Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Family Wellness and Prevention Month

I want you to think of someone that is very dear to you. Think of someone who lives with you or near you. It could be a child, your spouse, a boyfriend or girlfriend, a sister or brother, etc. Who is that person to you? Say their name right now to yourself.

Wouldn’t you like to be able to just know that this person is going to end up having a life filled with health and happiness, a life that seldom experiences sickness and dis-ease? If you could, you would do anything to guarantee it wouldn’t you?

The uncertainty of not being able to know if a loved one will remain healthy is so uncomfortable that people literally try not to think about it. This line of thinking or lack thereof is exactly what fuels a family healthcare crisis.

Research is revealing that disease and degenerative disorders are more prevalent than ever before. Nowadays, even kids are at risk for developing health problems. The pharmaceutical industry is actually targeting kids and young adults as the new market for increased profits. What does that say to you? To me, it is saying that they know you are counting on modern medicine far more than you should for HEALTH-care.

The reason for this negative trend is that children and adults receive little to no preventative healthcare on a regular basis. People are sheepishly waiting for symptoms and emergency situations to present themselves before they take action. This is reactive thinking, and is often associated with heavy consequences.

Preventative healthcare is more important now than any other time in history. Health maintenance and disease prevention requires proactive thinking. Take a moment and consider the possibilities that await your loved ones if they remain reactive instead of proactive. Yes, I am referring to children as well.

What are you doing right now to guarantee the health of your loved one? What is your strategy to support them, what is your plan to help them protect their health? You know someone that has problems, but is neglecting to take action to get help. You also know someone who falsely believes that they only need health care when they have a problem – and not until it’s bad enough.

There is a way to better guarantee the future health status of your family. You can get to a point where you just know they are on the right path to taking care of their health proactively. You also can get a point where you don’t have to worry so much about how they will feel in 10, 20, 30, or 40 years.

They need to be taught, like I was, how to think and act differently in order to have a life filled with health, and thus happiness. Your family needs and deserves a healthcare plan that is actively promoting health maintenance and disease prevention. We can help you and your loved ones develop such a plan!

This month is Family Wellness and Prevention Month. It is a month that we dedicate to offering any and all family members a complimentary health service. Our Wellness Evaluation will assess 3 important areas:

· How the body is developing and aging physically
· Determine if the body is toxic or deficient in any way
· Assess the body’s current level of stress, and ability to handle stress in the future

Don’t let your loved one’s health fall victim to chance and circumstance. Schedule their appointment ASAP!

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig