Monday, October 9, 2006

Are You Playing Russian Roulette?

You don’t see it a whole lot in real life, but in the movies we’ve all seen Russian Roulette – where someone sticks a bullet in one of the 6 chambers, points it at their head or someone else’s, spins the chamber, and then pulls the trigger. No matter how many times I see this, the emotion is overwhelming and I flinch just like the person on film when you here the “click” –happy it’s not the “BAM!”

The truth is, in real life, people play Russian Roulette every day. The difference is how many bullets are in their gun. You can put in none, one, two, four, or all six.

v If you or your child is overweight or obese research shows there are two bullets in the gun!

“Being obese triples the risk of heart disease, as well as produces a tenfold increase in the chance of developing diabetes.” -ABC News, December 22, 2004

“A prospective study of 527,265 American men and women, who were 50 to 71 years old when the study started, found that being overweight at midlife (age 50) increased the risk of death by up to 30%.” -New England Journal of Med, 8/24/06

If you are taking medications there are two bullets in the gun!

“The conventional medical system is the LEADING cause of death in this country.” “2 people die every minute living in the medical model”

“Medication mistakes injure well over 1.5 million Americans every year in hospitals alone. A hospitalized patient is subject to at least one medication error per day.
-7/21/06 Associated Press –CNN, NY Times Report

v If you are subluxated research shows (but it’s probably much higher) there are two bullets in the gun! Subluxations are misalignments, losses and/or increases in the curves of the spine that damage the spinal cord and nervous system.

Research shows that a loss of the cervical curve, and increase in the thoracic curve, or scoliosis all increase mortality (speed up death) and takes up to 14 years off your life. -1“Spine” Volume 30(21), November 1, 2005 pp. 2388-2392 revealed work done by Shimizu, Kentaro MD; Nakamura, Masaya MD; Nishikawa, Yuji MD; Hijikata, Sadahisa MD; Chiba, Kazuhiro MD; Toyama, Yoshiaki MD. 2 J Bone Joint Surg Am-1981 Une 63 (5): 702-12 Weinstein SL, Zavala, DC, Ponseti IV

This is real life. It’s not a dress rehearsal. In real life, I don’t want to put a gun to my head or the head of anyone I love with 2 bullets in a 6 chamber pistol (1 out of 3) and pull the trigger. That’s not a Russian game of chance, that’s suicide or murder. Sadly, most people have at least 4, if not all 6 in the chamber!

Truth is more dangerous then fiction. Adjustments, our classes on nutrition, exercise, and doing the best you can to lower or eliminate chance of disease and use of medications is just like taking bullets out of the chamber and/or a (loaded) gun out of your hand.

The study above showing that a problem with the curves in your spine can take up to 14 years off of your life?!? WOW!!! And, to make the study even more credible in support of the Chiropractic profession- it was done by Medical Doctors!

When Mark and I refer to the work we do as “SAVING LIVES”, you now know what we are talking about. And, perhaps most importantly, why we are so serious about your case, and the referral of those who need help- before it’s too late!

I hope this week’s newsletter is an eye-opening experience for all you. We are so happy that we have the opportunity to serve you!

Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig