Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I know that most of you are feeling better as a result of Chiropractic care,
but how many of you BELIEVE that you are actually "healthier" than you were
before you started working with Maximized Health Chiropractic?
Over the years I have heard several comments regarding belief in
chiropractic and its ability to improve an individual's overall health
potential. I want to make a very important clarification with regard to
ABILITY to BELIEVE in a healthier you.
First, knowing that you are healthier as a result of our joint efforts has
very little to do with your belief and or confidence in me as a Doctor,
Chiropractic as a profession, or the adjustment as a form of treatment.
Second, research tells us that people who become more educated, motivated
and proactive when it comes to health have a strong tendency to actually get
healthier. Imagine that!
Lastly, we are ever changing when it comes to health. That means that we
are either moving closer to health or closer to disease. A few things that
determine which direction we are going:
* How our body (posture, spine and nerve system) is aging and
* How well we eat and how much we exercise.
* How good our ergonomics or postural awareness is at work, home and
* Our "need" or decision to use medications and surgery.
* And of course, our overall image of how our body works, i.e. how to
maintain health and prevent disease.
2 very important questions:
* Have you improved in any area mentioned above?
* If so, how can you not BELIEVE that you are healthier than you were
before we started?
The PRINCIPLE of Maximized Health Chiropractic is like gravity.
Fortunately, it does not require belief in order for it to work! By working
with Maximized Health Chiropractic you are working in accordance with the
fundamental laws of science, nature and God as they pertain to your health.
In other words, you are moving towards homeostasis and health, and away from
dysfunction and disease.
Stay the course, believe in yourself, and be thankful for this opportunity
to improve your health and your life!

Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig