Monday, July 30, 2007

A Message From Barbados, Part 2

On the plane ride home from Barbados the following idea came into mind: Why do people need Maximized Health Chiropractic? Do they really, truly need us? Are we a nicety or a necessity?

From last week’s newsletter you can see that a certain lifestyle offers certain benefits, i.e. an active, healthy, stress-free lifestyle inherently promotes health and vitality. On the other hand an inactive, unhealthy, stressful lifestyle will promote a plethora of health problems in addition to pain and discomfort.

So, with this in mind… what kind of lifestyle do you have? Do you exercise everyday as you are designed to? Do you make a strong effort to put highly nutritious foods into your body everyday as you are meant to? Do you take time everyday to quiet your mind, release stress, and center yourself? Do you take the time everyday to think about how your daily activities might be affecting your posture, health and livelihood? In short, are you doing what is necessary to counteract the stresses of modern day living in an effort to promote health and happiness?

The truth is, people are becoming unhealthier even as we become more technologically advanced. Why? Because most of us are ignoring the fundamental requirements of our own bodies! Such as, proper nutrition, regular exercise, normal posture, optimal function of the nerve and immune systems, internal and external stress management, healthy mental state production, etc. All of which require active participation- everyday! And, since our education and healthcare systems are not currently designed to give each of us the necessary tools to do so… we must seek out the solution to this problem on our own.

The BIG question is this… are you living actively or passively?
Think about this… most of our daily activities are creating abnormal, unhealthy postures- and reducing our state of strength and flexibility. What will happen if you don’t do something about that? Most of our exercise and nutritional habits are erroneous and sporadically healthy at best. What can we expect our body’s response will be to this course of action? Every-body must take action if maintaining health and happiness is a priority. Developing a proactive lifestyle is the solution to many of the problems we face- or will face in the future.

Having a proactive lifestyle entails education and awareness, motivation and inspiration, commitment, the help of qualified healthcare professionals, and a personal desire to live the best life possible. This is why people need Maximized Health Chiropractic. We actively promote your ability to thrive and survive, to be as healthy and as happy as you are meant to be. We are more than just a chiropractic office; we are part of the solution to a healthcare crisis!

Speak up and educate others,
Dr. Craig
P.S. We are gearing up for a “new and improved” health seminar series. All health seminars are free and open to the public. More details to come.