To achieve this goal we are going to need a lot of help. Will you partner with us this holiday season in the spirit of giving?
We are asking all members of our practice family to make a list, like Santa’s list (we won’t ask you for this list, it’s yours). For every person that makes your list we will give you a $250 gift certificate. This “Gift of Health” gift certificate can be used to make 2010 a healthier, more symptom free year for its recipient.
The $250 gift certificate applies to our Chiropractic & Physiotherapy Department as well as our Allergy & Asthma Department. The recipient can choose which department they need the most. The $250 can be applied to any testing or treatment procedure that they need.
This is an amazing opportunity for the people on your list to discover if we can help them enjoy a better year and a brighter future, one without symptoms, one that is filled with health and happiness.
More about the “Gift of Health” gift certificate:
The “Gift of Health” gift certificate comes in a Christmas envelope that you can personalize if you wish. You can request more than one gift certificate.
People who can make your list:
Family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, church members, etc
Symptoms for the Allergy Department:
Allergies, asthma, IBS, fatigue, skin conditions, food allergies, stress related disorders, etc.
Symptoms for the Pain Department:
Pain, stiffness, weakness, numbness, arthritis, disc problems, accidents, injuries, etc.
The World’s Largest Stocking Drawing & the “Gift of Health” gift certificate:
If you desire, for every gift certificate you give to someone you will receive an additional 5 entries in the drawing for the World’s Largest Stocking. You will also receive an additional 25 entries when a friend on your list uses their gift certificate before Christmas.
How do I participate?
Ask any member of the office for a gift certificate, or for more details. We would be happy to help you.
Speak Up and Educate Others,
Dr. Craig Burns
The Truth About Medical Asthma Treatment...CLICK HERE to read more!
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill