Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What is your motivating factor?

Good news! After speaking with other chiropractors and the results that they are getting… I am happy to report that we are way above average when it comes to getting results.

I believe this ability is due primarily to our commitment to each and every patient. We want to see you improve as much as possible. This includes a better immune system, better posture, better spinal alignment, improved levels of flexibility and strength, a better functioning Central Nervous System, less pain and discomfort, better sleep, more energy, elevated understanding of how to care for yourself, etc. Many of you will achieve success in all areas, but some will not.

What is the difference between the person that will achieve maximum results and the person that will not? It is primarily the level of commitment or motivation towards bettering yourself. It is the value you place on being at your best. It is the desire to realize what it is like to be living up to your potential.

If your motivation is only guided by “pain or pleasure” when it comes to your health and livelihood- you will fail at living your best life. I see this time after time with patients who do not have strong motivating factors to improve their spine, posture, health, immune system, etc. I notice that they change very little no matter how hard I work, or how much I care about them.

So, how do you find the motivation to achieve maximized results? Let me share with you what helped me succeed when I was undergoing corrective care 9 years ago… my Chiropractor said it like this:

Your spinal problem is affecting your life in a negative way (regardless of how you feel), and by starting care here you are going to confront and attempt to eliminate that problem. In essence, you will be fighting for your health. I will show you the how’s and why’s, the methods and techniques to winning this battle, but it will actually be up to you to determine how you prevail. When you start to slow down in your care plan ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?” Remind yourself each and every day until you reach your goal that “you are fighting to get your health back”.

At the time, I thought I understood what he was saying. I fought really hard when it came to traction and exercise, to stretching and maintaining posture at school and at work. I won the battle to regain my health and have been reaping the rewards ever since. However, after practicing for several years now I understand what he was saying even more than I did then. I see each and every patient in a battle of their own to regain their health. Unfortunately, some fail because they can not find the motivating factor that is necessary to succeed.

Not keeping regular with your adjustments and not doing the minimum requirements for traction and spinal exercises is an indication that your motivation and commitment level needs a tune-up.

Speak up and educate others,
Dr. Craig