Wednesday, September 24, 2008


It’s hard to say if it’s simply a sign of the times or the continuing search by drug companies to find new and untapped markets for their products. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is now recommending cholesterol testing for children as young as 2 years old and even recommending cholesterol lowering drugs in some older children.

The AAP has made the call for screening and treatment a part of their policy with a statement called “Lipid Screening and Cardiovascular Health in Childhood.” This screening is mainly directed at children in families that have a history of high cholesterol levels in their background. Other familial factors that could trigger a screening would be frequency of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure or diabetes.

Screening for children that meet these specifications should begin sometime after their 2nd birthday and before the age of 10, says the AAP. Previous AAP screening recommendations were far less specific regarding targeted ages for testing to start.

Previously, the AAP never recommended cholesterol drugs for children under 10. That specification has been lowered now to include younger children to whom drugs are being recommended. “For children who are more than 8 years old and who have high LDL (bad cholesterol) concentrations, cholesterol-reducing medications should be considered. Younger patients with elevated cholesterol readings should focus on weight reduction and increased activity while receiving nutrition counseling.”

Most cholesterol lowering drugs have serious side effects. There is no question that obesity is a problem of increasing proportion throughout American society. It is truly unfortunate that it is becoming a factor in very young children and a sad comment on diet, sedentary lifestyles and a lack of exercise throughout our culture. Children need to be encouraged to “get out and play” and get the body moving. This will go a long way to promote good health and strong bodies.

Parents who are looking for ways to improve the lifestyle and health of their children would be wise to consult a chiropractor for expertise and advice on this subject. It is important not only to keep children off drugs, but also to develop a way of good healthy thinking that will have them choosing exercise and fitness rather than a trip to the medicine cabinet for everything that ails them in their future years.

Source: American Academy of Pediatrics. "New AAP Policy on Lipid Screening and Heart Health in Children." Press Release. July 2008.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

P.S. September 30th is the deadline for Family Wellness and Prevention Month. All family members and significant others receive a complimentary wellness evaluation and screening, at no charge. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to go the extra mile when it comes to the health of your loved ones!