Monday, March 8, 2010

Health, Healing and Insurance for Life?

Put it this way… your nervous system is a two way street. The brain tells the cells what to do then the cells report to the brain what has been done. In a typical healing process such as a skin abrasion, the ends of the nerves that are irritated by the abrasion send pain/damage signals to the brain. This is called the sensory path. Immediately after the brain receives this injury information, specific brain cells send electrical signals back down to the abrasion to create a perfect healing process. This pathway is called the motor pathway.

This same sensory and motor pathway to and from body to brain, and brain to body occurs billions of time a day throughout our bodies. In fact, even without injuries, body cells are constantly replacing themselves relative to the stress we place on them in our lives. This is why a callous forms after a blister, a tennis player’s forearm gets bigger, a marathon runner’s body becomes lighter or a sumo wrestler’s body becomes heavier. Within a wide choice of genetic options our life choices allow us to shape ourselves into the perfect healing being of our dreams.

For instance, people live with pinched nerves and don’t know it. Like a “silent killer” the compromised nerves continue to prevent the flow of life giving impulses from the brain to their destination body part. This is where Chiropractic maintenance is so important. The skills of a chiropractor can detect a pinched nerve even if the patient does not feel any symptoms. Through x-ray, leg length, postural evaluation, palpation etc. we correct these silent killers to allow the motor part of the nerve to function again. When the motor function of the nerve is restored then the innate intelligence which runs and governs our body is again restored. The “Wisdom from Within” as described in the textbook Gray’s Anatomy can again do its job and that is to heal.

Do yourself a huge favor and have your spine checked regularly, symptom or no symptom. Chiropractic is your best health insurance for life. When was the last time you’ve been in? Get going and allow your body to work, even if you may not feel pain or symptoms.

Weighing the Costs of Health Care $$$

Sometimes people need to see what declining health can cost them in order to decide to start taking better care of their body and their health. Hopefully, these statistics will help you do just that!

  • American Medical costs after developing Heart Disease: over $500,000
  • Medical costs after developing Cancer: over $300,000
  • Medical costs after developing Diabetes: over $250,000
  • Medical costs after developing High Blood Pressure: over $25,000
  • The cost of spinal surgery to repair a long standing problem: $25, 000 – $105,000
  • The cost of a bottle of Tylenol that destroys your kidneys, liver, and stomach: $6.99 for the bottle and $169,000 for the treatment required to repair damaged and destroyed organs.

What you get long term for your money on all of the above: The most expensive thing of all: Reduced quality of life and a shortened life span!

The cost of a proactive, natural health care program that improves bodily function, eliminates the cause of pain, and restores health: PRICELESS!

Speak Up and Educate Others,

Dr. Craig Burns

Read the 1st page of this newsletter "The Windsor Autopsy Studies" HERE