Monday, March 22, 2010

The Kaizen Secret to Unlimited Success - Part 2

How many big dreams and big goals have fallen to the way side because they seemed too lofty to accomplish, would take too much time to finish or just seemed too overwhelming? How many times have you said to yourself, “I’ll get to it later” or “Maybe someday” or “That’s just too much for me to handle right now”?

Nowadays, people are prone to setting lofty goals for change in their life. However, the majority of these big goals and lofty dreams are never realized. The mind is then conditioned to believe it is weak and incapable of creating big changes in life.

So, what’s the secret to changing your life for the better? The answer may be in the way your brain perceives change. Let’s refer back to the Japanese corporate world and its secret weapon for change - kaizen.

Kaizen can help us all rapidly and effectively accomplish the greatest and most important goals in our life. There are many dimensions to kaizen, but for the sake of increasing personal productivity, well being and success in life we will focus on its key element,
which is making small, but consistent changes.

For most people, the brain is easily overwhelmed by the thought of big changes. For example, the typical fitness and weight loss goal: one day a person decides to stop eating all of this stuff, start eating all of that stuff, and tries to go from 0 - 100mph in regard to exercise. Demanding big changes in a short period of time is a recipe for failure. To say it another way, bite off more than your brain can chew and it will surely choke.

What is the net result? Things get put off till tomorrow, and the month after that, and the year after that. In the end we quit what we started or never even start in the first place. Life’s goals and dreams go unaccomplished and we are left with a life filled with regrets and what-if’s.

On the other hand, the brain is A-OK and actually enjoys small changes. Every day you unconsciously face small changes and they actually stimulate your brain. So, when it comes to important things in life like health and fitness why do we think big changes are the right course of action? Well, because many of us need to make big changes to get our life on track and our body in better shape. But, science and history say small changes toward a bigger goal is the Golden Ticket to creating change and consistent success.

Using kaizen to facilitate change in health and productivity is just one example. We should all learn to use kaizen in relation to life’s large scale goals and projects. We must learn to work with our brain, not against it, by employing the kaizen method to our advantage. With kaizen, less is more and smaller is better.

By breaking down our goals and dreams into smaller events, and then only focusing on the achievement of one small event after another, we will inevitably be surprised at what we can accomplish.


Our goal for every member of our office is a way of living that is both rewarding and limitless. We know this can only be accomplished with kaizen, continuous change for the better. Our care plans, newsletters, seminars and workshops are designed with this goal in mind. Take full advantage of ALL of them. The timing is right for you to create a better life - right here, right now – one small step at a time.

Read the 1st part of this newsletter by clicking HERE!

Speak Up and Educate Others,

Dr. Craig Burns

- Cleanse, Detoxify, Weight Loss Seminar: March 24th
- Eliminating Allergies and Asthma Seminar: April 7th
- Kaizen Fitness Seminar: April 28th