Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fat Chance!

Obesity rates have soared in all age groups over the past three decades. They’ve DOUBLED among children and TRIPLED among adolescents. And nearly one in three Americans are overweight or obese. All of which foretells a sobering future.

If we don’t succeed in reversing this epidemic…”, according to a report by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, “…we are in danger of raising the first generation of American children who will live sicker and die younger than their parents’ generation.”

In addition the costs of medical care for obesity-related disease and the resulting loss in productivity could be staggering. The obesity epidemic already costs our nation $117 billion annually in medical expenses and lost productivity. Childhood obesity alone costs up to $14 billion of that $117 billion annually, and if trends continue, that number will only get worse.

I think it’s literally going to overwhelm us. “says Dr. Sandra Hassink, who heads a youth-obesity clinic in Wilmington, DE, and chairs the obesity leadership group for the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Authorities also say obesity affects a child’s quality of life. Obese kids have negative body images, poor self-esteem, many become targets for bullying, and obesity threatens a child’s health-both in the short and long term. Overweight kids suffer greater risks for diabetes, heart disease, asthma, sleep apnea, depression and other problems.

Think of obesity as an accelerator for disease…”, Dr. Hassink says, “…until recently we called Type 2 diabetes ‘adult onset’ because we never saw it in children. Now, it’s showing up in kids as young as 12.”

Dr. Judd’s Comments:

This is a very powerful article chronicling the consequences of being obese as a child. So did it come from the New England Journal of Medicine, AMA Journal or the Lancet? No, in fact this is from the September/October 2009 issue of “Scouting”, a magazine especially for members and adult leaders of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). BSA is tasked with helping boys become the best that they can be. The BSA leadership discovered an alarming trend among boys and leaders, more and more boys are unable to handle the stresses of simple outdoor activities. Plus their general health has declined dramatically. In fact, 41% of youth and 77.5% of adult applicants to the 2010 National Scout Jamboree were overweight, obese, or morbidly obese! BSA is so concerned that new health guidelines will be implemented starting in 2010.

Shouldn’t we be concerned too? I am a parent and a Scout Leader and a member of my community. I am deeply concerned with the health of my children and that of the boys in my Troop. BSA makes no apologies for their new stringent guidelines. Neither should we. It is time to take control of the health of our children and our community! They need us, let’s not miss this chance to make a difference!

Dr. Judd

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Raising Healthy Kids In An Unhealthy World
September 16th @ 6:30 pm
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