If you are like most people who go to a dental professional on a regular basis, early cavity formation can be detected via x-ray and the tooth can be rescued before the problem becomes severe. After all, what is the alternative… root canal, crown, bridge, extraction… the problem simply evolves into a more painful, more expensive situation!
We all understand and appreciate the act of preventing tooth decay because our mom and dad taught us that this is the responsible thing to do, right? To take it a step further, we were taught that we should not simply rely on the dentist to CURE us in time of need, but instead we should take care of ourselves (brushing, flossing, rinsing, regular checkups, etc). How easy it is to understand this concept. It is as if we always knew it, and there is no other logical way to behave - anything else would be ridiculous and irresponsible!
Imagine for just a moment… if we all behaved in the same manner when it comes to the rest of our body.
Would we have the same incidence of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, etc? No, I am sure we would not.
How is it that PREVENTION can be so well understood for teeth, and yet people are okay with the fact that their spine and joints are decaying and degenerating day in and day out from pure neglect? Is it poor education, a lack of concern for something that does not hurt at the moment, a belief that a doctor can cure it when things get bad enough? How is it that such insane behavior can persist?
If you get the sense that I am emotionally charged by this topic, you are right! I recently had to look not one, but two patients in the face and tell them, “your spinal problems are so severe that I can not help you anymore”. The pain of having to tell someone that is indescribable. Especially when I know things did not have to end up this way for them. Their spine needed more than a ”root canal”. It needed to be replaced like dentures, but that is not possible.
The truth is… our commitment to our teeth dictates how long we will have them, and how much discomfort they may or may not bring us. The same is true for the rest of your body… muscles, joints, discs, nerves, brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. Your future is determined by your commitment to it. Do you “get it”?
There is a way to live and behave whereby our bodies will age as they were designed to, and the joy of living in this vessel lasts right up until the end. But, the intelligence and physical effort required for such an outcome rests more so with the individual than with the Doctor. Personal commitment and responsibility is the key to healthy teeth, and everything else in your body.
Your commitment to the health of your body should be top priority – not an inconvenience! Exercising it and feeding it properly should be top priority in your life – not a matter of “when I have more time” or “I’m too busy”. Your appointments with your dentist and your chiropractor are a commitment to your future, and they are truly invaluable.
Ladies and gentlemen… I have had my share of aches and pains prior to learning this lesson. I am in the same boat as all of you… trying to figure out how to live the best life possible. One thing I have figured out is this… our health and our life impacts those we love and care about. How well we live it (what we learn, what we practice, what we preach) will dictate how many “root canals” they must have before they “get it” too.
Speak up and educate others,
Maximized Health “tip of the week”
Taking care of your back is a life long project. With the prevalence of back pain at an alarming 60% among U.S. adults, preventive measures are needed. The use of proper body mechanics is an effective way to prevent back problems. When incorporated into activities of daily living, body mechanics help decrease the amount of stress on the spine. Education in body mechanics is therefore essential in prevention and recovery.
Taking care of your back is a life long project. With the prevalence of back pain at an alarming 60% among U.S. adults, preventive measures are needed. The use of proper body mechanics is an effective way to prevent back problems. When incorporated into activities of daily living, body mechanics help decrease the amount of stress on the spine. Education in body mechanics is therefore essential in prevention and recovery.

The goal of body mechanics is to learn how to move and position the body so as to prevent further injury to the spine. Awareness of common mistakes and proper principles can only help to achieve this goal.
The most common insult to the spine and posture is poor sitting mechanics. Most of us have all tried to sit up straight and not slouch, but that technique doesn’t seem to last more than 10 minutes. What about the other 7.5 hours left in the workday?
The lumbar roll is something I now use for my own back, and believe you can benefit from it as well.
For a simple way to maintain a healthy back posture, the McKenzie Lumbar Roll is perfect for use in the home or the office. It has an adjustable strap and a removable washable cover. When correctly positioned on a backrest at waist level against the lumbar spine, it can prevent the onset of pain and reduce pressure in the discs.

The McKenzie Roll is a very popular back support to ensure proper posture. It not only improves posture but also ensures correct and natural positioning of the lower spine while sitting.
If you would like to try the McKenzie Roll in your office or home, please ask a member of the Maximized Health Team. We will help you find one that is inexpensive. We will also teach you how to properly use it.
On our website, http://www.maximizedhealth.net/, you will find a tab in the Member Wellness section entitled Video Education Library. Here you will find 4 instructional videos regarding lifestyle / habit modification. Please view the video on proper sitting mechanics ASAP. If you need help finding these videos, please ask a member of the Maximized Health Team.
January 15, 2008 - "Sit up straight, stop slouching"
January 14, 2008 - "Desk & Driving Posture"
January 7, 2008 - "Active Sitting - what is it and why should you do it?"