Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Why I Never Get Flu Shots

Every year about this time, quite a few people ask, "My Doctor tells me to
get my annual flu shot. Should I do it?" Well, I don't diagnose or
prescribe, and what you do with your body remains entirely up to you and
your doctor (if you still go to a doctor), but I'll gladly tell you what I
do regarding flu shots...
I avoid them like the plague.
In fact, it would take a Marine nurse and at least four burly wrestlers the
size of Hulk Hogan to hold me down and give me one. Perhaps you already
sense I have strong feelings about flu shots? These feelings stem from
personal opinion, research, and a plethora of patients' bad experiences.
First off, I don't think toxic chemicals and virus strains grown on living
tissue belong in the human body, even when they're packaged in nice sterile
glass vials.
I have found some general information at the Concerned Parents for Vaccine
Safety web site, where I learned about some of the ingredients used to make
Do you want any of the following vaccine constituents in YOUR bloodstream?
* Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
* Phenol, also known as carbolic acid (this is used as a disinfectant,
* Formaldehyde, a known cancer-causing agent
* Aluminum, which is associated with Alzheimer's disease and seizures
and also cancer producing in laboratory mice (it is used as an additive to
promote antibody response)
* Thimerosal (a mercury disinfectant/preservative) can result in brain
injury and autoimmune disease
* Neomycin and Streptomycin (used as antibiotics) have caused allergic
reaction in some people.
Vaccines are also grown and strained through animal or human tissue like
monkey kidney tissue, chicken embryo, embryonic guinea pig cells, calf
serum, and human diploid cells (the dissected organs of aborted human
fetuses as in the case of rubella, hepatitis A, and chickenpox vaccines).
Well, I refuse to put all of the above in my body, and I hope when your
doctor starts telling you it's time for your annual flu shot that you'll
require him to defend the annual injection. You or your insurance company's
probably paying eighty bucks for a visit, so get your money's worth.
Have your doctor read you the insert that comes with the vaccine.
Then have him/her explain why it makes sense to inject toxic chemicals into
the human body, and how such substances can aid the delicate immune system.
Chances are he/she will fall back on questionable statistical and
demographic explanations that the medical establishment has used for decades
to justify immunization.
Try to engage your doctor in a non-confrontational discussion because this
is an opportunity for him/her to actually give some serious thought to what
he/she is injecting into bodies of patients day after day after day. Many
traditional doctors who have not studied diet and lifestyle are not going to
change unless we help to educate them to what drugs and vaccines may really
be doing long-term to people.
When one digs into the vaccine history (check out the Swine Flu vaccine if
you want a real horror story) and scientific research (especially in
Europe), it quickly becomes apparent that nobody really knows what these
toxic stews of chemicals and microorganisms do in the human body.
I've approached the yearly flu shot hype with the understanding that if I
eat and live properly, I won't have to worry about catching the flu. The
flu vaccine I use -- eating and living as close to nature as I can --
actually works.
I might add that I haven't missed more than two consecutive days of work
from an illness for nearly a decade, so a non-vaccine approach does work for
me. This non-drug approach has resulted in a level of health that
continually amazes me, especially when I see other men and women who are
miserable and without energy. Men and women who spend all too much of their
time drifting from doctor to doctor in endless pursuit of solutions that
don't get to the cause of their problems - diet, lifestyle and poor
neuro-immune system function.

How many of you still think that the main benefit of being part of this
office is to get "cracked" so your back, head and neck will stop hurting? I
hope few of you think this way.
How many of you understand that when you get adjusted your body's health
potential actually goes up? Probably few of you understand what I really
mean by that statement, which is why the next several newsletters will focus
on immune system function, cold and flu myths, vaccines and cough syrup side
effects, natural vs unnatural means of building immunity, and how the
chiropractic adjustment actually improves your health potential from the
"I hope you share what you learn here in this office, and thereby play an
active role in making this world a better place. Whether you realize it or
not, people are depending on you to help them find better answers and
solutions like those we offer in this office."

Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig