Monday, May 19, 2008

As good as you can be, or not?

When people think about their current level of health and fitness most are not happy. Most people would prefer to be better than they are now, but don’t know how to get there.

Did you know that your body can regenerate many of its parts within a seven year period? Our blood cells renew every 120 days; our skin cells take 2-4 weeks; the liver takes 6 weeks and the skeleton takes 2 to 7 years to totally regenerate. It is amazing how the human body can maintain and heal itself. This is not a process that occurs by chance. It is an orchestrated event, and you get to play the role of maestro or conductor.

That means that the body you have now will not be the body you have in seven years. Obviously, right? But, will your body in seven years be as good as it can be or will it be a weaker, lesser version of what it can be?

I have found that most people can not answer that question with confidence. They are hoping they end up healthy. They are hoping they don’t get sick and ill or require surgery and drug therapy. They are not certain about what steps they must take to ensure that they become as strong and as healthy as they can be.

In most instances, health and disease are not mistakes that just happen – they are caused and created events! For the most part, our way of thinking and our actions greatly dictate how our body will age over a seven year period. Will we stay healthy or not, will we become stiff and arthritic, will we have headaches forever, will we become weak and disabled… these are not issues that are independent of our actions, but more a direct reflection thereof.

When I learned how well the human body can repair, regenerate and heal itself when the conditions are right for it to do so, I was very excited. I gained a tremendous sense of empowerment. I could be a participant instead of a spectator when it comes to the fate of my own health and aging process.

I began learning everything I could about how to properly manage my own health. In doing so, I found that we need more than the 1,2,3’s and a,b,c’s of personal health care, we need to find the motivation within ourselves to make the right decisions, to become responsible, to be consistent, and to stick with it.

As a Doctor of Chiropractic I feel as though I have a responsibility to all of you to share what I know.

I am happy to announce that we have scheduled a very important event June 3rd. We will be conducting a new Health Seminar entitled Stress Management and Anti-aging. I will be sharing with you how stress (chemical, physical, and emotional) can be your greatest enemy. It is a medical fact that stress, in its many forms, is the single largest determining factor of health and aging. This is perhaps the most important health seminar that we will conduct this year. From which, you will see the BIGGER picture and get what is called the BIG IDEA.

You CAN get a handle of how your body ages, heals and regenerates. You CAN play an active role in what will be your future health status. You CAN be… as good as you can be.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

P.S. for more details on the upcoming seminar, see any member of the MHC Team.
Maximized Health “tip of the week”


Coverage on Colorado automobile insurance policies took a steep curve after July 1, 2003. Colorado changed from the former “no-fault” system to a tort system. This is a system where the driver who is at fault for causing a traffic accident is responsible for paying the victim’s medical expenses and compensating for additional damages, such as loss of wages and “pain and suffering.”

You will want to educate yourself to make sure your coverage fits your needs in the event of an accident.

There are mandatory and optional coverages available such as:
-Bodily Injury Liability Coverage (BI) (mandatory)
-Property Liability Coverage (mandatory)
-Collision Coverage (optional)
-Comprehensive Coverage (optional)
-Uninsured & Underinsured motorist coverage (optional)
-Medical Payments (Med Pay) (optional)
-Essential Services and rehabilitation (optional)

Consult with your insurance agent to fully understand your policy and coverage.

We wanted you to be aware of the changes in the law and how they affect your medical coverage in the event you are in an auto accident. Medical Payment Coverage (Med Pay) is something that should be considered mandatory, let me explain… Med Pay pays for reasonable expenses you and your passengers incur because of injury in a motor vehicle accident, regardless of fault. Be sure the Med Pay you purchase covers the care you may need in the event of an accident, such as chiropractic treatment and massage therapy. Even if you have health insurance, there may be limitations on what types of health care are covered and various exclusions. Your health insurance may not cover resident relatives and will definitely not protect other passengers or people who borrow your car. Med Pay is a necessity if you consider these factors. Ask about the monetary levels offered by your insurance carrier and select mid-to-high levels of $5,000 to $25,000 or more. If your auto insurance DOES NOT offer Med Pay or the limits are too low, choose another insurance company that offers what you need to protect yourself.

Why do you need Med Pay? We have seen patients pay out of pocket for their medical expenses and then wait in excess of 2 years to be reimbursed only after retaining an attorney. Worse yet, we have seen people pay out of pocket and have the “at fault” insurance company deny payment completely.

The patients that have had Med Pay do not pay medical expenses out of pocket. We are able to bill the insurance company directly for the patient, and we handle all of the paperwork. By state law the insurance company must pay the claim within 30 days, eliminating the financial risk for the patient.

We have seen first hand that Med Pay allows the patient to focus on returning to health and not worrying about how to pay for their necessary medical procedures.

This can be confusing, but it is important that you know how to protect yourself!