Monday, March 22, 2010

The Kaizen Secret to Unlimited Success - Part 2

How many big dreams and big goals have fallen to the way side because they seemed too lofty to accomplish, would take too much time to finish or just seemed too overwhelming? How many times have you said to yourself, “I’ll get to it later” or “Maybe someday” or “That’s just too much for me to handle right now”?

Nowadays, people are prone to setting lofty goals for change in their life. However, the majority of these big goals and lofty dreams are never realized. The mind is then conditioned to believe it is weak and incapable of creating big changes in life.

So, what’s the secret to changing your life for the better? The answer may be in the way your brain perceives change. Let’s refer back to the Japanese corporate world and its secret weapon for change - kaizen.

Kaizen can help us all rapidly and effectively accomplish the greatest and most important goals in our life. There are many dimensions to kaizen, but for the sake of increasing personal productivity, well being and success in life we will focus on its key element,
which is making small, but consistent changes.

For most people, the brain is easily overwhelmed by the thought of big changes. For example, the typical fitness and weight loss goal: one day a person decides to stop eating all of this stuff, start eating all of that stuff, and tries to go from 0 - 100mph in regard to exercise. Demanding big changes in a short period of time is a recipe for failure. To say it another way, bite off more than your brain can chew and it will surely choke.

What is the net result? Things get put off till tomorrow, and the month after that, and the year after that. In the end we quit what we started or never even start in the first place. Life’s goals and dreams go unaccomplished and we are left with a life filled with regrets and what-if’s.

On the other hand, the brain is A-OK and actually enjoys small changes. Every day you unconsciously face small changes and they actually stimulate your brain. So, when it comes to important things in life like health and fitness why do we think big changes are the right course of action? Well, because many of us need to make big changes to get our life on track and our body in better shape. But, science and history say small changes toward a bigger goal is the Golden Ticket to creating change and consistent success.

Using kaizen to facilitate change in health and productivity is just one example. We should all learn to use kaizen in relation to life’s large scale goals and projects. We must learn to work with our brain, not against it, by employing the kaizen method to our advantage. With kaizen, less is more and smaller is better.

By breaking down our goals and dreams into smaller events, and then only focusing on the achievement of one small event after another, we will inevitably be surprised at what we can accomplish.


Our goal for every member of our office is a way of living that is both rewarding and limitless. We know this can only be accomplished with kaizen, continuous change for the better. Our care plans, newsletters, seminars and workshops are designed with this goal in mind. Take full advantage of ALL of them. The timing is right for you to create a better life - right here, right now – one small step at a time.

Read the 1st part of this newsletter by clicking HERE!

Speak Up and Educate Others,

Dr. Craig Burns

- Cleanse, Detoxify, Weight Loss Seminar: March 24th
- Eliminating Allergies and Asthma Seminar: April 7th
- Kaizen Fitness Seminar: April 28th

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Surveys Indicate that 99% of Americans…

Everyone wants to be well and healthy. Surveys indicate that 99% of Americans list health as one of the two most important aspects of their lives. The Chiropractic profession and the staff at Maximized Health have embraced the concept of health promotion, asserting that what we really do in Chiropractic care is to optimize Health. Toward that purpose we have been exploring ways to optimize our health and the quality of our lives in relation to wellness.

Wellness can be described as the full living of a healthy life at all levels: physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually and spiritually, as these dimensions of ourselves interact synergistically. You'll need to develop a road map that provides the vision and direction to successfully navigate this domain while finding joy in the journey.

Personal wellness planning provides a powerful individualized method that helps us transform the quality of our lives and achieve optimal wellness. Dimensions of wellness that you may incorporate in a personal wellness plan include: spinal and neurobiological balance, physical fitness, optimal nutrition, intellectual development, emotional and social wellness and spirituality. Goals set in each dimension should be simple, clear and measurable.

To help illustrate this for you, I will share my personal wellness plan below (my escape plan from the “sick care” system):

My Personal Wellness Plan
For a fit, 34-year-old, very active American male chiropractor and wellness fanatic, who teaches health empowerment.

Purpose: To empower myself in wellness so that, by the grace of God, I can serve others to a higher level of healthy living.

Chiropractic/Neurobiological Balance: I get checked for spinal and structural alignment/balance weekly; get adjusted as needed. Perform my stretching daily for my spine and traction when necessary.

Exercise Activity: I average 30-60 minute workouts, 6-7 days per week. I incorporate strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination/integration activities. My specific activities include running up to 15 miles per week and/or using other cardio-machines, free-weight and machine resistant training and stretching exercises. I work core musculature (abs, back, glutes, thighs) intensively at least three times per week. Because I have a physically demanding job and plenty of people that rely of my level of physical fitness, I am dedicated to maintaining my body.

Diet: I try to make healthy choices daily. I keep healthy and fresh food available around the home and office, and discard foods that tempt me when I'm low on energy. Usually, my daily diet includes fruit in the morning, fresh vegetables in salad or steamed with lean meat for lunches and dinners. I also ensure that I take in one to one-and-a-half liters of pure water per day. I also take high quality supplements rich in Anti-oxidants and especially omega-3 Fatty acids. I keep low quantities of starches, such as rice, pasta and rarely eat bread and potatoes.

Rest: I try to average 7-8 hours of sleep per day. Some days I get 6 hours and others I get 9 for balance. I go to bed early. Since the mind is programmed in the early morning and late evening, I read great things during that time. I also avoid the news which is mostly negative and is what people do first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

Intellectual Development: I explore new possibilities relative to health promotion ad self-improvement by reading newsletters, texts and journals or listening to thought provoking speakers and authors. Even with a busy day, I am able to incorporate about 20-60 minutes of reading and conducting research related to Chiropractic, wellness and health promotion.

Family: I affirm, love, honor and pray for my family members daily. I'll spend at least 1-3 hours of quality, one-on-one time with my wife daily.

Spirituality: I dedicate about 20-30 minutes toward my spiritual inspiration daily often times while getting ready for the day. I give thanks daily for the abundance that we have in this life. I live my purpose daily, helping others to achieve better health so that they can serve their life mission with better energy.

Try making a trial plan which fits you, uniquely. Go for it! Capture your own imagination, and then make it real. If you have any questions about wellness planning, e-mail me at

Speak Up and Educate Others,

Dr. Craig Burns

Read the 1st Page: " Will You Escape the Sick Care System?"

Monday, March 8, 2010

Health, Healing and Insurance for Life?

Put it this way… your nervous system is a two way street. The brain tells the cells what to do then the cells report to the brain what has been done. In a typical healing process such as a skin abrasion, the ends of the nerves that are irritated by the abrasion send pain/damage signals to the brain. This is called the sensory path. Immediately after the brain receives this injury information, specific brain cells send electrical signals back down to the abrasion to create a perfect healing process. This pathway is called the motor pathway.

This same sensory and motor pathway to and from body to brain, and brain to body occurs billions of time a day throughout our bodies. In fact, even without injuries, body cells are constantly replacing themselves relative to the stress we place on them in our lives. This is why a callous forms after a blister, a tennis player’s forearm gets bigger, a marathon runner’s body becomes lighter or a sumo wrestler’s body becomes heavier. Within a wide choice of genetic options our life choices allow us to shape ourselves into the perfect healing being of our dreams.

For instance, people live with pinched nerves and don’t know it. Like a “silent killer” the compromised nerves continue to prevent the flow of life giving impulses from the brain to their destination body part. This is where Chiropractic maintenance is so important. The skills of a chiropractor can detect a pinched nerve even if the patient does not feel any symptoms. Through x-ray, leg length, postural evaluation, palpation etc. we correct these silent killers to allow the motor part of the nerve to function again. When the motor function of the nerve is restored then the innate intelligence which runs and governs our body is again restored. The “Wisdom from Within” as described in the textbook Gray’s Anatomy can again do its job and that is to heal.

Do yourself a huge favor and have your spine checked regularly, symptom or no symptom. Chiropractic is your best health insurance for life. When was the last time you’ve been in? Get going and allow your body to work, even if you may not feel pain or symptoms.

Weighing the Costs of Health Care $$$

Sometimes people need to see what declining health can cost them in order to decide to start taking better care of their body and their health. Hopefully, these statistics will help you do just that!

  • American Medical costs after developing Heart Disease: over $500,000
  • Medical costs after developing Cancer: over $300,000
  • Medical costs after developing Diabetes: over $250,000
  • Medical costs after developing High Blood Pressure: over $25,000
  • The cost of spinal surgery to repair a long standing problem: $25, 000 – $105,000
  • The cost of a bottle of Tylenol that destroys your kidneys, liver, and stomach: $6.99 for the bottle and $169,000 for the treatment required to repair damaged and destroyed organs.

What you get long term for your money on all of the above: The most expensive thing of all: Reduced quality of life and a shortened life span!

The cost of a proactive, natural health care program that improves bodily function, eliminates the cause of pain, and restores health: PRICELESS!

Speak Up and Educate Others,

Dr. Craig Burns

Read the 1st page of this newsletter "The Windsor Autopsy Studies" HERE

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What's the Deal with GMO Foods?

Eating genetically modified (GM) foods may cause disease

GMOs may be the greatest health disaster in the American diet. Within 9 years of their introduction in 1996, multiple chronic illnesses jumped from 7% to 13% of the population, food allergies doubled in less time, and many other ailments have been on the rise. Millions may already be suffering health problems caused by genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in their diet. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has urged doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients, and cites animal studies that show how GMOs cause disorders such as vital organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system problems, accelerated aging, infertility, and dysfunctional regulation of insulin and cholesterol.

GMO foods can be:
  • Allergenic (contribute to food allergies)
  • Toxic (possibly cause damage to your immune system)
  • Carcinogenic (cause cancer)
  • Anti-nutritional (create a nutritional deficit)

Despite claims by giant GMO manufacturers like Monsanto that genetically modified foods are no less healthy than non-GM foods, the research says otherwise.

The U.S. Is Behind the Curve in Rejecting GM Foods?

People around the world have joined forces to refuse GM foods and crops because of the dangers they present to your health and the future of your food supply. Europe, for example, eliminated GMOs from their food supply 10 years ago. In the United States, however, many of you are still not even aware you’re eating GM foods every day. That’s because an estimated 75% of foods in U.S. grocery stores contain GM ingredients. About 7 out of every 10 items in the average grocery cart have been genetically modified.

What can I do about GM Foods?

Examine produce stickers on the fruits and vegetables you buy. The PLU code for conventionally grown fruit consists of four numbers; organically grown fruit has five numbers prefaced by the number nine; and GM fruit has five numbers prefaced by the number eight.

Buy organic produce as often as you can. By definition, food that is certified organic must be free from all GM organisms. Stay away from processed foods. Most of these contain corn and soy products.

Additional Research: keyword search – “GMO corn dangers” or visit

Speak Up and Educate Others,

Dr. Craig Burns

"How Much is your Body Really Worth?" - Click HERE to find out