific explanation for the positive health benefits reported by patients receiving chiropractic care. The researchers measured serum thiol levels in 21 patients under short-term chiropractic care and 25 patients under long-term chiropractic care. The results were compared to those of a non-chiropractic treated control group of 30 subjects. Long-term chiropractic care of two or more years was shown to re-establish a normal physiological state independent of age, sex, or nutritional supplements. Symptom-free or primary wellness subjects under chiropractic care demonstrated higher mean serum thiol levels than patients with active disease, and produced some values that were higher than normal wellness values. Serum thiols are primary antioxidants, and serve as a measure of human health status. The test provides a surrogate estimate of DNA repair enzyme activity, which has been shown to correlate with lifespan and aging. Dr. Christopher Kent, one of the authors explained, "Going through life, we experience physical, chemical, and emotional stress. These stresses affect the function of the nervous system. We hypothesized that these disturbances in nerve function could affect oxidative stress and DNA repair on a cellular level." "Oxidative stress, metabolically generating free radicals, is now a broadly accepted theory of how we age and develop disease," Kent continued. "Oxidative stress results in DNA damage, and inhibits DNA repair. DNA repair is the mechanism which fixes the damage caused by environmental impact." Chiropractors apply spinal adjustments to correct disturbances of nerve function. "Chiropractic care appears to improve the ability of the body to adapt to stress," continued Kent.
Dr. Craig’s Comments:
Do you really understand what this means for chiropractic and for you? For over 100 years we have stated that removing stress from the spine, removes stress from the nervous system, and this improvement can affect health at the cellular level – even down to the genetic level. This is huge!
Many chiropractic patients are happy about their care on a symptomatic level, i.e. “my back feels much better”. That is just the tip of the iceberg. Understand that the Chiropractic Lifestyle has the power to change your life right down to the genetic level. The more stress-free your nervous system is (chemical, physical, emotional) the stronger and healthier your genetic expression. That is how the Chiropractic Lifestyle can supercharge your genetic expression. The result? The health and vitality you deserve. Spread the word!
At the Maximized Health Wellness Center, we promote a traditional, drug-free and non-invasive form of chiropractic as a means of correcting vertebral subluxations that cause nerve interference. In the end, our goal is to ensure that the nervous system is more stress-free and better able to express health in order to prevent disease.
Would you like to know more about why kids nowadays need chiropractic now, more than ever? Please ask any member of our team. We are happy to help!
Read Page 1 HERE "Innate Intelligence and Our Lifestyle Choices"
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Coming Cancer Explosion...
Globally, about 12.4 million people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer this year, and 7.6 million people will die. The global cancer burden doubled in the last 30 years of the 20th century, and it will likely double again between 2000 and 2020 and nearly triple by 2030.
By 2030, 26.4 million people a year may be diagnosed with cancer, with 17 million people dying from it. In men, lung cancer leads new cases and deaths, while among women; breast cancer leads new cases and deaths.
Of those 7.6 million people who will die of cancer this year, it has been estimated that up to 4 million could have been saved just through healthy lifestyle changes. For example, avoiding sugar and increasing your water intake.
So that would bring the number down to 3.6 million deaths each year. Want to bring that down even further; to 3, 2 or even less than a million, in just one more step? If vitamin D3 levels from sun exposure were increased among populations worldwide, doctors believe that well over two million cancers could be prevented, especially in regions far from the equator.
By now you probably realize that the dangers of sun exposure have been greatly exaggerated, and the benefits highly underestimated. Not only is sun exposure not the major reason people develop skin cancer, but it will actually lower your risks of developing 16 different types of cancer, including pancreatic, lung, breast, ovarian, prostate, and colon cancers.
Those million remaining deaths could be prevented through just a few more easy steps. More deaths could be prevented by using natural health care methods, like chiropractic and a nutritional cleansing/replenishing program, instead of relying on medications and other unnecessary chemicals.
It is quite possible that a significant percentage of cancer is simply caused by physical and chemical imbalance – not a lack of prescription and over-the-counter medications. You may find that making other lifestyle changes, like quitting smoking, is easier when the body is in balance physically and chemically.
Another good way to keep yourself from getting cancer is to make sure you regularly get a good night’s sleep. And, what about exercise? Over 200 studies have linked physical activities to cancer risk. There’s another big chunk of the 7.6 million deaths suddenly erased.
Do the steps outlined above sound impossible? I don’t think they do. Eat a healthy diet, exercise, get some sun, get a good night’s sleep each night, and keep your body physically aligned and chemically balanced. A “cure for cancer” isn’t impossible - it turns out, it’s mostly just common sense!
But right now, things are heading in exactly the wrong direction. Instead of trending down from 7.6 million to zero, the number of deaths could increase to 17 million in just two decades. Don’t let yourself, your children or loved ones be one of those millions of people. Take responsibility for your own health.
Get yourself and every member of your family, especially your children, involved in an office like ours… a holistic wellness center armed with the tools and techniques to build health and prevent disease. If you need help finding an office like ours in another state for a loved one – please ask us anytime – we are happy to help.
Read Page 1 Here: "Are You Addicted To Your Emotions?"
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
What is the Underlying Cause of Seasonal Allergies?
The substance association stress response is a neurological event that is orchestrated by the central nervous system, specifically the autonomic nervous system. To put it simply, it is a faulty wiring and timing issue within the body itself that if left uncorrected will always lead to the same outcome, i.e. symptoms and misery. To put it another way, it is an abnormal reflex response that the body has when it comes into contact with a particular chemical or substance.
Remember when you first touched something hot as a child and jerked your hand away? Probably not, but you do know the theory behind how your body learned to develop reflexes or habits that protect you. You also know that these reflexes eventually become unconscious and automatic. Well, interestingly enough, your body can acquire bad reflexes too. In short, the substance association stress response is a great example of an abnormal, unhealthy reflex.
What if you could break that reflex and establish a new one, a healthier reflex to trees, grass, and pollen – you name it! What if you could break the reflex that makes your body react to something that many other people do not react to? What if you could go from being “NOT OK” to being “OK” during seasonal changes like other people are? Would that be a better life, a more enjoyable life? You bet it would!!
What Should a Person With Seasonal Allergy and Asthma Symptoms Do?
In my opinion, nearly every allergy and asthma patient has 2 choices:
- To learn to live with their condition and rely on man made medications to manage symptoms, thus leaving the bodily dysfunction to worsen with time.
- Or, to learn more about their body, to improve it for the sake of their future well being and allow it to work as God designed it to.
Where Can I Learn More?
If you or someone you know has allergy or asthma symptoms, we may be able to help. For more information visit To attend a free Allergy Elimination Seminar on April 14th you can RSVP by calling the office at 303.462.4476.
Read Page 1: "Kaizen! Change Your Mind, Change Your Body"
Upcoming Seminars:
Mark your calendar - RSVP as soon as possible!
*Cleanse Detoxify Weight Loss Wednesday, April 21st 6:30pm
*Allergy Elimination Wednesday, April 14th at 6:30pm
*Kaizen Fitness Workshop Wednesday, April 28th at 6:30pm
Monday, March 22, 2010
The Kaizen Secret to Unlimited Success - Part 2
Nowadays, people are prone to setting lofty goals for change in their life. However, the majority of these big goals and lofty dreams are never realized. The mind is then conditioned to believe it is weak and incapable of creating big changes in life.
So, what’s the secret to changing your life for the better? The answer may be in the way your brain perceives change. Let’s refer back to the Japanese corporate world and its secret weapon for change - kaizen.
Kaizen can help us all rapidly and effectively accomplish the greatest and most important goals in our life. There are many dimensions to kaizen, but for the sake of increasing personal productivity, well being and success in life we will focus on its key element, which is making small, but consistent changes.
For most people, the brain is easily overwhelmed by the thought of big changes. For example, the typical fitness and weight loss goal: one day a person decides to stop eating all of this stuff, start eating all of that stuff, and tries to go from 0 - 100mph in regard to exercise. Demanding big changes in a short period of time is a recipe for failure. To say it another way, bite off more than your brain can chew and it will surely choke.
What is the net result? Things get put off till tomorrow, and the month after that, and the year after that. In the end we quit what we started or never even start in the first place. Life’s goals and dreams go unaccomplished and we are left with a life filled with regrets and what-if’s.
On the other hand, the brain is A-OK and actually enjoys small changes. Every day you unconsciously face small changes and they actually stimulate your brain. So, when it comes to important things in life like health and fitness why do we think big changes are the right course of action? Well, because many of us need to make big changes to get our life on track and our body in better shape. But, science and history say small changes toward a bigger goal is the Golden Ticket to creating change and consistent success.
Using kaizen to facilitate change in health and productivity is just one example. We should all learn to use kaizen in relation to life’s large scale goals and projects. We must learn to work with our brain, not against it, by employing the kaizen method to our advantage. With kaizen, less is more and smaller is better.
By breaking down our goals and dreams into smaller events, and then only focusing on the achievement of one small event after another, we will inevitably be surprised at what we can accomplish.
Our goal for every member of our office is a way of living that is both rewarding and limitless. We know this can only be accomplished with kaizen, continuous change for the better. Our care plans, newsletters, seminars and workshops are designed with this goal in mind. Take full advantage of ALL of them. The timing is right for you to create a better life - right here, right now – one small step at a time.
Read the 1st part of this newsletter by clicking HERE!
Speak Up and Educate Others,
Dr. Craig Burns
- Cleanse, Detoxify, Weight Loss Seminar: March 24th
- Eliminating Allergies and Asthma Seminar: April 7th
- Kaizen Fitness Seminar: April 28th
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Surveys Indicate that 99% of Americans…
Wellness can be described as the full living of a healthy life at all levels: physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually and spiritually, as these dimensions of ourselves interact synergistically. You'll need to develop a road map that provides the vision and direction to successfully navigate this domain while finding joy in the journey.
Personal wellness planning provides a powerful individualized method that helps us transform the quality of our lives and achieve optimal wellness. Dimensions of wellness that you may incorporate in a personal wellness plan include: spinal and neurobiological balance, physical fitness, optimal nutrition, intellectual development, emotional and social wellness and spirituality. Goals set in each dimension should be simple, clear and measurable.
To help illustrate this for you, I will share my personal wellness plan below (my escape plan from the “sick care” system):
My Personal Wellness Plan
For a fit, 34-year-old, very active American male chiropractor and wellness fanatic, who teaches health empowerment.
Purpose: To empower myself in wellness so that, by the grace of God, I can serve others to a higher level of healthy living.
Chiropractic/Neurobiological Balance: I get checked for spinal and structural alignment/balance weekly; get adjusted as needed. Perform my stretching daily for my spine and traction when necessary.
Exercise Activity: I average 30-60 minute workouts, 6-7 days per week. I incorporate strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination/integration activities. My specific activities include running up to 15 miles per week and/or using other cardio-machines, free-weight and machine resistant training and stretching exercises. I work core musculature (abs, back, glutes, thighs) intensively at least three times per week. Because I have a physically demanding job and plenty of people that rely of my level of physical fitness, I am dedicated to maintaining my body.
Diet: I try to make healthy choices daily. I keep healthy and fresh food available around the home and office, and discard foods that tempt me when I'm low on energy. Usually, my daily diet includes fruit in the morning, fresh vegetables in salad or steamed with lean meat for lunches and dinners. I also ensure that I take in one to one-and-a-half liters of pure water per day. I also take high quality supplements rich in Anti-oxidants and especially omega-3 Fatty acids. I keep low quantities of starches, such as rice, pasta and rarely eat bread and potatoes.
Rest: I try to average 7-8 hours of sleep per day. Some days I get 6 hours and others I get 9 for balance. I go to bed early. Since the mind is programmed in the early morning and late evening, I read great things during that time. I also avoid the news which is mostly negative and is what people do first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
Intellectual Development: I explore new possibilities relative to health promotion ad self-improvement by reading newsletters, texts and journals or listening to thought provoking speakers and authors. Even with a busy day, I am able to incorporate about 20-60 minutes of reading and conducting research related to Chiropractic, wellness and health promotion.
Family: I affirm, love, honor and pray for my family members daily. I'll spend at least 1-3 hours of quality, one-on-one time with my wife daily.
Spirituality: I dedicate about 20-30 minutes toward my spiritual inspiration daily often times while getting ready for the day. I give thanks daily for the abundance that we have in this life. I live my purpose daily, helping others to achieve better health so that they can serve their life mission with better energy.
Try making a trial plan which fits you, uniquely. Go for it! Capture your own imagination, and then make it real. If you have any questions about wellness planning, e-mail me at
Speak Up and Educate Others,
Dr. Craig Burns
Read the 1st Page: " Will You Escape the Sick Care System?"
Monday, March 8, 2010
Health, Healing and Insurance for Life?
This same sensory and motor pathway to and from body to brain, and brain to body occurs billions of time a day throughout our bodies. In fact, even without injuries, body cells are constantly replacing themselves relative to the stress we place on them in our lives. This is why a callous forms after a blister, a tennis player’s forearm gets bigger, a marathon runner’s body becomes lighter or a sumo wrestler’s body becomes heavier. Within a wide choice of genetic options our life choices allow us to shape ourselves into the perfect healing being of our dreams.
For instance, people live with pinched nerves and don’t know it. Like a “silent killer” the compromised nerves continue to prevent the flow of life giving impulses from the brain to their destination body part. This is where Chiropractic maintenance is so important. The skills of a chiropractor can detect a pinched nerve even if the patient does not feel any symptoms. Through x-ray, leg length, postural evaluation, palpation etc. we correct these silent killers to allow the motor part of the nerve to function again. When the motor function of the nerve is restored then the innate intelligence which runs and governs our body is again restored. The “Wisdom from Within” as described in the textbook Gray’s Anatomy can again do its job and that is to heal.
Do yourself a huge favor and have your spine checked regularly, symptom or no symptom. Chiropractic is your best health insurance for life. When was the last time you’ve been in? Get going and allow your body to work, even if you may not feel pain or symptoms.
Weighing the Costs of Health Care $$$
Sometimes people need to see what declining health can cost them in order to decide to start taking better care of their body and their health. Hopefully, these statistics will help you do just that!
- American Medical costs after developing Heart Disease: over $500,000
- Medical costs after developing Cancer: over $300,000
- Medical costs after developing Diabetes: over $250,000
- Medical costs after developing High Blood Pressure: over $25,000
- The cost of spinal surgery to repair a long standing problem: $25, 000 – $105,000
- The cost of a bottle of Tylenol that destroys your kidneys, liver, and stomach: $6.99 for the bottle and $169,000 for the treatment required to repair damaged and destroyed organs.
What you get long term for your money on all of the above: The most expensive thing of all: Reduced quality of life and a shortened life span!
The cost of a proactive, natural health care program that improves bodily function, eliminates the cause of pain, and restores health: PRICELESS!
Speak Up and Educate Others,
Dr. Craig Burns
Read the 1st page of this newsletter "The Windsor Autopsy Studies" HERE
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
What's the Deal with GMO Foods?
GMOs may be the greatest health disaster in the American diet. Within 9 years of their introduction in 1996, multiple chronic illnesses jumped from 7% to 13% of the population, food allergies doubled in less time, and many other ailments have been on the rise. Millions may already be suffering health problems caused by genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in their diet. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has urged doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients, and cites animal studies that show how GMOs cause disorders such as vital organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system problems, accelerated aging, infertility, and dysfunctional regulation of insulin and cholesterol.
GMO foods can be:
- Allergenic (contribute to food allergies)
- Toxic (possibly cause damage to your immune system)
- Carcinogenic (cause cancer)
- Anti-nutritional (create a nutritional deficit)
Despite claims by giant GMO manufacturers like Monsanto that genetically modified foods are no less healthy than non-GM foods, the research says otherwise.
The U.S. Is Behind the Curve in Rejecting GM Foods?
People around the world have joined forces to refuse GM foods and crops because of the dangers they present to your health and the future of your food supply. Europe, for example, eliminated GMOs from their food supply 10 years ago. In the United States, however, many of you are still not even aware you’re eating GM foods every day. That’s because an estimated 75% of foods in U.S. grocery stores contain GM ingredients. About 7 out of every 10 items in the average grocery cart have been genetically modified.
What can I do about GM Foods?
Examine produce stickers on the fruits and vegetables you buy. The PLU code for conventionally grown fruit consists of four numbers; organically grown fruit has five numbers prefaced by the number nine; and GM fruit has five numbers prefaced by the number eight.
Buy organic produce as often as you can. By definition, food that is certified organic must be free from all GM organisms. Stay away from processed foods. Most of these contain corn and soy products.
Additional Research: keyword search – “GMO corn dangers” or visit
Speak Up and Educate Others,
"How Much is your Body Really Worth?" - Click HERE to find out
Monday, February 22, 2010
Health Facts That Should Make You Go Hmm?
- Spinal stiffness was linked to visceral pathology with nearly 100% accuracy based upon sympathetic innervation. (Medical Times, 1921)
- 1,000 capsules of Tylenol in a lifetime doubles the risk of end stage renal disease. (New England Journal of Medicine, 1994)
- The average time for a whiplash-injured patient to achieve maximum improvement is 7 months 1 week. (Spine, 1994)
- 93% of patients with chronic whiplash pain who have failed medical and physical therapy care improve with chiropractic adjustments. (Injury, 1996)
- Taking the correct drug for the correct diagnoses in the correct dose will kill about 106,000 Americans per year, making it the 4th most common cause of death in the US. (Journal of the American Medical Association, 1998)
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for rheumatoid and/or osteoarthritis conservatively cause 16,500 Americans to bleed to death each year, making that the 15th most common cause of death in the US. (New England Journal of Medicine, 1999)
- Glutamate and aspartame can cause chronic pain sensitization, and removing them from the diet for 4 consecutive months can eliminate all chronic pain symptoms. (Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 2002)
- Chiropractic spinal adjusting has been shown to be over 5 times more effective than the NSAIDs pain drugs Celebrex and Vioxx in the treatment of chronic neck and low back pain. (Spine, 2003)
- In patients suffering from chronic pain subsequent to degenerative spinal disease, 59% can eliminate the need for pain drugs by consuming adequate levels of omega-3 essential fatty acids. (Surgical Neurology, 2006)
- Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to significantly lower blood pressure. (Journal of Human Hypertension, 2007)
- The estimated incidence of chronic pain from whiplash trauma is 15-40%. (Jour of the Am Academy of Ortho Surg, 2007)
- Meniere’s Disease has been linked to a disorder of the upper cervical spine facet joints. (International Tinnitus Jour, 2007)
- Supplementing with vitamin D3 has the potential to reduce cancer deaths in America by 75%. (Ann of Epidemiology, 2009)
- Potentially, the largest exposure of Americans to the neurotoxin mercury is through the consumption of products containing High Fructose Corn Syrup. (Environmental Health, 2009)
- Those who consumed the highest amounts of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain drugs increased their risk of dementia, including Alzheimer’s dementia, by 66%. (Neurology, 2009)
- The newest estimate for the incidence of autism is 1 in 91 US children. (Pediatrics, 2009)
Speak Up and Educate Others,
Read Page 1 of this newsletter HERE: "Protein: Are You Getting Enough?"
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Why You May Need to Eat More Protein
About 90% of all the individuals I’ve ever consulted with have been eating less protein than they need for optimal health and ideal results. Now, there are a number of reasons why I recommend a boost in protein intake in most patients and clients so I’d like to outline them for you.
Reason #1 Increased Thermic Effect of Feeding — While all macronutrients require metabolic processing for digestion, absorption, and storage or oxidation, the thermic effect of protein is significantly higher than that of carbohydrates and fat. In fact, protein requires 25-30% of the energy it provides just for digestion, absorption, and assimilation while carbs only require 6-8% and fat requires 2-3%. That means that eating protein is actually thermogenic and can lead to a higher metabolic rate. This means greater fat loss when dieting and less fat gain during hypercaloric diets.
Reason #2 Increased Glucagon — Protein consumption increases plasma concentrations of the hormone glucagon. Glucagon is responsible for antagonizing the effects of insulin in adipose tissue, leading to greater fat mobilization. In addition, glucagon also decreases the amounts and activities of the enzymes responsible for making and storing fat in adipose and liver cells. Again, this leads to greater fat loss during dieting and less fat gain during overfeeding.
Reason #3 Increased IGF-1 — Protein and amino-acid supplementation has been shown to increase the IGF-1 response to both exercise and feeding. Since IGF-1 is an anabolic hormone that’s related to muscle growth, another advantage associated with consuming more protein is more muscle growth when overfeeding and/or muscle sparing when dieting.
Reason #4 Reduction in Cardiovascular Risk — Several studies have shown that increasing the percentage of protein in the diet (from 11% to 23%) while decreasing the percentage of carbohydrate (from 63% to 48%) lowers LDL cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations with concomitant increases in HDL cholesterol concentrations.
Reason #5 Improved Weight-Loss Profile — Research from Layman and colleagues has demonstrated that reducing the carbohydrate to protein ratio from 3.5–1 to 1.4–1 increases body fat loss, spares muscle mass, reduces triglyceride concentrations, improves satiety, and improves blood glucose management.
Reason #6 Increased Protein Turnover — All tissues of the body, including muscle, go through a regular program of turnover. Since the balance between protein breakdown and protein synthesis governs muscle protein turnover, you need to increase your protein turnover rates in order to best improve your muscle quality. A high protein diet does just this. By increasing both protein synthesis and protein breakdown, a high protein diet helps you get rid of the old muscle more quickly and build up new, more functional muscle to take its place.
Reason #7 Increased Nitrogen Status — A positive nitrogen status means that more protein is entering the body than is leaving the body. High protein diets cause a strong positive protein status and when this increased protein availability is coupled with an exercise program that increases the body’s anabolic efficiency, the growth process may be accelerated.
Reason #8 Increased Provision of Auxiliary Nutrients — although the benefits mentioned above have related specifically to protein and amino acids, it’s important to recognize that we don’t just eat protein and amino acids — we eat food. Therefore, high protein diets often provide auxiliary nutrients that could enhance performance and/or muscle growth. These nutrients include creatine, branched chain amino acids, conjugated linoleic acids, and/or additional nutrients that are important but remain to be discovered. This illustrates the need to get most of your protein from food, rather than supplements alone.
More to come next week on protein intake… stay tuned…Looking over this list of benefits, it’s clear that for many individuals, an increase in protein intake would be advantageous for most people’s health and fitness goals? Since a high protein diet can lead to a better health profile, an increased metabolism, and improved body composition – it’s time to start asking: how much protein do I really need?
MORE to come next week on protein intake...stay tuned...
Speak Up and Educate Others,
Dr. Craig Burns
Read the 1st Page of this newsletter here : Did You Hear The News?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
What is it like living with Asthma?
-At the age of 30, I contracted severe Asthma and came close to dying from an asthma attack in 1995 when a near fatal asthma attack put me into full respiratory and cardiac arrest!!
-I was diagnosed with "adult onset asthma". For more than 15 years, my regimen included 3 different inhalers, steroid injections every 6 weeks and at the end I was taking 20 mg of prednisone twice a day just to breathe. I was using my rescue inhaler 10 times a day. Through the years I tried all the inhaled steroids, Uni-phil, Advair... the whole line up. My doctor had me on almost $600 worth of meds every month. Even so my asthma got worse every year.
-If you could rate Asthma from 1-10, I had it the worst and would categorize myself as a 10. My asthma didn’t start until I turned 30. After having at least a half dozen doctors tell me that I would have this condition the rest of my life, I resigned myself to trying to keep it under control. Numerous trips to the hospital emergency room where doctors tried to keep my airways from totally shutting down wore me out. I tried most of the things the doctors suggested but the condition never improved and the asthma was constantly out of control. During this period, I remember seeing a video documentary on public television about several people hiking the Appalachian Trail. I was a little sad thinking I would never be able to try anything like that again in my life.
-I was diagnosed with asthma around the age of 5 or 6. My early memories of asthma revolve around not being able to run as much as my friends, and worst of all not being able to horse-back ride without having an attack. There was also the constant threat of my pets being taken away because most of the doctors highly recommended that. At the time of my diagnosis, I was put on various oral medications that left me feeling either sleepy or jittery. Later on, an inhaler was added to my medical regime, but all of these medicines still left me extremely jittery. They did not seem to help much -- there were many times that we had to go to the emergency room for epinephrine injections during a severe attack. The worst period was when I was 11 to 13 years old. During one severe attack, I was actually afraid I might die.
Dr. Judd’s Comments:
Most of us take breathing for and out smoothly about 1500 times per day. But for someone suffering from asthma symptoms, life is totally different. I am shocked how many people have similar stories as the ones above. Asthma doesn’t just slow them down; it alters the course of their life! All of this suffering is unnecessary. Be sure to join us on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 6:30PM to explore the possibilities of a safe, effective, and affordable treatment for asthma symptoms using the BAX 3000! The time has come to regain control of your life!
Yours in Maximized Health,
Read the 1st page of this newsletter, click here:"2010 Can Be Your Best Year Yet!!"
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Top 7 Food Allergies in Children (And Most Adults, Too!)
1. Milk
Allergy to cow’s milk is common in children, affecting about 2.5 percent of all infants. These children tend to also react to other milks, such as goat and sheep milk. The allergy is usually directed against one or both major milk proteins, casein and whey. The sugar in milk, lactose, does not cause allergy, but can cause food intolerance.Being allergic to milk is a risk factor for developing other food allergies, as well as nasal allergies. Up to 10% of cow's milk allergic children will be allergic to beef.
2. Egg
Allergy to egg is the most common food allergy in children, affecting about 2.5 percent of young children. Children may be allergic to the white, yolk, or both. Many will outgrow the egg allergy by age 5, although these children are at increased risk of developing nasal allergies and asthma.
3. Soy
Soy is a legume, and related to peanut, although cross-reactivity rarely exists between the two. Allergy to soy affects approximately 0.3 percent of children, is usually outgrown at a young age, and rarely causes life-threatening reactions. Because soy is a common food allergy, and can occur in children also allergic to milk, infant formulas using hydrolyzed proteins are preferred in infants allergic to cow’s milk.
4. Wheat
Children and adults can experience a variety of immunologic reactions to wheat protein, only some of which are allergic. Wheat allergy is commonly outgrown at an early age, and it is rare for children with wheat allergy to be clinically allergic to other cereal grains (such as rice, oat and barley), although skin testing to these other grains may be positive. 5. PeanutAllergy to peanut occurs in approximately 0.6 percent of all people, and tends to cause a severe form of food allergy. Peanut allergy can be associated with life-threatening allergic reactions, particularly in children with asthma. Only about 20 percent of children outgrow peanut allergy, making it the most common food allergy seen in adults.
6. Tree Nut
Tree nut allergy occurs in approximately 0.5 percent of all people, tends to be severe and is less likely to be outgrown. There is a high likelihood that if a child is allergic to one type of tree nut, he or she will be allergic to another type of tree nut. While tree nuts and peanuts are unrelated foods, cross-contamination is a concern, so some experts recommend a complete “nut free” diet in children with either peanut or tree nut allergy.
7. Seafood
Allergy to seafood includes both fish and shellfish. While fish and shellfish are not related foods, these foods are usually found in the same place (restaurants). Reactions to seafood can be severe and potentially life-threatening. Allergy to either of these foods is less likely to be outgrown, and therefore is commonly seen in adults. Since patients with allergy to one shellfish are at a high risk of being allergic to other shellfish, complete avoidance of this category of foods is advised. The same is true for allergy to fish; however, exceptions exist for both.
Dr. Judd’s Comments:
These are the “biggies” when it comes to allergies in children and most adults. If you looked at this list and said, “Those ingredients are in everything!”, you are right. That means we have two options, avoid all of these things for our whole lives or take steps to make our body OK with the foods on this list. The BAX 3000 technology trains the nervous system to not overreact to these substances thus preventing allergy symptoms (rashes, gas, bloating, etc.) Isn’t it time to take control of your life? Learn more at and then experience the change for yourself!
Yours in abundant health,
Dr. Judd Wattenbarger
PLEASE click here to READ "Allergic Asthma, A Family's Story"
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Do Drug Companies Have the Answer for Asthma & Allergy Sufferers?
Drugs Approved in 2008
Alvesco (ciclesonide); Nycomed; For the maintenance treatment of asthma as prophylactic therapy in adults and adolescents, Approved January 2008
Patanase (olopatadine hydrochloride); Alcon; For the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis, Approved April 2008
Drugs Approved in 2007
Xyzal (levocetirizine dihydrochloride); UCB; For the treatment of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis and urticaria, Approved May 2007
Drugs Approved in 2003
Xolair (omalizumab); Genentech; For the treatment of asthma, Approved June 2003
Drugs Approved in 2002
Clarinex; Schering-Plough; Once-daily oral tablet for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and chronic ideopathic urticaria, Approved February 2002
Qvar (beclomethasone dipropionate); Ivax; For the treatment of asthma, Approved May 2002
Drugs Approved in 2001
Foradil Aerolizer (formoterol fumarate inhalation powder); Novartis; Bronchodilator for COPD, asthma and bronchospasm, Approved February 2001 (asthma, bronchospasm); September 2001 (COPD)
NasalCrom Nasal Spray; Pharmacia; Over-the-counter nasal spray for treatment of all nasal allergy symptoms, Approved April 2001
Tavist (clemastine fumarate); Novartis; Oral tablet for temporary relief of symptoms associated with hay fever, allergic rhinitis, and the common cold, Approved March 2001
Ventolin HFA (albuterol sulfate inhalation aerosol); GlaxoSmithKline; For the treatment or prevention of bronchospasm, Approved April 2001
Dr. Judd’s Comments:
Take a closer look at the list above. It seems that a number of these drugs are very similar and are designed to treat the same symptoms. This list accounts for hundreds of millions of dollars in research and development that pharmaceutical companies must recoup. Every few years they must come out with a new drug to keep the shareholders happy. Ever wonder why drugs are so expensive? Now you know. How about a better, less expensive, more effective treatment for asthma and allergies. Enter the BAX 3000 laser treatment. Treatment with the BAX 3000 is safe, effective and affordable. Join us for an informative seminar at the end of January or go to to learn more about a better option!
Towards abundant health,
Judd Wattenbarger, D.C.
Read the 1st page of this newsletter click here: " Can Asthma Really Be Caused By Allergies?"