Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Neurological Stress Reduction Therapy, NSRT

A Scientific Breakthrough That Could Potentially Change Health Care Forever

The big question nowadays is how does stress accumulation and stress reduction specifically correlate to the symptoms and conditions afflicting our society?

When stress or pressure is applied to the nervous system through exposure to specific substances, the nervous system begins to fight or expel the substance from the body. This response is referred to as an (ANS) Autonomic Nervous System Mediated Response which can be expressed by the body in the form of sinus pressure, skin irritations, headaches, upset stomach or any other manner in which the body can expel the substance it believes is harmful or toxic.

The ANS Mediated Response is the trigger for all of these symptoms which when diagnosed as chronic by the medical community become conditions we are all familiar with such as allergy, asthma, eczema, ADD, ADHD, migraine, IBS or Chronic Fatigue.

NSRTSM Neurological Stress Reduction Therapy uses laser technology to positively condition the brain or what we call neurological relaxation training to eliminate the ANS Mediated Response that triggers the symptoms and conditions that affect you on a daily basis. The nervous system triggers a reaction or series of events because of something it has sensed in your environment. By training the nervous system to NOT become stressed from a harmless substance during substance specific exposure we are able to stop the reaction or event before it becomes a symptom or condition.

The net result is that many of those conditions that people suffer from all their lives can be alleviated in just a few therapy sessions, with no drugs, no needles, no diets and no nutritional supplementation.

Through NSRT, inappropriate ANS mediated responses can be reduced or eliminated. These ANS mediated responses are the triggers for symptoms commonly associated with:
  • Allergies & Sinus Conditions
  • Asthma & Shortness of Breath
  • ADD, ADHD, Autism & Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Skin Irritations, Eczema & Rosacea
  • General Digestive Discomfort, Indigestion, Constipation, Swelling & Bloating
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Menstrual Irregularity
  • Headaches & Chronic Fatigue

To Learn More:
If you have any of the above symptoms or just want to know more about NSRT and how it can help you improve your health or avoid disease I strongly urge you to investigate a new form of treatment called the BAX3000 by BioVeda Technologies (

Speak Up and Educate Others,

Dr. Craig Burns

READ the 1st page of this newsletter by clicking HERE

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Are You In the Spirit of Giving this Year?

In the spirit of the holidays, and in the spirit of giving, Maximized Health Wellness Center pledges to gift over $10,000 in health and wellness services to those in need. Our goal is to help make 2010 a more symptom free year for as many people as possible. This is a very big number, but we are committed to it.

To achieve this goal we are going to need a lot of help. Will you partner with us this holiday season in the spirit of giving?

We are asking all members of our practice family to make a list, like Santa’s list (we won’t ask you for this list, it’s yours). For every person that makes your list we will give you a $250 gift certificate. This “Gift of Health” gift certificate can be used to make 2010 a healthier, more symptom free year for its recipient.

The $250 gift certificate applies to our Chiropractic & Physiotherapy Department as well as our Allergy & Asthma Department. The recipient can choose which department they need the most. The $250 can be applied to any testing or treatment procedure that they need.

This is an amazing opportunity for the people on your list to discover if we can help them enjoy a better year and a brighter future, one without symptoms, one that is filled with health and happiness.


More about the “Gift of Health” gift certificate:
The “Gift of Health” gift certificate comes in a Christmas envelope that you can personalize if you wish. You can request more than one gift certificate.

People who can make your list:
Family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, church members, etc

Symptoms for the Allergy Department:
Allergies, asthma, IBS, fatigue, skin conditions, food allergies, stress related disorders, etc.

Symptoms for the Pain Department:
Pain, stiffness, weakness, numbness, arthritis, disc problems, accidents, injuries, etc.

The World’s Largest Stocking Drawing & the “Gift of Health” gift certificate:
If you desire, for every gift certificate you give to someone you will receive an additional 5 entries in the drawing for the World’s Largest Stocking. You will also receive an additional 25 entries when a friend on your list uses their gift certificate before Christmas.

How do I participate?
Ask any member of the office for a gift certificate, or for more details. We would be happy to help you.

Speak Up and Educate Others,

Dr. Craig Burns

The Truth About Medical Asthma Treatment...CLICK HERE to read more!

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Good Doctoring is Evidenced in the Result!

Below are just a few written testimonials of people who tried everything else, and finally found the right solution to their problem with the BAX3000 Laser Allergy System. A wise man once said, “Focus on the cause of the problem, not the symptom, and the body will amaze you time and time again… that is good doctoring.”

"I suffered constantly from a sour stomach, bloating and nausea since 1993 and was diagnosed by a specialist with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I had significant improvement after only two treatments and am now 100% symptom-free" ~ S. Steinman

"Milk and dairy used to give me stomach problems and cause vomiting. I couldn’t believe it when I ate pizza, with a lot of cheese, for the first time in over 20 years. Even more amazing when I ate ice cream... again with no problem. Eating is finally fun again." ~ T. John

"It's amazing, that's what I say - and you've got to remember, I was very cynical, I didn't think anything was going to work." ~ O. Holloway

"The proof of the pudding for me was when all those allergies disappeared." ~ E. Mendez

K. Scott
Symptoms: abdominal cramping before and after eating; avoided dairy for many years
Results: After 5 treatments; symptom free; able to eat dairy products

K. Mitchell
Symptoms: intestinal pain upon any ingestion of foods
Results: Eliminated entirely after treatments

G. Mohr
Symptoms: Bloating and acid reflux pain at night
Results: After 10 treatments to foods and digestive allergens; 100% symptom free

A. Diaz
Symptoms: 8 year old with infant onset of multiple food allergies; very limited diet which greatly limited activities
Results: Eliminated all food allergies and can now participate in all school activities

Dr. Craig’s Comments:

The BAX 3000 Laser Allergy System has much promise because it uses a revolutionary treatment technique, and many people are naturally skeptical. For those people, keep this in mind:

"The metaphysics of today is the physics of tomorrow. The physics of today was the metaphysics of yesteryear"

Don’t let the fact that many doctors and most patients have never heard of Laser Allergy Treatment deter you from finding the right solution to your problem. You can be symptom free if you choose to be!
Visit for more information.
Read the 1st page of this newsletter "Misunderstanding IBS and Poor Patient Care"

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Our Perception Really IS Our Reality

Flubbing a field goal kick doesn’t just bruise your ego — new research shows it may actually change how your brain sees the goal posts. In a study of 23 non-football athletes who each kicked 10 field goals, researchers found that players’ performance directly affected their perception of the size of the goal: After a series of missed kicks, athletes perceived the post to be taller and more narrow than before, while successful kicks made the post appear larger-than-life.

Professional athletes have long claimed that their perception changes when they’re playing well — they start hitting baseballs as large as grapefruits, or aiming at golf holes the size of a bucket — but many scientists have been slow to accept that performance can alter visual perception.

Although many scientists are surprised, Witt says subjective perception is a concept most of us are already familiar with. For example, she said, when running around a track, you may know logically that the long, straight stretch is always a constant 100 meters — but by the end of a run, those same 100 meters appear to stretch on forever.

The researchers used a small, adjustable replica of a goal post to test players’ perception before and after attempting 10 kicks. While standing in front of the real-life goal, participants were asked to adjust the width and height of the model to scale.

The players’ pre-performance estimations didn’t correlate at all with their subsequent success rate. But after 10 field goal attempts, their perceived goal size was highly correlated with performance.

Interestingly, the change in players’ perception didn’t just depend on how many goals they missed — it also mattered how they missed their goals. Folks who failed because they didn’t kick high enough perceived the crossbar to be taller, while those who kicked to the side viewed it as more narrow.

Dr. Judd’s Comments:

It seems that our perception is indeed our reality. In this study those that had failed at the assigned task perceived that their goal was more difficult to attain. We are all guilty of that to some degree. So, was the goal in the study truly smaller than normal? No, of course it wasn’t. Those in the study chose to see it as smaller than normal. The state of our life is OUR choice. The world knocks us around sometimes, but the world will go on despite what we think of it. So we get to decide if we are a victim or a creator. I choose to create! I create a positive environment by seeing the world as a place full of potential. I decided many years ago to be a happy person. If you ask me, “How are you today?” you will get some crazy answer like “Phenomenal” or “I’m having the best day of my life!” This causes people to either smile or give me a suspicious look wanting to know why I am so upbeat! Either way it improves both of our days! Try those words the next time someone asks, “How are you today?” Happiness is infectious so you will both have a better day. It could be the first step to your world being a better place!

Keep your chin up and have a “Phenomenal” day!!

Dr. Judd Wattenbarger

READ The 1st Page of This Newsletter Here: CLICK HERE

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Don't Miss Out On Your Tax Advantage!

Oct. 30, 2009 (Bloomberg) -- About 35 million Americans may have as little as a month to take full advantage of a tax subsidy for out-of-pocket medical expenses under a health-reform bill Congress is debating. The legislation unveiled in the House yesterday would set for the first time a cap on contributions to Flexible Spending Accounts, a benefit offered by employers that allows workers to pay some medical expenses with pretax dollars. Employers currently set their own limits, generally $3,000 to $5,000.

The proposal is similar to one adopted by the Senate Finance Committee. An average worker could lose about $625 in tax savings by failing to take the full amount before the limits are set. The “open enrollment” benefit-selection period now under way at 95 percent of employers may be the last opportunity to claim a higher amount. “If you’re a parent and your kid needs braces in the next year or two, you may want to expedite that,” said Joe Jackson, chief executive officer of WageWorks Inc., a San Mateo, California, company that administers 1.5 million flexible spending accounts for some 2,800 employers.

The House limits wouldn’t apply until 2013, while the Senate limits would take effect in 2011. The current open-enrollment period, which typically lasts a week or two, is generally the only time workers can decide how much to contribute to their accounts in 2010. About 35 million Americans have flexible spending accounts and they have an average salary of $55,000, said Jackson, who is also chairman of Save Flexible Spending Plans, a coalition of business groups, medical providers and plan administrators opposing the caps.

Employers increasingly are offering such accounts, said Beth Umland, director of research for health and benefits at Mercer, a New York-based human resources consulting firm. About 83 percent of employers with 500 or more employees had health spending accounts in their benefit plans in 2008, up from 52 percent in 1995. The plans let workers deposit money before taxes into accounts that can be used to pay health-related expenses. Typically, all the money must be spent within a year to 15 months or it’s forfeited.

Under current law, depositing $5,000 to pay for a medical procedure such as laser eye surgery would save a worker in the 25 percent income-tax bracket $1,250 in taxes. An employee in the 15 percent tax bracket would save $750. Those tax savings would be cut in half under the proposal to cap the maximum annual contribution at $2,500.

“For the first time people are taking their benefits package and really looking at them,” Gibbs said. “Now is the time to put as much money in there as possible.” The House legislation would generate an estimated $13.3 billion in tax revenue to help fund broader health reforms, according to the nonpartisan congressional Joint Committee on Taxation. The House bill also would place limits on tax-advantaged Health Savings Accounts, which share some similarities with Flexible Spending Accounts, except money in HSAs doesn’t have to be spent by a specific date. It also would prohibit purchases of over-the-counter drugs using Flexible Spending Account contributions.

Dr. Judd’s Comments:

The government giveth, and the government taketh away. Flexible Spending Accounts and their cousin Health Savings Accounts have allowed the American Public to save a substantial amount of money on their medical bills over a number of years through tax breaks. Somebody noticed and the tax-shielded limits are coming down. Now is the time to look ahead. What are you going to do for your health in 2010? Put that money aside now so you don’t lose out on the last year of the maximum tax advantages. Also remember that FSA and HSA funds can be used for most of the services that we provide at Maximized Health.

Yours in abundant health,

Dr. Judd Wattenbarger

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

8 Steps to Maximized Health During Seasonal Changes

Do you have a strategy or a plan for avoiding health problems associated with seasonal changes? I sure hope it’s not simply getting the flu shot, putting your primary care doctor’s phone number on speed dial, or stocking up with over the counter medications.

I have always been told that ‘a man without a plan is on the fast track to failure’. I don’t know about you, but when it comes time for the seasons to change I don’t plan on getting sick – I plan on getting through without a scratch. I literally have a plan for accomplishing this. Do you? If not, feel free to copy mine:

1. Take advantage of natural health care. It is well known that chiropractic care improves immune system activity. Some chiropractic adjustments are more powerful than others, i.e. upper neck adjustments can dramatically stimulate the nerve-immune system connection. I always try to get adjusted more frequently during seasonal changes, and because of this I feel confident putting my hands on sick people all day long. Keeping the body lined up and tuned up just makes sense!!
2. Increase high quality nutrient intake. Your immune system needs fuel to function properly. Healthy, high quality foods and supplements can keep your body healthy in a room full of sick people. You should be extra cautious about nutrient and supplement intake during seasonal changes. Increasing your efforts in this department could mean the difference between laughing all day vs. coughing all day. If you need help in this department – please ask us!
3. Get some extra exercise. Regular exercise stimulates the body in so many healthy ways you can’t believe it. A body that moves well, and often, is a body that is better able to adapt and remain symptom free – and, has a longer shelf life! Schedule 3-5 workouts a week and stay committed.
4. Increase water intake. A chronically dehydrated body is a breeding ground for illness. If you care about increasing bodily function than you need a daily strategy for monitoring water intake. At lunch time and at dinner time I know exactly how much water I have consumed and therefore how much more I should consume by the end of the day. Formulate a strategy and stick to it!
5. Decrease your sugar intake. It is well known that a diet high in sugar can suppress the immune system and create chaos throughout the body. Decrease your sugar intake during seasonal changes and you will increase your ability to adapt and thrive during this period.
6. Get enough sleep. During seasonal changes the body is slightly more stressed than usual as it is forced to adapt to a changing external environment. Adequate sleep gives your body the opportunity to repair, regenerate, build resistance and rise to the challenge without complications.
7. Maintain a positive attitude. We can not maintain a strong healthy body if we are chronically stressed out, stuck in a state of negativity, or have nothing to look forward to. Find several positive influences (people, books, hobbies) and cultivate a positive outlook on life. The body has a strong tendency to follow the mind.
8. Take time to relax. Out of all the things you have to get done during the day, taking time to relax and recharge should be the most important. Take a 60 second time-out at your desk whenever you get stressed out and say a prayer, meditate, read a passage, or just take some deep breathes. Resetting ‘the system’ (mind – body connection) now and then keeps the system from breaking down.
?. I have saved my “SECRET WEAPON” for the seminar on October 14th. Something new and exciting - don’t miss out. You won’t believe how simple, yet powerful this little strategy can be.

Do you see the value in having a plan for avoiding health problems associated with seasonal changes? Your plan should always be a work in progress – continuously evolving and improving. Do a little research on your own, and share your findings with others. Too many people nowadays think that being sick is a matter of bad luck. The truth is… you can stack the odds in your favour if you just put a little work into doing so.

Speak Up and Educate Others,

Dr. Craig Burns

Read The 1st Page of This Newsletter HERE

Friday, September 25, 2009

Suit: Meatpacker used `downer' cows for 4 years

By GILLIAN FLACCUS, Associated Press Writer Gillian Flaccus, Associated Press Writer – Thu Sep 24, 6:00 pm ET

LOS ANGELES – A Southern California meatpacking plant that supplied beef to the nation's school lunch program slaughtered stumbling, potentially contaminated cows for four years before undercover video of animal abuse prompted a massive beef recall, federal court filings say.

The amended complaint filed late last month in U.S. District Court in Riverside is part of an ongoing civil lawsuit filed by The Humane Society of the United States against the Chino-based Westland/Hallmark Meat Co.

The U.S. Department of Justice intervened in the case with the new complaint after months of additional research and interviews that uncovered the startling new allegations against the now-defunct packing plant. Among them, the company failed to disclose that one of its partners had two felony convictions related to illegal industry practices.

The Humane Society released video in late 2007 showing "downer" cows — animals too weak or sick to walk — being dragged by chains, rammed by forklifts and sprayed with high-pressure water by plant employees who wanted them to stand for processing.

The video sparked the largest beef recall in U.S. history. Officials estimated at the time that 37 million pounds of the 143 million pounds of recalled beef went to school lunch programs, and most of the meat had already been eaten.

Donald W. Hallmark, whom the lawsuit lists as a company partner, told The Associated Press he retired six years ago and had no comment. Calls to a number for another partner, Steve Mendell, rang unanswered Thursday.

The new filing alleges the government paid Westland/Hallmark millions of dollars to which it was not entitled because the company lied about meeting all the conditions for the 140 government contracts it held between 2003 and 2008.

The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages and a jury trial. The original filing by the Humane Society sought $150 million.

In the papers, the government alleges the meatpacking plant slaughtered and processed downer cows for nearly four years — from January 2004 to September 2007 — at the average rate of one every six weeks and abused animals daily using chains, forklifts, high-pressure water hoses or electric prods, or by punching and kicking them.

Downer cows pose increased risk for mad cow disease, E. coli and other infections, partly because they typically wallow in feces.

The new complaint also alleges that a partner at Westland/Hallmark, Aaron Magidow, had two felony convictions that were not reported to the government when it awarded the meatpacker's contracts. Magidow, who has since died, was convicted in 1974 of bribing federal meat inspectors and in 1983 for participating in a fraudulent meat buying scheme, the lawsuit said.

The executor of Magidow's estate, which is named as a defendant in the case, said he had no comment.

"I think whatever we have to say will be said in court," said attorney Walter Weiss.
Officials with the Humane Society said the government's filing marked the first time the Justice Department had intervened in a federal false claims case involving the mistreatment of farm animals.

The lawsuit "not only confirms everything that our investigation found, but suggests that it was even more widespread than we had documented," said Jonathan Lovvorn, the Humane Society's chief counsel. "We're concerned by what they uncovered — but not surprised."

San Bernardino County prosecutors charged two of the employees seen on the undercover video. One was sentenced to six months in jail, the other to nine months in jail.

Source: Associated Press

AP IMPACT: School drinking water contains toxins

By GARANCE BURKE, Associated Press Writer Garance Burke, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 34 mins ago

CUTLER, Calif. – Over the last decade, the drinking water at thousands of schools across the country has been found to contain unsafe levels of lead, pesticides and dozens of other toxins.
An Associated Press investigation found that contaminants have surfaced at public and private schools in all 50 states — in small towns and inner cities alike.

But the problem has gone largely unmonitored by the federal government, even as the number of water safety violations has multiplied.

"It's an outrage," said Marc Edwards, an engineer at Virginia Tech who has been honored for his work on water quality. "If a landlord doesn't tell a tenant about lead paint in an apartment, he can go to jail. But we have no system to make people follow the rules to keep school children safe?"

The contamination is most apparent at schools with wells, which represent 8 to 11 percent of the nation's schools. Roughly one of every five schools with its own water supply violated the Safe Drinking Water Act in the past decade, according to data from the Environmental Protection Agency analyzed by the AP.

In California's farm belt, wells at some schools are so tainted with pesticides that students have taken to stuffing their backpacks with bottled water for fear of getting sick from the drinking fountain.

Experts and children's advocates complain that responsibility for drinking water is spread among too many local, state and federal agencies, and that risks are going unreported. Finding a solution, they say, would require a costly new national strategy for monitoring water in schools.
Schools with unsafe water represent only a small percentage of the nation's 132,500 schools. And the EPA says the number of violations spiked over the last decade largely because the government has gradually adopted stricter standards for contaminants such as arsenic and some disinfectants.

Many of the same toxins could also be found in water at homes, offices and businesses. But the contaminants are especially dangerous to children, who drink more water per pound than adults and are more vulnerable to the effects of many hazardous substances.
"There's a different risk for kids," said Cynthia Dougherty, head of the EPA's Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water.

Still, the EPA does not have the authority to require testing for all schools and can only provide guidance on environmental practices.

In recent years, students at a Minnesota elementary school fell ill after drinking tainted water. A young girl in Seattle got sick, too.

The AP analyzed a database showing federal drinking water violations from 1998 to 2008 in schools with their own water supplies. The findings:
• Water in about 100 school districts and 2,250 schools breached federal safety standards.
• Those schools and districts racked up more than 5,550 separate violations. In 2008, the EPA recorded 577 violations, up from 59 in 1998 — an increase that officials attribute mainly to tougher rules.
• California, which has the most schools of any state, also recorded the most violations with 612, followed by Ohio (451), Maine (417), Connecticut (318) and Indiana (289).
• Nearly half the violators in California were repeat offenders. One elementary school in Tulare County, in the farm country of the Central Valley, broke safe-water laws 20 times.
• The most frequently cited contaminant was coliform bacteria, followed by lead and copper, arsenic and nitrates.

The AP analysis has "clearly identified the tip of an iceberg," said Gina Solomon, a San Francisco physician who serves on an EPA drinking water advisory board. "This tells me there is a widespread problem that needs to be fixed because there are ongoing water quality problems in small and large utilities, as well."

Schools with wells are required to test their water and report any problems to the state, which is supposed to send all violations to the federal government.

But EPA officials acknowledge the agency's database of violations is plagued with errors and omissions. And the agency does not specifically monitor incoming state data on school water quality.

Critics say those practices prevent the government from reliably identifying the worst offenders — and carrying out enforcement.

Scientists say the testing requirements fail to detect dangerous toxins such as lead, which can wreak havoc on major organs and may retard children's learning abilities.
"There is just no excuse for this. Period," said California Sen. Barbara Boxer, Democratic chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. "We want to make sure that we fix this problem in a way that it will never happen again, and we can ensure parents that their children will be safe."

The problem goes beyond schools that use wells. Schools that draw water from public utilities showed contamination, too, especially older buildings where lead can concentrate at higher levels than in most homes.

In schools with lead-soldered pipes, the metal sometimes flakes off into drinking water. Lead levels can also build up as water sits stagnant over weekends and holidays.
Schools that get water from local utilities are not required to test for toxins because the EPA already regulates water providers. That means there is no way to ensure detection of contaminants caused by schools' own plumbing.

But voluntary tests in Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Seattle and Los Angeles have found dangerous levels of lead in recent years. And experts warn the real risk to schoolchildren is going unreported.

"I really suspect the level of exposure to lead and other metals at schools is underestimated," said Michael Schock, a corrosion expert with the EPA in Cincinnati. "You just don't know what is going on in the places you don't sample."

Since 2004, the agency has been asking states to increase lead monitoring. As of 2006, a survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found nearly half of all schools nationwide do not test their water for lead.

Because contaminant levels in water can vary from drinking fountain to drinking fountain, and different children drink different amounts of water, epidemiologists often have trouble measuring the potential threats to children's health.

But children have suffered health problems attributed to school water:
• In 2001, 28 children at a Worthington, Minn., elementary school experienced severe stomach aches and nausea after drinking water tainted with lead and copper, the result of a poorly installed treatment system.
• In Seattle several years ago, a 6-year-old girl suffered stomach aches and became disoriented and easily exhausted. The girl's mother asked her daughter's school to test its water, and also tested a strand of her daughter's hair. Tests showed high levels of copper and lead, which figured into state health officials' decision to phase-in rules requiring schools to test their water for both contaminants.

Many school officials say buying bottled water is less expensive than fixing old pipes. Baltimore, for instance, has spent more than $2.5 million on bottled water over the last six years.
After wrestling with unsafe levels of arsenic for almost two years, administrators in Sterling, Ohio, southeast of Cincinnati, finally bought water coolers for elementary school students last fall. Now they plan to move students to a new building.

In California, the Department of Public Health has given out more than $4 million in recent years to help districts overhaul their water systems.

But school administrators in the farmworker town of Cutler cannot fix chronic water problems at Lovell High School because funding is frozen due to the state's budget crisis.

Signs posted above the kitchen sink warn students not to drink from the tap because the water is tainted with nitrates, a potential carcinogen, and DBCP, a pesticide scientists say may cause male sterility.

As gym class ended one morning, thirsty basketball players crowded around a five-gallon cooler, the only safe place to get a drink on campus.

"The teachers always remind us to go to the classroom and get a cup of water from the cooler," said sophomore Israel Aguila. "But the bathroom sinks still work, so sometimes you kind of forget you can't drink out of them."

Source: Associated Press

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fat Chance!

Obesity rates have soared in all age groups over the past three decades. They’ve DOUBLED among children and TRIPLED among adolescents. And nearly one in three Americans are overweight or obese. All of which foretells a sobering future.

If we don’t succeed in reversing this epidemic…”, according to a report by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, “…we are in danger of raising the first generation of American children who will live sicker and die younger than their parents’ generation.”

In addition the costs of medical care for obesity-related disease and the resulting loss in productivity could be staggering. The obesity epidemic already costs our nation $117 billion annually in medical expenses and lost productivity. Childhood obesity alone costs up to $14 billion of that $117 billion annually, and if trends continue, that number will only get worse.

I think it’s literally going to overwhelm us. “says Dr. Sandra Hassink, who heads a youth-obesity clinic in Wilmington, DE, and chairs the obesity leadership group for the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Authorities also say obesity affects a child’s quality of life. Obese kids have negative body images, poor self-esteem, many become targets for bullying, and obesity threatens a child’s health-both in the short and long term. Overweight kids suffer greater risks for diabetes, heart disease, asthma, sleep apnea, depression and other problems.

Think of obesity as an accelerator for disease…”, Dr. Hassink says, “…until recently we called Type 2 diabetes ‘adult onset’ because we never saw it in children. Now, it’s showing up in kids as young as 12.”

Dr. Judd’s Comments:

This is a very powerful article chronicling the consequences of being obese as a child. So did it come from the New England Journal of Medicine, AMA Journal or the Lancet? No, in fact this is from the September/October 2009 issue of “Scouting”, a magazine especially for members and adult leaders of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). BSA is tasked with helping boys become the best that they can be. The BSA leadership discovered an alarming trend among boys and leaders, more and more boys are unable to handle the stresses of simple outdoor activities. Plus their general health has declined dramatically. In fact, 41% of youth and 77.5% of adult applicants to the 2010 National Scout Jamboree were overweight, obese, or morbidly obese! BSA is so concerned that new health guidelines will be implemented starting in 2010.

Shouldn’t we be concerned too? I am a parent and a Scout Leader and a member of my community. I am deeply concerned with the health of my children and that of the boys in my Troop. BSA makes no apologies for their new stringent guidelines. Neither should we. It is time to take control of the health of our children and our community! They need us, let’s not miss this chance to make a difference!

Dr. Judd

Read the 1st page of the newsletter HERE

Raising Healthy Kids In An Unhealthy World
September 16th @ 6:30 pm
Guests welcomed & RSVP required.
You get 60 minutes of Migun Massage for every person you refer!!!
Speak up and tell others!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hidden Sources Of MSG In Foods

From the book 'Excitotoxins - The Taste That Kills' By Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD

“What if someone were to tell you that a chemical (MSG) added to food could cause brain damage in your children, and that this chemical could effect how your children's nervous systems formed during development so that in later years they may have learning or emotional difficulties?

“What if there was scientific evidence that these chemicals could permanently damage a critical part of the brain known to control hormones so that later in life your child might have endocrine problems? How would you feel? Would that affect your buying decisions?

“How would you feel when you learn the food industry hides and disguises these excitotoxin additives (MSG and Aspartate) so they can't be recognized? Incredulous? Enraged? The fact is many foods are labeled as having "No MSG" but in fact not only contain MSG but also are laced with other excitotoxins of equal potency and danger.

“All of the above are true. And all of these well known brain toxins are poured into our food and drink by the thousands of tons to boost sales. These additives have NO OTHER purpose other than to enhance to TASTE of food and the SWEETNESS of various diet products.

Dr. Judd’s Comments:
In the movie “So I Married An Axe Murderer”, the main character’s father rants about Kentucky Fried Chicken in a thick Scottish brough, “It’s a well known fact that they put an addictive chemical in it to make you crave for it nightly!!” Pretty funny until you realize that he was right! This is truly scary stuff. These ‘addictive chemicals’ really are put in food to make us crave it! Did you ever wonder why kids love stuff out of a box? It’s ADDICTIVE!! Dr. Blaylock continues by giving us a list of food additives to look for when shopping. Make good choices and we can avoid this stuff together!

* Food Additives that ALWAYS contain MSG *

Monosodium Glutamate
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
Hydrolyzed Protein
Hydrolyzed Plant Protein
Plant Protein Extract
Sodium Caseinate
Calcium Caseinate
Yeast Extract
Textured Protein (Including TVP)
Autolyzed Yeast
Hydrolyzed Oat Flour
Corn Oil

* Food Additives That FREQUENTLY Contain MSG *

Malt Extract
Malt Flavoring
Natural Flavors/Flavoring
Natural Beef Or Chicken Flavoring

"Raising Healthy Kids In An Unhealthy World"
September 16th, 2009 @ 6:30 pm
**Guests welcomed & RSVP required.

**You get 60 minutes of Migun Massage for every person you refer!!!

Read the 1st Page of This Newsletter HERE

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Splenda, Sucralose Study Reveals Shocking, Potentially Harmful Effects

MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 22, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - James Turner, chairman of the national consumer education group Citizens for Health expressed shock and outrage after reading a new report from scientists at Duke University. "The report makes it clear that the artificial sweetener Splenda and its key component sucralose pose a threat to the people who consume the product. Hundreds of consumers have complained to us about side effects from using Splenda and this study, published this past week in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A, confirms that the chemicals in the little yellow package should carry a big red warning label," said Turner.

Among the results in the study by Drs. Mohamed B. Abou-Donia, Eman M. El-Masry, Ali A. Abdel-Rahman, Roger E. McLendon and Susan S. Schiffman is evidence that, in the animals studied, Splenda reduces the amount of good bacteria in the intestines by 50%, increases the pH level in the intestines, contributes to increases in body weight and affects the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in the body in such a way that crucial health-related drugs could be rejected. Turner noted that the P-gp effect "could result in crucial medications used in chemotherapy for cancer patients, AIDS treatment and drugs for heart conditions being shunted back into the intestines rather than being absorbed by the body as intended."

The study was conducted using male rats over a period of twelve weeks. The manufacturers of Splenda also used a rat study when they applied for and received approval to market the product from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. At the time, the findings from their rat studies were extrapolated as to possible effects on humans. This is standard FDA practice and this study is consistent with that practice.

Turner said, "This report followed accepted policies and procedures and the results make clear the potential for disturbing side effects from the ingestion of Splenda. It is like putting a pesticide in your body. And this is at levels of intake erroneously approved by the Food and Drug Administration. A person eating two slices of cake and drinking two cups of coffee containing Splenda would ingest enough sucralose to affect the P-glycoprotein, while consuming just seven little Splenda packages reduces good bacteria." Although the effect of consuming Splenda does not result from a one time use, the side effects do occur after accumulated use. Turner also noted unmistakable evidence that Splenda is absorbed by fat, contrary to the claims of Johnson & Johnson.

Turner announced, "We are calling today on the FDA to immediately accept our petition filed over a year ago and initiate a review of its approval of sucralose and to require a warning label on Splenda packaging cautioning that people who take medications and/or have gastrointestinal problems avoid using Splenda. The new study makes it clear that Splenda can cause you to gain weight and reduce the effects of medications being taken. The FDA should not continue to turn a blind eye to this health threat."

Citizens for Health will testify in Sacramento, CA, on October 3, 2008, before the California Assembly Committee on Health which is examining the use of deceptive advertising to promote sales of potentially unhealthy food additives, particularly artificial sweeteners.

Dr. Craig’s Comments:

Let me be blunt with you about this… what is the difference between poisoning yourself with arsenic versus poisoning yourself with sucralose and aspartame??? In my opinion, the outcome is the same - the only difference is that some chemicals can kill you quickly, and others slowly. I choose to live, therefore I choose wisely when it comes to the ingredients that fuel my body, and I pray you do the same!

Speak Up and Educate Others,

Dr. Craig Burns
READ the 1st Page of this newsletter HERE

Friday, August 7, 2009

Nature's Pharmacy

Here are a few fun observations about nature and it's amazing ability to heal the human body and maintain optimal health.

It's been said that God first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, planted a garden, made animals and fish... All before making a human. He made and provided what we'd need before we were born. These are best and more powerful when eaten raw. We're such slow learners...
A sliced Carrot - looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye... And YES, science now shows carrots  greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes. 
A Tomato - has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart and blood food. 
Grapes -hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food. 
A Walnut - looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are just like the neo-cortex. We now know walnuts help develop more than three (3) dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function. 
Kidney Beans - actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys. 
Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb - and many more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body. 
Avocadoes, Eggplant and Pears - target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats one avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and prevents cervical cancers. And how profound is this? It takes exactly nine (9) months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them). 
Figs - are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers of Sperm as well to overcome male sterility. 
Sweet Potatoes - look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics. 
Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries 
Oranges, Grapefruits, and other Citrus fruits - look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts. 
Onions - look like the body's cells. Today's research shows onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes. A working companion, Garlic, also helps eliminate waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the body. 
Source: Anonymous

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What Is Your Spinal IQ?

Your IQ that's measured in school has to do with problem solving - mental gymnastics. Your spinal IQ also has to do with problem solving - these are "problems" of the physical kind.

How far to bend over to lift those grocery bags out of your car's trunk? How much muscle force is necessary to pick up and carry your five-year-old child? What specific muscles are needed to maintain your "downward dog" position for 30 seconds in yoga class? How far can your back muscles stretch when you do a back bend at the ballet bar? These are the problems your spinal IQ tries to solve.

Spinal IQ is an inborn ability. Our bodies were designed for the rigors of physical work - they are very smart and very adaptable. One of our built-in control systems is the specialized set of nerve endings known as proprioceptors.

Proprioception is our internal awareness of position in three-dimensional space. This three-dimensional positioning allows us to keep our balance when we walk or run. Proprioception tells our muscles and joints how to work together to throw a baseball from third to first, to drive to the basketball hoop and sink a lay-up, or to hit a tennis ball to the corner of the opponent's service box and win the point.

Proprioception is very important in spinal IQ. The spine is a complex system of bones, joints, muscles, and ligaments - a smart proprioception system helps all the parts work together smoothly and seamlessly.

To keep all the parts functioning we need to take an active role. In modern society, if we're not proactive, it's easy for our bodies to break down. Two key strategies for maintaining high levels of spinal IQ are regular strenuous exercise and regular chiropractic check-ups.

Exercise helps our bodies stay smart. When we exercise our joints are mechanically stressed and challenged throughout their complete ranges of motion. This activity stimulates proprioceptors - training them to do their job well and building new and stronger connections between nerve cells. Exercise also builds muscle strength and flexibility, and in the process the muscles are getting smarter, too.

Chiropractic care enhances the benefits of your exercise program by helping ensure optimal functioning of your spine and nerve system. With regular chiropractic care, your proprioceptive system is optimized and your body's ability to adapt to physical challenges is restored.

Dr. Craig’s Comments:

Proprioception, aka you spinal IQ, is one of those things that has always intrigued me. So much so, that I continued to do extensive research on the subject even after I graduated. I found out that abnormal proprioception is connected to: decreased athletic performance, lack of coordination and poor balance, loss of strength and flexibility as one ages, slips and falls, onset of organ and gland disease, even poor mental clarity and mood disorders. Guess what the key player in determining quality of proprioception is – your posture! Posture is directly connected to proprioception. Therefore, normal and healthy posture is absolutely essential to a body that can function well now and in the future. Is your posture normal? If not, now is the time to fix it. Your health and your future depend on it!!!
“Posture affects and moderates every physiological function from breathing
to hormone production. To live a long, active, energetic life, few things matter
more than good posture.”

The American Journal of Pain Management, 1994

Speak Up and Educate Others,
Click Here to read the 1st page of this newsletter

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why You Don’t Want to Use Antibacterial Soap Anymore!

The antibacterial agent triclosan, commonly used in certain soaps that you probably have in your house right now, is starting to appear in consumer products ranging from socks to toothpaste.

But research shows that under normal household conditions triclosan can react with chlorinated water to produce chloroform, a likely carcinogen (cancer-causing).

An initial 2005 study showed that, in the laboratory, pure triclosan reacts with free chlorine (often found in tap water) to produce chloroform. More recently, follow-up studies on 16 products found that household goods containing triclosan produced either chloroform or other chlorinated byproducts.

In some soaps, the triclosan degraded within one minute of exposure to chlorinated water at temperatures used for household cleaning.

I posted a newsletter two years ago about the dangers of using antibacterial soap and common household cleaning products. I am not surprised to learn the initial reports I used to construct this newsletter have been confirmed; products containing triclosan can produce the cancer-causing substance chloroform.

That is one of the benefits you get by reading this newsletter. It is very common that you'll be alerted of health issues YEARS before they become widely publicized in the traditional media.

So be alert because the average consumer has NO CLUE this is a problem. Antibacterial soaps are widespread in most households nowadays. If you see it, be an activist and tell them what you know. Show them the evidence and ask them to switch. Don’t let them unknowingly continue to poison themselves or their family so some company can make money and provide no benefit, only harm.

Because water temperatures, chlorination and the antibacterial products used can vary based on the locale, it's hard for scientists to predict the precise amount of chloroform to which you may be exposed. With that said, the use of triclosan in some conditions can expand your exposure to chloroform by as much as 40%.

But remember that even when triclosan does not degrade into chloroform, it's still dangerous in and of itself, because it enters the environment and eventually creates antibiotic-resistant germs.

It's surprising the problem still exists, considering even the highly conservative American Medical Association's very public slam against antibacterial soaps seven years ago, and undisputed evidence that nothing works better when it comes to hand-washing than plain soap and water, without the unnecessary toxic antibacterial chemicals.

Dr. Craig’s Comments:

In our house and in our office, we promote the use of a certain kind of soap. It’s called Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps. You can go to to order an array of healthy, non toxic soap products. You could go to a local health food store, but you will pay more and your selection of products will be limited. One more thing… checking your ingredient labels is not just good practice when it comes to food items – check you cleaning products for triclosan! Remember, what you put on your skin you put into your body. So, check ALL your labels and choose WISELY!

Read the 1st page of this newsletter HERE

Yours in Health and On Purpose,

Dr. Craig Burns

NEW Fibromyalgia Seminar July 23rd @ 6:30 pm
Guests welcomed & RSVP required.
You get 5 FREE massages for every person you get to the seminar!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

2 New Developments In The Office:

First, I want to remind you of our Patient Appreciation Day event on July 8th. Patient Appreciation Day is a time honored tradition in the Chiropractic profession. We have always recognized the need for showing gratitude for having patients who allow us to improve the health of mankind through the Chiropractic Lifestyle. We appreciate having YOU as a part of our family!!!

With that said, our Patient Appreciation Day is also an opportunity to celebrate those people who are NOT YET patients of Maximized Health. So, let me ask you 2 simple questions…

1. Would you agree that we have helped you?
2. Would you agree that there are many, many people in our community who also need our help, but don’t know what we do?

If you answered YES to both questions, then I want to ask you a favor - we need your help. Our purpose is to help as many people as possible and I want to ask you if you know of anyone who lives locally who has health problems such as arthritis, headaches, pain, hormone problems, sleep problems, weight problems, etc. Who are you thinking of? What is their problem? Are you thinking of someone at work?

On July 8th we will be doing 2 very important things. First, we will be having a small party to celebrate YOU.
If you are in town, please be sure to come by and be APPRECIATED… grab a snack, perhaps an adjustment, and certainly a laugh or two (not to mention we will be giving away prizes all day, HINT: if you participate, the least you will win is a free massage :).

Second, we will be opening the office for free examinations. Therefore, I am asking all of you to go the extra mile and invite someone to receive a complimentary evaluation. If they have a problem, and we can help them, then great! If they just want a simple biomechanics or health evaluation to see if everything is OK, then that is great as well!

Our goal is to offer at least 10 people the opportunity to GET CHECKED during that week. We need YOU to help us accomplish this goal. Will you go the extra mile and tell someone about our Patient Appreciation Day event, and how they can receive a free evaluation? If so, I may have an extra gift waiting for you – and them (HINT: everyone could use a free massage).



We are proud to announce that we have added a new member to our Team, Julie Hickman. Julie will be helping us at the front desk to maintain excellence in patient care. Julie has been with us as a patient for nearly a year now. Having been a patient, Julie is very much aligned with our values and our purpose in serving this community.
Julie is also finishing up her training as a Certified Nutritionist and is looking forward to applying this knowledge in the field of natural health care.
In short, our office is much improved with her presence and we are all looking forward to serving you in even greater ways. Please help us make Julie feel at home, as I am sure she will do the same for you.

Yours in Health and On Purpose,

Dr. Craig Burns

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Coca Cola® Water With Vitamins Might Not Be a Healthy Beverage

VitaminWater® from the Coca-Cola Company sounds like a healthy product that promotes wellness, right? It comes in several flavors with names like “Defense,” “Rescue,” “Energy” and “Endurance.” It certainly seems like it might be an energizing treat. Well, maybe not. According to nutritionists at the Center for Science, the product is loaded with sugar to the tune of 33 grams in each and every 20 oz. bottle.

As a result of this discovery, Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has decided to take the Coca-Cola Company to court. A class action suit has been filed by CSPI against the company for deceptive and unsubstantiated claims on its VitaminWater line of beverages.

Coca-Cola has made a wide variety of advertising statements regarding the effectiveness of VitaminWater. Included in the hype are claims that drinking it reduces the risk of chronic disease, promotes healthy joints and that it supports the immune system.

According to CSPI nutritionists, the opposite is actually true in terms of good health. “The 33 grams of sugar in each bottle of VitaminWater do more to promote obesity, diabetes and other health problems than the vitamins in the drinks do to perform the advertised benefits listed on the bottle.”

CSPI believes that Coca-Cola marketing has gone beyond the limits of statements the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allows, all the way to making fraudulent claims about the product. As a result of their investigation, a suit has been filed against the company in the U.S. District Court in the Northern District of California.

“VitaminWater is Coke’s attempt to dress up soda in a physician’s white coat,” said CSPI litigation director Steve Gardner. “Underneath, its still sugar water, albeit sugar water that costs about ten bucks a gallon.”

CSPI’s executive director Michael F. Jacobson had these words of wisdom for health-conscious people: “My advice to consumers is to get your vitamins from real food. If you have reason to believe you have a shortcoming of one vitamin or another, perhaps take an inexpensive supplement. But don’t seek out your vitamins in sugary soft drinks like Coke’s VitaminWater.”

Source: Center for Science in the Public Interest. “Coke Sued for Fraudulent Claims on Obesity-Promoting VitaminWater.” January 2009.

Dr. Craig’s Comments:
I know you are trying to find the healthy alternative to the “bad stuff”. In doing so, remember 2 things: First, don’t get your product education from some marketing team – go get it on your own. Second, don’t get too comfortable with your choices – always be looking for the better version!

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig Burns

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What Can You Learn From The Oldest People On The Planet?

Learn why these 5 cultures are living without disease and what common denominator connects them. They are well known for longevity of 120 to 140 years. You may have heard of their names if you have been studying alternative health for any length of time.

  • Certain tribes of Tibetans in western China
  • The Hunzas in eastern Pakistan near Mount Rekaposhi
  • The Russian Georgians of the Caucaus Mountains in western Russia
  • The Vilcabomba Indians in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador
  • And the Titicaca Indians in the Andes Mountains of southwestern Peru

The common denominator… they all live in mountain valleys 8,500 to 14,000 feet in elevation and they all get their water from the “glacial milk” (the water that comes from underneath glaciers as they grind up the parent rock of the mountain). This highly mineralized water is white and opaque – it looks like milk.

More importantly, for 2,500 to 5,000 years, they have irrigated their crops with it. So, their crops have converted the metallic minerals in the “glacial milk” into organically bound plant colloidal minerals, the most absorbable form of minerals. And then guess what… they eat the plants and get all of those minerals.

In short, these 5 third world cultures gave their body the raw materials that it needed, and then let the greatest physician of all… their own body do the healing. Your body is capable of healing itself, but only when it’s basic nutritional needs are met on a daily basis.

Approximately 99% of the human body is comprised of minerals, yet minerals are generally overlooked when nutrition is considered. It is well known that the human body requires at least 60 minerals in order to maintain a disease and ailment free state.

Foods we raise or purchase in markets today seldom contain more than 16 to 18 minerals. This small number of minerals in plants is because of a mineral deficiency of the food producing soils around the world.

If this information is indeed true, it's easy to understand why sickness is so prevalent throughout the world, even in technologically advanced countries. The body can utilize some minerals without vitamins, but vitamins and most other nutrients are basically useless in the absence of minerals.

Extensive research is showing that without supplementation, it is not likely that we can eat enough food to get the full range of essential trace minerals required to obtain optimum health and longevity.

Dr. Craig’s Comments…

The water in one of my supplements, Ionix Supreme, is sourced from the Arkansas’ Ouachita Mountains, an area known for the healing properties found in its water. Discovered within the Coleman mine, the water is supersaturated with quartz crystals and other minerals. Quartz Crystal Mineral Water is one of the most unique waters to be discovered. Quartz is made up of silica and oxygen and is an incredible conductor of electricity. Silica makes up the primary element saturated in this water. It is a trace mineral that is important for bones, hair, skin and proper nerve conduction.

When water becomes rich in minerals, as this unique quartz water has done, it enables the body to maintain energy, vitality and health. Many of the health problems we are seeing are occurring as a result of deficiencies in our diet. Using waters that are enriched naturally with minerals such as silica, calcium, magnesium and trace minerals becomes a fuel for the body to enrich and function more efficiently.

If you have more questions about mineral supplementation, please ask a member of our staff!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How Much Do You Really Want to Know?

The focus of this week’s newsletter is “how much have you changed, how much will you change?”

For the last couple weeks we have been focusing on what you know vs. what you don’t know about your body, and your habits. I know that many of you are concerned about how much your habits have changed your body, specifically those of you who sit for more than 2-4 hours per day.

We will be coaching all of you on a few key concepts when it comes to ergonomics in the office, car and at home. We are doing this in conjunction with our community outreach program “Healthy @ Work – Healthy 4 Life”.

For example… do you know if your sitting posture is helping you or hurting you? An important question that we hope all of you will be able to answer within the next several days.

The reason we are doing this is simple, yet profound. Research and experience is showing me that sitting incorrectly for more than 2-4 hours per day will cause your body to develop and age abnormally. This will in turn lead to symptoms and health problems that quickly become life changing conditions if left unchecked.

So, over the next several days my staff and I will work extra hard in helping correct your ergonomics and postural habits, thereby helping you avoid said problems in the future.

We are even going to take it a step further. We are going to work even harder to help those that are willing learn more so they can change more.

Over the next several days we will be offering you the OPPORTUNITY to take your health education and body awareness to a much higher level. This is strictly voluntary! What I mean is this… if you really want to know more about your body and how to care for it or “improve it”… we will coach you. But, again it is up to you to take the initiative and ask for help. We don’t want to force any additional knowledge or training upon you.

For example, it is a fact that prolonged sitting causes various parts of the body to shrink and shorten while other parts elongate and stretch out. Prolonged sitting (work, car, home – it’s all cumulative) will cause some parts to become weak while others become over developed. The point is… if you are not careful and proactive your body will change in a way that you DO NOT want it to.

Trust me on this one… it is this very simple concept that has brought many of you here looking for help, and it is this very same concept that will cause many of your friends and family to develop joint and muscle conditions as they age. All of these problems can be avoided or improved greatly. But, you must receive the right training and counsel. If I can do it – so can you!

At the bottom of this newsletter you will find a sample of the checklist we use. If you wish to “learn more so you can change more”, please meet with a member of Team Maximized Health (FYI: Tom is our ergonomics specialist). Next week, we will systematically fill out entire form for you and get you moving in the right direction.


Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig Burns

Patient name_____________________________ Date____________
Patient Specific Recommendations for Ergonomics & Rehabilitation
Based on our review of your personal needs we are prescribing the following

Muscles to Stretch:
o Hip Flexors
o Hamstrings
o Quadriceps
o Low Back
o Anterior Chest
o Calves
o Glutes
o Neck Flexors
*** These muscle groups require stretching on a daily basis. Hold each stretch for 5-60 seconds (longer = better). Repeat throughout the day. If you have questions or concerns please consult with us. A simple internet search will help you learn more about stretching these muscles.

Muscles to Strengthen:

o Hip Flexors
o Hamstrings
o Quadriceps
o Low Back
o Upper Back
o Posterior Shoulder
o Glutes
o Neck Extensors
o Lower Abdominals
o Upper Abdominals
o Core Spinal Stability Muscle Groups

Ergonomics and Postural Recommendation:
o Mini-breaks (stretch) every 15 minutes while performing 30+ minutes of desk work
o Lumbar Chair Support
o Fitball for workstation
o Sitting Disc for workstation

o The 4 Bridges Routine = 4 - 7 days/wk, 2 - 4 sets, 30 – 60 sec. hold
o Superman = 4 - 7 days/wk, 3 - 6 sets, 10 – 25 reps
o Swimmer’s = 4 - 7 days/wk, 3 - 6 sets, 10 – 25 reps
o Back Extensions (Fitball) = 4 - 7 days/wk, 3 - 6 sets, 10 – 25 reps
o V-ups = 4 - 7 days/wk, 3 – 6, sets, 10 – 25 reps
o Basic Sit-up (Fitball) = 4 - 7 days/wk, 3 - 6 sets, 10 – 25 reps

Core Stretching:
o Basic Neck Stretch = daily, 2 - 6 sets, 30 – 60 sec. hold
o Trigger Point Stretch = daily, 1 - 3 sets, 30 – 60 sec. hold
o Side Posture Stretch = daily, 2 - 4 sets, 30 – 60 sec. hold
o Forward Bend Stretch w/ Twist (low back) = daily, 2 - 6 sets, 30 – 60 sec. hold
o Cobra Pose = daily, 2 - 4 sets, 30 – 60 sec. hold, other:
o Foam Roller (mid spine) = daily, 2 - 4 sets, 30 - 60sec. hold, other:
o Fitball (full spine) = daily, 2 - 4 sets, 30 – 60 sec. hold, other:
o Lumbar Wedge (lower spine) = daily, 2 - 4 sets, 30 – 60 sec. hold, other:

Additional Stretches Required:
o Corner Stretch (chest and shoulders) = daily, 1-3 sets, 20 – 60 sec. hold
o Hamstring Stretch = daily, 2-3 sets, 30 – 60 sec. hold
o Hip Flexor Stretch = daily, 2-3 sets, 30 – 60 sec. hold
o Quadriceps Stretch = daily, 2-3 sets, 30 – 60 sec. hold
o Glute Stretch = daily, 2-3 sets, 30 – 60 sec. hold
o Basic Hip Stretching Protocol = daily, 1-3 sets, 20 – 60 sec. hold

Web-based Video Education Counseling:
o Ergonomics and Lifestyle Modifications = the stretches and exercises for the muscle groups listed above are all posted in our Members Area of our website. If you have difficulty finding this information please see the Front Desk.

Additional Instruction: