Monday, June 2, 2008

Committing to a Mission of Extra - Ordinary Purpose

“Within these walls we commit our lives to a mission of extra – ordinary purpose.”

In America we have more doctors, more technology, and more resources than any other nation in the world, and yet health statistics say that 5 out of 6 Americans will die from either heart disease or cancer. And, when you look at heart disease and cancer etiology (how it occurs) you will find that these top 2 killer diseases are basically self-inflicted. That’s right – the vast majority of heart disease and cancer patients could have prevented their illness if they just knew how to, and had help in doing so!

So, why do the masses remain unable to maintain their health and prevent disease in their body? I already know the answer to that question. For the most part, they have never had a serious encounter with a doctor who sees the BIG picture. By the time they do… it is often too late! The hardest thing I do as a doctor is to challenge a person to see the BIG picture for themselves about health and disease, and then ask them to make a choice.

Do something or decay and degenerate. Learn something or lie there and take your medicine. Be proactive and prevent disease or be reactive and manage your illness. Teach others or watch them be miserable and unhappy.
These are the choices we have. Unfortunately, most of us don’t know this until it’s too late.

Our mission in this office is to offer hope and happiness in the act of choosing health over disease. The longevity and quality of your life is largely dictated by your state of health. To take things a step further, there are other lives that will be affected by your individual state of health. Your health status can carry an enormous impact.

If you are reading this newsletter, you have already made a choice to do something more, to become better than you were, to improve yourself somehow, to be proactive, to learn about your body, etc. This week is Patient Appreciation Week. This is a time of the year that we celebrate you and your decision to live a better life.

This is also a time for us to recommit to our mission of helping as many people as possible. Yes, we could be happy with our success up until this point, but what about the friend, the spouse, the coworker, or the child you know whose life would improve by the same opportunity you have been blessed with? How can we stop now, how can we ever stop serving the people’s need for true health care education?

How many people do you know… who need to know that they too have a choice about health and disease, about feeling bad versus feeling great, about functioning poorly versus functioning normally?

Do you know anyone with a health problem that concerns you? Truth is, you know countless people with headaches, back pains, arthritis, fibromyalgia, poor health habits, inactive lifestyle, flexibility issues, and disease processes that are developing right now - even as you read this newsletter.

In celebration of your decision to improve your life I urge you to do the same for someone else. During Patient Appreciation Week I will be doing something extra - ordinary for people in need. All you have to do is just mention that person’s name to me and I will give you the opportunity to do something extra - ordinary for a fellow human being.

“We will welcome and care for any and all - for the greatest calling is to serve our fellow man”

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Maximized Health “tip of the week”

No magic bullet tip of the week this time around ladies and gentlemen. Just some good advice:


As part of our approach to health and wellness we conduct regular workshops and seminars. It is absolutely essential to attend these events if you wish to become highly educated and self sufficient with regard to health maintenance and disease prevention.

On June 3rd we will be conducting a stress management and anti-aging seminar. I fear that many of you will not be attending because you feel that you do not need help with issues of stress management. To the contrary, every person in this community would stand to gain from what I will be sharing this Tuesday night. We will only be focusing about 15% of our time on the stereotypical source of stress, emotional stress. The rest of the time we will be exploring other avenues of stress that compromise health and longevity. Many of these sources are what led you to this office in need of help and advice.

My ability to help you is strongly influenced by your willingness to learn and participate. So please, if you can attend – do so! I promise that it will be a life changing seminar.

Keep in mind, our mission is to help as many people as possible. The side effect of such a large goal is that on routine office visits I do not have time to talk with you about health care education. Instead, I have decided that allotting a separate and distinct time to this task would be more beneficial, i.e. health seminars and workshops. In these workshops, we are better able to explore health topics in a more detailed and thorough manner - for your benefit.

If you can not attend a seminar in person, please ask for a recording of the event.

FYI… next seminar/workshop is Nutrition Part 1 & 2, July 15th and 29th … more info coming soon!


You may have already noticed that we are in the process of improving our newsletter education system in conjunction with our blog website. Please bear with us as we try to identify the most effective solution.

In the meantime, I wanted to let you know, that like the in-house seminars and workshops, our newsletter education system is a fundamental tool we use to support your care in our office. I strongly urge you to remain consistent with your use of the newsletter education system in the following ways:

-Read every issue with the intent of improving your level of understanding about your body and its needs. The more you know the more you are capable of… for your benefit and that of others.
-Keep a file, a hard copy binder or email folder file, of all newsletters so that when a friend or family member needs some advice you are quick to offer a solution (a 3rd party newsletter is an effective tool since we all know that family members listen better when someone else is telling them something, right?)

-And more importantly, forward every newsletter to someone or everyone that would benefit from a regular dose of high quality, though provoking health information. After all, where else are they going to get it?