Monday, November 13, 2006

Vitalism vs. Mechanism, Healing, and Belief Systems

All throughout God's word, we see people healed and overcoming their
circumstances through faith and/or by changing over to a godly lifestyle. As
a result we realize that human beings are far more then just merely $1.96
worth of raw materials and that what we sow into our bodies radically
affects the results we reap in them. Sadly, "modern" medical science doesn't
look at the spiritual part of our makeup or fully appreciate the impact that
lifestyle makes in our physical and emotional health. This philosophy views
your body as merely a frail biochemical robot controlled by genes and
predestined to either; fail or succeed, be happy or sad, be ill or be well.
While this type of health care can be of great benefit in extreme
circumstances, because it is not considerate of natural, God-given function-
there are always dangerous "side effects."

Different than medicine, new age dogma recognizes the spiritual truth that
life cannot be explained solely by materialism. The new age term "Vitalism"
is the metaphysical doctrine that living organisms posses a non-physical
inner force or energy that gives them the property of life. New agers also
acknowledge the important role of natural living in determining wellness.
Unfortunately, because Christ is not at the center of this thinking, they
place the power of healing in finite, limited things like people's energy,
natural remedies, and crystals rather then the infinite, unlimited power of

The Bible shows us that you are not weak or pre-programmed, but vital and
powerful beyond what you can ever fully fathom. There is something
supernatural about you and your body that goes far beyond material DNA,
chemistry, biology, and physics. Your genetics are a tendency, not a death
sentence and in fact science shows us that only 2% of any conditions have to
do with a single gene disorder. Therefore we know, 98% of the time, you have
something to say about your future by how you believe and live your life. As
a Christian-based Doctor of Chiropractic, I know that the moment you fail to
give God the credit, you eliminate the true source of this vitality. Any
time you put the focus of health and healing in someone or something (MD's
and drugs) that comes from outside the body and away from God's working
power inside the body, you've missed the mark and consequences will occur.

Research on natural health as well as common sense tells us that when you
line up your lifestyle and the environment within your body with God's
natural intentions, well-being is the result. When there is harmony inside,
health is expressed outside. On the other hand, when disharmony exists, it
will show up as pain, depression, disease, and generally a failure to
thrive. Throughout history, it has been the tendency of people to turn
towards the outside as a means of treating the condition using drugs,
surgery, herbs, vitamins, idols, etc. However, these things don't bring back
order or establish health. While some may treat symptoms, patch dysfunction,
or supplement an inadequate diet, only God heals. It's His life power alone
that's keeping you alive.

For example; if paramedics arrive at the scene of an accident and find two
victims, one who is dead and one is barely hanging on, and then begin
surgically sealing all of the wounds, administering vitamin C, and pouring
massive amounts of medication down each of their throats - who's got the
only chance of making it? Obviously, barring resurrection, the one who is
hanging on is the only one with a chance because he still has the divine
spark of life given him by the Creator.

The example above is obvious in nature. A less obvious interpretation would
be situations that are not so black and white, life or death. In other
words, who will have the greatest chance of healing and becoming/staying as
healthy as possible? The one who does what it takes to ensure that their
life force / health / God-given potential is fully present, or the one who
does very little or nothing at all. Not so obvious a situation, but the
answer remains obvious!

Through Maximized Living, we understand that there is more to life than
physical law yet also distinguish between "Vitalism," man-made treatments
from the outside, and God-given intelligence from the inside. It really is a
"Body by God." As a Christian, I believe the modifications that need to be
encouraged are ones that allow the healing process to take place naturally
by respecting the normal way God created the body to function. When
adjustments are made to the body or nutrition and lifestyle changes are
utilized, it's not for the purpose of treating symptoms, but for restoring
balance and establishing or maintaining health. In this way, when health and
wellness prevail over sickness and despair, we glorify the natural law and
the innate wisdom inside every living being.

Health and vitality is the inherent consequence of living a natural
lifestyle that respects your body and falls into alignment with the ultimate
intent God has for your life. Remember, health and happiness is your choice
98% of the time.

Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig