Monday, July 9, 2007

Crooked teeth, Corrective Stress and Consistency

This week’s message has everything to do with crooked teeth, corrective stress and consistent results. You see the concept of realigning crooked teeth is no different than realigning spinal bones- with one exception… one has the convenience of wearing a brace while the other requires considerably more effort on behalf of the patient. Whether it is a brace or shear effort and will, the process depends on how much corrective stress is directed towards correcting the misalignment.

Often times I wish that correcting spinal problems was easy, or that the Doctor’s role would always determine the outcome. The truth is… it is not easy, and although the skill of the Doctor is a key element, it is actually the patient’s effort that will be the deciding factor.

Corrective stress is anything that will produce positive results or change towards normal and healthy. This will include mirror-image head extension exercises, spinal traction, mirror-image chiropractic adjustments, ergonomic and postural awareness, and lifestyle changes. All these elements must be addressed consistently in order for change to take place. A lack of effort or consistency in any one area will alter the outcome drastically. Unfortunately, I have seen this happen many times with many patients. Whether it is a lack of home traction sessions per week, bad ergonomics, poor postural awareness out of the office, or a lack of head exercises… the result is always the same… poor results.

No matter how much I care or want a patient to change and improve… only so much can happen as a result of my efforts- the rest depends on you!

With that said I urge all of you to mentally recommit yourself to the challenge you face. That is, to improve your body, your health and your life. I ask that you remain diligent and focused on the outcome, which is to regain the health of your spine, posture, nerve and immune system. I am doing everything within my power to make this happen for you. Are you putting forth the same effort? The outcome of our work together depends on it. I will always do my best to remind and motivate you of the task at hand.

As many of you know I will be getting married on July 12th. I will be taking time away from the office to celebrate the week following. I have made sure that you will not go without proper care while I am away. As a favor, a friend and colleague will be assisting you in maintaining the consistency of your care plan. You will have the opportunity of being cared for by one of the greatest Chiropractors I know. His technique and skill set are virtually identical to mine. We trained together for many years. I trust him fully and I firmly believe that each of you will be in good hands.

I understand that a new face may provide the excuse for you take a break from your care plan until I return. That would be a mistake. I am going to great lengths to provide a detailed plan for Dr. Steven and the rest of the staff so that each of you will still be getting the highest quality care- without interruption! Please take advantage of this Doctor’s presence. He is very excited to meet you and help you!

Stay on course. Don’t slow down. Remain diligent and focused on the course of your care plan. The challenge of regaining your health is not an easy one, but is perhaps the most rewarding should you succeed!

Yours in Maximized Health,
Dr. Craig