Monday, June 18, 2007

Why do I write these newsletters?

Busy doctors do not take the time nowadays to educate their patients about important health topics. I see this problem as more of a challenge. After all, we are a very busy chiropractic office, and it would be easy to put off things such as a patient education newsletter or seminar. However, I feel you deserve the best care possible, and health education is an essential ingredient.

I hope that most of you are taking the time to read these articles, and perhaps even saving them for later reference. The Maximize Your Life Newsletter is a means by which a very busy office, like ours, can stay in touch with those we care for.

Often times I will try to help you understand the nature of the care you are receiving in the office, how you can achieve better results and how to benefit the most from our care. If you do not consistently read your newsletter, you could miss out on some very important information.

I have tried to cover a broad spectrum of health topics, and will continue to do so. Please keep an eye out for the next several issues of the newsletter. They will be very informative and helpful in providing guidance on a few key topics- that are very relevant to YOU and YOUR HEALTH.

We are getting busier and busier at Maximized Health Chiropractic. So many people are coming to us for help, and we just can not turn them away. Unfortunately, there are not enough chiropractic healthcare facilities like ours. This means we have to work harder, longer hours, and most importantly- more efficiently. That is exactly where the newsletter comes into play. I can only physically adjust so many people in one unit of time. Therefore, the newsletter ensures that whatever I have share or discuss with regard to health still gets to you.

Believe me when I say I would prefer to have the time to sit and personally chat with you about the topics you find in your newsletter. Please forgive me if you think I am too busy to talk during adjusting hours, but that is the reality we face when there are more sick and hurting people out there than there are doctors like me who are available to care for them.

Yours in Maximized Health,
Dr. Craig

Welcome to the office Tom!

Please help me welcome the newest member to the Maximized Health Chiropractic Team. Tom will be helping us in the office, and he is very excited to be helping you.