Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Don’t be a Victim - Take Control of Your Health Now - part 5

A chemical called 1,4-dichlorobenzene, or 1,4-DCB, could harm your lungs.

It is found in air fresheners, toilet deodorizers, and mothballs, and is present in the blood of nearly all Americans. 1,4-DCB is the chemical that gives mothballs their distinctive smell.

The finding came as part of a National Institutes of Health study that looked at 11 household chemicals. All 11 chemicals are emitted as gasses by common household products. 1,4-DCB was the only chemical in the study which was linked to lung damage.

Those who had the highest amounts of the chemical in their blood showed diminished lung function, which could be serious for those with asthma or other lung problems. Reduced lung function is also a risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer.

Air fresheners have been linked to cancer in the past, and this new study may demonstrate one reason why. It really is quite amazing that this chemical found in air fresheners, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, is present in the blood of 96 percent of Americans.

This is especially alarming as this toxic chemical has been associated with so many health problems. In general you want to avoid having any benzene derivative chemicals in your body as they have very similar toxic side effects.

It's best to avoid using any chemicals in your home. However, that is a nearly impossible achievement in this day and age. What you can do, however, is limit your exposure as much as possible.

Artificial air fresheners, dryer sheets, fabric softeners or other synthetic fragrances can pollute the air you are breathing, with 1,4-DCB and other chemicals. If you are using air fresheners because you like the scent, therapeutic essential oils are an excellent and safe alternative.

NOTE: This is just one of the many ways you can reduce your body’s CHEMICAL BURDEN (exposure to chemicals that are harmful to your health). You may never have thought that air fresheners could be unhealthy, but now you know. Keep in mind…

There is usually a safer, healthier alternative to products that contain harmful chemicals – you just have to look for them.

Monday, August 25, 2008

What you don’t know about your adrenal gland:

Fatigue and lethargy is one of the most common complaints amongst adult patients. If you have symptoms such as tiredness, fearfulness, allergies, frequent influenza, arthritis, anxiety, depression, reduced memory and difficulties in concentrating, insomnia, worn-out, inability to lose weight after extensive efforts, you may be suffering from adrenal fatigue (technically known as hypoadrenia).

Adrenal fatigue has a broad spectrum of non-specific yet often debilitating symptoms. The onset of this disease is often slow and insidious. Patients are told that they are stressed and need to learn to relax more. Yes, we all know that "stress kills" to a large extent. But, the question is how? And, what are the solutions?

The real truth is that stress is not a mysterious entity at all. Our body has a built-in mechanism to deal with it. Being able to handle stress is a key to survival, and the control center in our bodies is the adrenal glands. When our adrenal glands become fatigued and unable to handle stress, dysfunctional physiological symptomatology sets in… in other words – the body stops working properly!

Adrenal fatigue was first described in the medical texts in the 1800s as a clinical condition. It was one of the most prevalent conditions, afflicting almost every adult in one way or another. Despite effective diagnostic tools and treatment programs, most conventional physicians were simply not informed and not prepared to treat adrenal fatigue as a serious threat to health. This condition was seldom diagnosed as a sickness for the past 50 years. Instead, it was considered as a condition whereby no treatment was available other than to tell the patient to "relax". Why was this so? The reasons were simple. Laboratory tests were unable to detect any abnormality, until recently. Today, adrenal fatigue can be accurately diagnosed, overcome and treated properly.

Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

-Tendency to gain weight and unable to lose it, especially around the waist.
-High frequency of flu and other respiratory diseases – symptoms tend to last longer than usual. -Tendency to tremble when under pressure.
-Reduced sex drive.
-Lightheadedness, especially when rising from a laying down position.
-Unable to remember things.
-Lack of energy in the mornings and also in the afternoon between 3 to 5 pm.
-Need coffee or stimulants to get going in the morning.
-Crave for salty, fatty, and high protein food such as meat and cheese.
-Increase symptoms of PMS for women; periods are heavy and then stop, or almost stopped on the 4th day, only to start flow again on the 5th or 6th day.
-Pain in the upper back or neck with no apparent reasons.

Conclusion: Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome is real and probably afflicting you in more ways than one. Adrenal glands can be restored to optimum health naturally by adhering to healthy living principals. Proper rest, together with specific nutritional diets and removal of stressors are key components to adrenal fatigue recovery. Restoring adrenal gland function is one of the 3 key aspects to the unique wellness formula we use here at Maximized Health. If you or someone you know would like to have their adrenal gland tested please ask a member of our Team – we would be happy to help you take another step closer to a healthier you!

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Monday, August 18, 2008

Don’t be a Victim - Take Control of Your Health Now - part 4

Cancer-Causing Benzene Still in Drinks

The FDA has acknowledged that benzene, a carcinogen, has been found in U.S. soft drinks at four times the limit considered safe for drinking water.

This contradicts earlier FDA statements that the levels of benzene were insignificant. Organizations such as the Environmental Working Group have accused the FDA of concealing information about benzene in soft drinks.

Benzene has been linked to leukemia. It can form in soft drinks made with vitamin C and sodium or potassium benzoate.

Benzene is not something you want to be consuming as it has been linked to leukemia and other health problems. It is usually found in pollutants such as car exhaust fumes. Ironically, the main reason it’s in soft drinks these days is because some manufacturers have added vitamin C to their beverages in an effort to make them seem healthier.

Why are they still allowed to do this? Because about 15 years ago, when the problem first surfaced, the FDA decided to leave it up to the soft drink industry to determine the best way to lower benzene levels in soft drinks. So there are no regulations telling soda manufacturers not to add vitamin C to drinks with benzoate preservatives, and after a few years had passed and the problem was off the headlines for a while, vitamin C went right back in. So much for the government watchdogs who are supposed to be guarding our health from just this kind of problem.

Of course, the entire idea of adding vitamin C to a soft drink to make it “healthier” is ludicrous in the first place, even if doing so didn’t result in a cancer-causing toxic brew. It’s sort of like slapping a happy-face sticker on a toxic waste dump. Soft drinks, the leading source for calories in America, are loaded with high fructose corn syrup, and they increase your obesity risks by 60 percent. A bit of vitamin C is not going to fix that.

And diet soft drinks, despite what you may think, are no better for your weight, and usually contain health-harming artificial sweeteners as well. Without question, as bad as regular sugar-laden sodas are, they are far superior to the artificial sweeteners used in diet sodas.

Of course, asking whether diet or regular soft drinks are better is like asking whether you prefer getting hit in the head with a sledge hammer, a baseball bat or a golf club. None of the choices are good; it is all a matter of the lesser of two health evils.

One of the easiest things you can do to optimize your health is to replace soft and sugary sweet fruit drinks with clean fresh water. There just is simply NO excuse to be drinking soda in my book, none, absolutely none.

P.S. If you need help “getting off the soft drinks” please ask a member of the Maximized Health Team. We have solutions to this problem that we would be happy to share with you!


An old adage claims that “laughter is the best medicine.” When it occurs, it’s usually a pretty good indicator that a happy moment has happened. But, what about anticipated laughter? Would looking forward to some happy times in the future produce an equally beneficial effect on a person today?

That’s what researchers at the University of California, Irvine College of Medicine wanted to find out when they embarked on an anticipated laughter study. Their goal was to determine if they could detect positive changes in the body of a person who was anticipating the enjoyment of a future event.

Sixteen men at Loma Linda University volunteered for the experiment. The study involved the entire group sitting down and watching a funny video. Half of the group was informed 3 days in advance that this is what was going to occur. The rest of the group received no such advance information.

Researchers then tested the entire group to see if the movie had any effect on hormones in their body that affected stress. Interesting changes were noted in the group that had the advance information. Those men who watched the video had an average 39 percent decrease in cortisol, a 38 percent drop in dopac and a 70 percent reduction of epinephrine. These are all known to be hormones related to stress. At the same time, their endorphin level went up 27 percent and their growth hormone levels rose 87 percent. According to researchers, endorphins and growth hormones are known to reduce the effects of stress and have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Interestingly, none of these positive changes were experienced by the 8 men who were not told they would be watching a funny video.

This information raises some interesting possibilities for dealing with stress and helping people to stay healthy, according to Lee Berk, an assistant professor of family medicine at the Susan Samueli Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. “This study shows that even knowing you will be involved in a positive, humorous event days in advance reduces levels of stress hormones in the blood and increases levels of chemicals known to aid relaxation,” said Berk. This has profound implications for complementary treatment of disease and for maintaining a person’s wellness.”

Using this data, it makes good sense to plan a date in the future to do something enjoyable, rather than running out on the spur of the moment. A person can really get their full value out of an event by making a plan to do it, fully anticipating its arrival and then enjoying it in the moment. It seems that planning to have a good laugh is just about as valuable as the laughter itself.

Source: The University of California, Irvine. “Expecting a Laugh Boosts Stress-Busting Hormones.” Press Release. November 2002.

Start now! Get out those calendar books and start planning some fun times. Any ideas you can come up with are good ideas. List as many fun events as possible and schedule them in a way that looking forward to their arrival brings a better state of health and wellness into your life.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Don’t be a Victim - Take Control of Your Health Now - part 3

The 10 Most Common Toxins: The following toxins are among the most prevalent in our air, water and/or food supply. This list is by no means all-inclusive, as thousands of other toxins are also circulating in our environment. Keep reading to find out tips to avoid these toxins and others as much as possible.

1. PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls): This industrial chemical has been banned in the United States for decades, yet is a persistent organic pollutant that's still present in our environment. Risks: Cancer, impaired fetal brain development. Major Source: Farm-raised salmon. Most farm-raised salmon, which accounts for most of the supply in the United States are fed meals of ground-up fish that have absorbed PCBs in the environment and for this reason should be avoided.

2.Pesticides: According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 60 percent of herbicides, 90 percent of fungicides and 30 percent of insecticides are known to be carcinogenic. Alarmingly, pesticide residues have been detected in 50 percent to 95 percent of U.S. foods. Risks: Cancer, Parkinson's disease, miscarriage, nerve damage, birth defects, blocking the absorption of food nutrients. Major Sources: Food (fruits, vegetables and commercially raised meats), bug sprays.

3.Mold and other Fungal Toxins: One in three people have had an allergic reaction to mold. Mycotoxins (fungal toxins) can cause a range of health problems with exposure to only a small amount. Risks: Cancer, heart disease, asthma, multiple sclerosis, diabetes. Major Sources: Contaminated buildings, food like peanuts, wheat, corn and alcoholic beverages.

4.Phthalates: These chemicals are used to lengthen the life of fragrances and soften plastics. Risks: Endocrine system damage (phthalates chemically mimic hormones and are particularly dangerous to children). Major Sources: Plastic wrap, plastic bottles, plastic food storage containers. All of these can leach phthalates into our food.

5.VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds): VOCs are a major contributing factor to ozone, an air pollutant. According to the EPA, VOCs tend to be even higher (two to five times) in indoor air than outdoor air, likely because they are present in so many household products. Risks: Cancer, eye and respiratory tract irritation, headaches, dizziness, visual disorders, and memory impairment. Major Sources: Drinking water, carpet, paints, deodorants, cleaning fluids, varnishes, cosmetics, dry cleaned clothing, moth repellants, air fresheners.

6.Dioxins: Chemical compounds formed as a result of combustion processes such as commercial or municipal waste incineration and from burning fuels (like wood, coal or oil). Risks: Cancer, reproductive and developmental disorders, chloracne (a severe skin disease with acne-like lesions), skin rashes, skin discoloration, excessive body hair, mild liver damage. Major Sources: Animal fats: Over 95 percent of exposure comes from eating commercial animal fats.

7.Asbestos: This insulating material was widely used from the 1950s to 1970s. Problems arise when the material becomes old and crumbly, releasing fibers into the air. Risks: Cancer, scarring of the lung tissue, mesothelioma (a rare form of cancer). Major Sources: Insulation on floors, ceilings, water pipes and healing ducts from the 1950s to 1970s.

8.Heavy Metals: Metals like arsenic, mercury, lead, aluminum and cadmium, which are prevalent in many areas of our environment, can accumulate in soft tissues of the body. Risks: Cancer, neurological disorders, Alzheimer's disease, foggy head, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, decreased production of red and white blood cells, abnormal heart rhythm, damage to blood vessels. Major Sources: Drinking water, fish, vaccines, pesticides, preserved wood, antiperspirant, building materials, dental amalgams, chlorine plants.

9.Chloroform: This colorless liquid has a pleasant, nonirritating odor and a slightly sweet taste, and is used to make other chemicals. It's also formed when chlorine is added to water. Risks: Cancer, potential reproductive damage, birth defects, dizziness, fatigue, headache, liver and kidney damage. Major Sources: Air, drinking water and food can contain chloroform.

10. Chlorine: This highly toxic, yellow-green gas is one of the most heavily used chemical agents. Risks: Sore throat, coughing, eye and skin irritation, rapid breathing, narrowing of the bronchi, wheezing, blue coloring of the skin, accumulation of fluid in the lungs, pain in the lung region, severe eye and skin burns, lung collapse, reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS) (a type of asthma). Major Sources: Household cleaners, drinking water (in small amounts), air when living near an industry (such as a paper plant) that uses chlorine in industrial.

Dr. Craig’s advice: Don’t get paranoid and depressed – just get proactive by reducing your exposure to the above listed chemicals. In addition, learn to reduce the toxins in your body through our nutritional cleansing and detoxifying programs. Our next seminar on Cleansing and Detoxifying the Body will be August 13th & September 3rd. RSVP is required and availability is limited.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Why would a parent not take a child to see a chiropractor? The basic answer might come down to no information or incorrect information.

Here are three basic reasons why not: 1. They don’t know about Chiropractic, 2. They don’t know about the potential benefits of Chiropractic or, 3. They think that a Chiropractic adjustment might be too rough for a child and cause pain or damage.

Once a person finds out about Chiropractic and begins to understand its benefits, it is point number 3 that must be understood and dispelled, as apparently, some parents think that a Chiropractic adjustment will be "too rough" for their youngster.

Chiropractors understand that all bodies are different and tailor their adjustments and the amount of pressure required based on the individual they are treating. A big football playing man in his 20s, a little old woman in her 70s and a child of 10, will all be looked at and evaluated for their individual needs.

In this way, it could be said that a Chiropractic adjustment can be as individual as a handshake. A strong man shaking hands with another strong man will give him a lot more pressure than if the same man was shaking hands with his grandmother or the child. When parents realize this and bring their child in for an adjustment, the results can be quite remarkable. Consider this case of a 7-year-old girl.

This child had been suffering from asthma since the age of 4. By the time she came to see a chiropractor, she had been treated medically with 10 different medications. Attacks of coughs and wheezing were daily occurrences. Physical activity was almost out of the question. Emergency room visits sometimes reached 5 per year. A test of lung capacity revealed she was operating at about 50 percent of her lung capacity.

An exam by her chiropractor revealed subluxations (partial dislocations) in the vertebrae at the middle of her spine. An individual program was tailored to handle these restrictions. With just one adjustment, some of the tightness in her chest disappeared and her coughing was reduced. After just 4 weeks of treatment, she was able to put aside her inhaler and get back to participating in swimming and running sports. After 3 months, her lung capacity was just about normal and all medications were stopped.

Had her parents avoided taking her to a chiropractor because of a fear that an adjustment might be too rough and cause her pain, the child might well be on her way to a dozen more medications, further restrictions of activity and even worse breathing problems. Is Chiropractic for children too? By all means. Miracles can occur each and every day in Chiropractic with the right adjustment, tailored to the individual’s size, age, shape and need.

Source: Dynamic Chiropractic. “Chiropractic: As Individual as a Handshake.” July 2008.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Friday, August 8, 2008

Don’t be a Victim - Take Control of Your Health Now - part 2

Here is the FULL VERSION of "Don't Be a Victim - Take Control of Your Health Now - part 2"

People think they are immune to disease until they develop a serious health condition - without warning.

Genetic causes do not in anyway explain the explosive increases in diabetes, cancers, and heart disease… but increasing concentrations of environmental poisons penetrating our bodies via our air, water, food and medicines does explain how bad things can get for the uninformed consumer! For instance… not only are chemicals used in foods, but chemicals used in everyday plastics are contributing to the rise in disease statistics. Bisphenol A (BPA) is one such compound to avoid as much as possible.

BPA is an estrogen-mimicking chemical used to make hard plastics and epoxy resins, found in numerous products that you probably use every day, including:

-Polycarbonate plastic baby bottles
-Large water-cooler containers and sports bottles
-Bottle tops
-Microwave-oven dishes
-Canned-food liners
-Some dental sealants for children
-Water supply pipes

The use of BPA is so pervasive - industry uses more than 6 billion pounds of BPA a year - that scientists have found that 95 percent of people tested have dangerous levels of BPA in their bodies. Some of the biggest victims in all are your children, who may be exposed to the chemical while in utero, and quite literally “fed” the chemical via plastic baby bottles and toys (which they often put in their mouths).A major problem with BPA is that it doesn’t stay in the plastic. It leeches into whatever food or beverage you put in a plastic container, canned good, or plastic baby bottle. Even worse, if you microwave the containers or bottles, or place hot liquids or food into them, BPA is released 55 times more rapidly!

The Good News and the Bad News

On the upside, BPA supposedly does not stay in your body long after you’re exposed. The bad news is that the chemical is so pervasive that scientists believe you’re simply being continually exposed to it from food, air, dust, and even just by touching items that contain BPA. Hence, your exposure is greater than what your body can dispose of on a regular basis and levels can rise to the point of causing biological harm.

According to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy’s Smart Plastics Guide, adverse effects from BPA exposure include:

-Structural damage to your brain
-Hyperactivity, increased aggressiveness, and impaired learning
-Increased fat formation and risk of obesity
-Altered immune function
-Early puberty, stimulation of mammary gland development, disrupted reproductive cycles, and ovarian dysfunction
-Stimulation of prostate cancer cells

Of 115 published animal studies, 81 percent found significant effects from even low-level exposure to BPA, so there’s probably no real safe limit.
As a side note, NONE of the 11 industry-funded studies found any significant effects, whereas 90 percent of the government-funded studies did. Yet another piece of “coincidental evidence” that shows the power of money. Always check who funded the study before drawing your final conclusions about the results.

Making Healthier Choices in a Toxic World

Sadly, even if BPA does eventually get restricted or banned (as Canada is currently proposing), there are countless other dangerous chemicals still out there. The EPA approves new man-made chemicals to the tune of some 700 every year!

Still, every step you take toward reducing or eliminating a toxin from your life is a good one and well worth the effort, I believe. Personally, I do not wait for a government restriction to begin reducing my exposure to BPA. The evidence that has amassed thus far is enough to convince me.

To be fair, you probably can’t completely eliminate your exposure to BPA, even if you decide to move to Canada (since it’s likely in the air, water, and food supply too), but you can certainly reduce it by eliminating the most obvious culprits.

The following tips will not only reduce your exposure to BPA, but also to many of the other dangerous plastics chemicals as well.

10 Tips to Reduce Your Exposure to BPA

1. Only use glass baby bottles and dishes for your baby. If you use a bottle to carry your water in, hold out for the one we are introducing in about 10-12 weeks, as it will be the only one on the market for this purpose.
2. Give your baby natural fabric toys instead of plastic ones
3. Store your food and beverages in glass -- NOT plastic -- containers
4. IF you choose to use a microwave, don’t microwave food in a plastic container
5. Stop buying and consuming canned foods and drinks
6. Avoid using plastic wrap (and never microwave anything covered in it)
7. Get rid of your plastic dishes and cups, and replace them with glass varieties
8. If you opt to use plastic kitchenware, at least get rid of the older, scratched-up varieties, avoid putting them in the dishwasher, and don’t wash them with harsh detergents, as these things can cause more chemicals to leach into your food
9. Avoid using bottled water; filter your own using a reverse osmosis filter instead
10. Before allowing a dental sealant to be applied to you, or your children’s, teeth, ask your dentist to verify that it does not contain BPA

Look at the Plastic Recycling Labels

There’s no getting around reading labels these days, and this is no exception.

In the event that you do opt to use plastic containers for your food, be sure to avoid those marked on the bottom with the recycling label No. 7, as these varieties may contain BPA.

Containers marked with the recycling labels No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 do not contain BPA (however they may contain other unsavory chemicals that you’re best off avoiding by using glass instead).

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Now there is some actual proof that measurable changes to the body’s nervous system occur as a result of a Chiropractic adjustment.

“By stimulating the nervous system, we can improve the function of the whole body,” said Dr. Heidi Haavik-Taylor. “This is something that chiropractors and their patients have known for years, and now we have some scientific evidence to prove it.”

Dr. Haavik-Taylor has been researching the effects of Chiropractic on the nervous system for the past 7 years. Her study included the use of an electroencephalograph (EEG) to measure brain waves before an adjustment and how these waves were altered afterwards. Her work was conducted at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic where she is director of research. Her findings were published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics.

The research involved 12 subjects who were documented as having reoccurring neck pain. All of the adjustments involved manipulations of dysfunctional cervical joints. Using a series of EEG evaluations, researchers were able to show that signals are carried by the nervous system to the brain and change the way muscles are controlled.

“This is the first time that anyone has used EEGs to prove that there are definite changes to the way the brain processes information after Chiropractic care.”

Dr. Haavik-Taylor summed up the action in very simple terms. “The process is like rebooting a computer. The signals that these adjustments send to the brain via the nervous system reset muscle behavior patterns.”

People who have enjoyed successful Chiropractic adjustments can certainly relate to the findings of this research. Is it any wonder that people frequently notice immediate changes in the way they feel or the way a particular part of their body is functioning after an adjustment – and in many cases, notice it immediately? If body systems do indeed reboot along the lines of a computer, changes can happen quickly with marvelous results.

Even the president of the New Zealand Chiropractors Association, Dr. James Burt, was favorably impressed. “Dr. Haavik-Taylor’s work is ground-breaking on an international level by proving that Chiropractic adjustments do alter and benefit the nervous system.”

Source: The New Zealand Chiropractors Association. Media Release. “New Science Behind Chiropractic Care.” November 2007.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

P.S. Be sure to read “Don’t be a Victim - Take Control of Your Health Now” - part 2.