Monday, May 12, 2008

Do You Believe in the “Fountain of Life”?

The Fountain of Life was a spring that Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon, according to legend, went looking for in Florida in 1513. It was said that anyone who drinks from the Fountain would have his or her youth restored. Long story made short… he never found it.

In many ways we are still looking for the Fountain of Life. Researchers and drug companies are always searching for medications to make us live longer. “Someday, we will find or create the cure for all disease.”

Truth is, I do believe in a Fountain of Life concept. But, the difference between my perception of its existence and that of folklore is its location. I think this mystical source of health and healing is something that we are actually born with. It is not a matter of traveling to another part of the world, but we do have to “discover it” in order to benefit from it.

Too many people are unaware of their true potential to be healthy and happy. Somehow main stream media and western medicine has stepped into the acting role as the people’s Fountain of Life. Somehow we allowed ourselves to become disillusioned with the belief that health and disease are chance encounters, and that doctors will be there to pick us up every time we fall down sick?

What happened to the mystical belief that we are powerful beyond measure? From the Developer of Chiropractic to Nelson Mandela, many have cried out for us to foster and live by this “power within” concept.

What keeps the sick person from radically changing their lifestyle in an effort to restore balance and health? I think it is a belief system that has disempowered them to the point of paralysis. Too many people have been led to believe that the Fountain of Life is out there somewhere – it is an external entity. If they, their cardiologist, oncologist, or whatever ‘ologist can not find it in time… “well, then that’s life”.

Even before I became a Doctor of Chiropractic, something inside me told me that this way of thinking was not right – there had to be another way. From that point on, I have committed my time and efforts to the process of discovering that internal source of health and healing… our God-given Fountain of Life.

Sad truth is, for many people their Fountain of Life is either plugged up or running at the pace of a slow drip. The ability for health and life to flow freely has been diminished as a result of neglect, bad habits and poor decisions. Their situation is further cemented by the fact that their belief system has paralyzed and disempowered them.

Make no mistake about it - I do not believe that one chiropractic adjustment is the answer. However, I firmly believe that the Chiropractic Lifestyle, all that it represents and stands for, is a path to the discovery of this Fountain of Life. I have traveled that path and can attest to its destination.

Our mission and goal in this office is to lead as many people as possible in the same direction. For some, the journey has already forever changed their life. For others, it is just beginning. For all, it will be a journey that is worthy of your greatest effort… for the destination is more than legend – it is a God-given potential to express health and life.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Maximized Health “tip of the week”
Why workout?

Most of us exercise to keep from tipping the scales, relieve stress or simply because we enjoy it. Researchers from the University of South Carolina are giving us a better reason to stay active – a longer life. Despite how much you weigh or how large your waist measures, if you are active you have a lower risk of dying compared to someone who is at a normal weight, but is inactive.

The Fountain of Youth

We all know that weight training will improve your muscular strength and endurance, but it may also be the key to unlocking your youth. A recent study out of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, has shown that seniors who participate in one hour of weight training twice a week for six months can reverse the signs of aging at the cellular level by as much as 12 - 45 years.

Healing Effects of Exercise

We all know that leading an active lifestyle, at any age, offers endless benefits – from better brain function to improved immune responses. A new study from the University of Illinois has discovered a link between exercise and decreased inflammation.

If you are experiencing chronic aches and pains, whether in the joints of the spine or any muscle for that matter, you are likely experiencing these symptoms due to inflammation. But, how do you overcome it – through movement and exercise of course!

Your body is designed to move and when it does not move properly, i.e. bad posture, injury, sedentary work and/or lifestyle, etc. your body will become problematic. This is a fact of life! Another fact of life is that every person must continue to exercise on a regular basis for their entire life. Chiropractic can help restore normal movement to the body, but just like any medical intervention, it is not a “cure all” or “substitute” for exercise and other health lifestyle choices.

“The difference between the possible and the impossible lies in a person’s determination” Tommy Lasorda