Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Stress and the Chiropractic Lifestyle Unabridged (v 1.1) - stress – noun. a specific response by the body to a stimulus or condition, that disturbs or interferes with the normal physiological equilibrium of an organism.
American Heritage Dictionary - life·style (līf'stīl') noun. A way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group.

Every human being on planet Earth has stress. This is a medical fact. Some stress is good, and other forms of stress can be quite harmful. But, what does stress have to do with Maximized Health Chiropractic?

Well, it would be easy for most of us to understand that muscles ache when stressed, bones decay and become arthritic when stressed, nerves misfire and create disease when stressed, the brain becomes dysfunctional when stressed, ligaments get sprained when stressed, the lungs and cardiovascular system get weak when stressed, the reproductive system and digestive system stop functioning normally when stressed, the skin, hair and nails can even show signs of stress … I could go on for days.

The point in listing the above is this… we know our body ages poorly and can not function at its full potential when it is stressed out. The question is – what can you do on a daily basis to keep your stress levels at a minimum? Honestly, most people know about stress, but do little to nothing to understand and control it!

All disease and discomfort can be explained in the form of STRESS. For this reason it is critical that all of us come to understand stress in its many forms. Only by doing so will be able to identify and minimize its presence, and negative effects on our lives.

Stress can come in the form of the foods you choose to eat and the chemicals you allow inside of your body. Stress can come in the form of poor postural habits, old injuries and traumas that you never healed properly from, bad ergonomics in the workplace, a sedentary lifestyle (yes, not moving is a stress to your body), etc. And finally, the most commonly acknowledged form of stress – mental overload aka emotional stress.

As many of you know… we are not your typical chiropractic office. We are a wellness center that uses chiropractic, physical therapy, nutritional counseling, and lifestyle coaching for one purpose – to help you live closer to your God-given potential. This is accomplished by reducing your stress levels and allowing your body to function at a higher level than before you walked through our doors.

I see the chiropractic lifestyle as a means to an end. The chiropractic lifestyle is a way of living life wisely and proactively rather than living passively in ignorance.

However, we can only do so much for you without your active participation in this process. Do not be a spectator in life when it comes to your health. This is dangerous and in fact deadly.

The more you learn about stress management the more you can achieve in your lifetime. Our stress management and anti-aging seminar is June 3rd from 6:30 – 8:00pm. Is living at your full potential worth your Tuesday night? Please RSVP immediately with any member of the MHC Team… seating is limited!

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Maximized Health “tip of the week”


A growing number of critics, including me, believe antibacterial soaps are no better than regular soaps in reducing infections. In fact, they can have a negative impact on your health.

You see, your standard non-bacterial household soap separates bacteria from your skin so germs go down the drain or get attached to towels when drying your hands. On the other hand, antibacterial soaps kill germs on the spot - at least, most of them.

Triclosan is a chemical ingredient that should be avoided whenever possible. Among the many other health problems it can create, alteration in hormone signaling through disruption of thyroid gland function is one to research more on your own.

It used to be that antibacterial soaps were used mainly in clinical health care environments, like scrubbing up prior to surgery. Now, antibacterial soaps are used in households across the country where they amount to a $16 billion-a-year industry. Some 72 percent of all liquid soap sold in the United States now contains antibacterial ingredients.

But studies have shown that people who use antibacterial soaps and cleansers develop cough, runny nose, sore throat, fever, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms just as often as people who use products that do not contain antibacterial ingredients.

Increasing numbers of traditional medical experts now accept the hygiene hypothesis (chiropractors have always supported this over the bacteria hypothesis), which centers on the idea that children exposed to bacteria in early childhood actually have stronger immune systems. Children who are not exposed to common bacteria, which are eliminated by excessive use of soap, may actually be more prone to allergies and asthma. (could it be that how you care for yourself is more important than the “germs” themselves?)

Even the American Medical Association (AMA) does not recommend antibacterial soaps anymore.

So why do they persist? Simple - the manufacturers have relied on using fear to convince people that they need to use them to stay healthy. All you need to use is a plain, chemical-free soap that you can pick up in your local health food store, as washing with plain soap and water will get rid of most all bacteria.

Many of you also understand that it is not lack of washing your hands that actually gets you sick but rather a weakened immune system, which results from poor lifestyle choices regarding foods, sleep, exercise, sun exposure, posture, and stress management.

Part of living the Chiropractic Lifestyle is reducing toxicity in your life, i.e. antibacterial soaps!

I have recently replaced all soaps in my home and in this office. Per Becky’s recommendation we now use Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps. For more information go to

Healthy choices – no matter how small (the soap you use) can make a big difference!