Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Are You Choosing Life or Early Death?

Medical Model Maximized Health Model
1:2 people die of Heart Disease 200% stronger immune systems
1:3 people die of Cancer Less Medications
2 people die every minute Less Hospital and Doctor visits
1.5 Million Americans injured in hospitals Building Health
Every 30 seconds someone is diagnosed w/ Cancer Preventing Disease
999,936 people die due to medicine 100% Nervous System Function

If you or your family is living in the medical model your one step closer to a life of sickness, suffering, disease and an early death!

If you and your family are living in the Chiropractic Maximized Health Model you’re living a life of health, wellness and vitality!

You either get it and live it- or you don’t!
It’s a simple as that!
Which model are most Americans living in?
The statistics say it all!

If you’re missing appointments, not doing your spinal exercises, eating poorly, taking dangerous medications and not exercising regularly, your one step closer to a life of cancer, heart disease and early death! It’s your choice! You can live in the Maximized Health Model or end up another statistic in the medical model…ITS UP TO YOU!

“After suffering from migraines for over 15 years (sometimes as long as 6 days a week) I read your chiropractic article in the Local Value Magazine. It sounded exactly like what I was looking for. I have seen regular chiropractors and several different medical doctors and the only results from that were different types of oral medications. It was frustrating because I knew we were only treating the symptoms and not the cause.”

“Since starting with Dr. Craig I have only had to use my prescription medication once and that was over 10 weeks ago. The philosophy for treatment coincides perfectly with mine.”

“I am very happy with the results and tell anyone who has similar problems they should make an appointment ASAP.”

“Thanks for improving my quality of life so dramatically!”

Jacque (written August 3, 2006)

Jacque is definitely on the right path to health and wellness now. Who is next? Perhaps it will be you, a family member, a friend or a coworker? Congratulations to Jacque! We love having you as part of our Chiropractic Family.

Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig