Thursday, September 2, 2010

The “Scary Truth” About Getting Sick with Seasonal Changes

Ever wonder why so many people get sick when the seasons change? There is a “scary reason” for this and a very important lesson to be learned here…

Our body’s ability to adapt to seasonal change is a reflection of how stable our health profile really is. Therefore, monitoring how well a body adapts is a good measuring stick for how healthy a child or an adult is at that moment in their life. Unfortunately, we are not taught to think like this – but, we should be!

A healthy, well balanced body can adapt to changes in the environment. An unhealthy, unbalanced body can not! Signs i.e. symptoms of imbalance of an unhealthy body that can not adapt well to seasonal changes would be increased sinus problems, headaches, elevated joint pain and stiffness, fluctuating mood, frequent onset of cold and flu-like symptoms, decreased immune system activity, inflammatory responses, etc.

We are taught that the body reacts this way for external reasons (bugs, germs, the weather, etc). The TRUTH is… there is a problem or weakness inside the body that is causing it to react in an abnormal manner when challenged. When our body behaves this way we should immediately ask ourselves “WHY is my body doing this, what is the weakness or imbalance, and what do I need to do to fix it?” If we don’t learn to focus on the cause, the weakness, it will surely get worse with time. And, perhaps lead to a larger state of illness in the future.

There is always a reason for our body to manifest a symptom and it is NEVER the result of too little Tylenol, Lipitor, Prozac or Benadryl in the diet. It is incredibly empowering to understand that health and disease is primarily an internal event brought about by our very own lifestyle choices.

Long ago a Doctor told me to make up my mind... to take control of my body and be proactive or give up control and be reactive. I am forever grateful for that man’s advice.

Since that time I have stopped blaming external circumstances for being sick and relying on external factors to make me healthy again. From that day on I have been the steward of my own health, on a journey to find and foster health from the inside-out.

The care we provide, the newsletters we write, and the seminars we conduct are all done with one PURPOSE in mind – to point others in a more positive direction. We want people to realize, sooner rather than later, what it is like to be INDEPENDENTLY HEALTHY.

We know that if we can help someone change the way they think about symptoms, their body and their health – then we can drastically change that person’s life forever!

It is with this great purpose in mind that I ask for your help in getting this message to other members of our community. One way you can do this is to forward this newsletter to friends, family and co-workers. Another way is to tell people what you are learning in this office in regard to health and disease – tell everyone!

I truly believe that every person in our office is moving closer and closer to taking control of their health and their body, and knowing what it is like to be INDEPENDENTLY HEALTHY. By changing the way you think about your body you are committing to a better you, and a better future for your family!

Yours in Health and ON PURPOSE,
Dr. Craig Burns