Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sit up straight, stop slouching!

Does this phrase bring back childhood memories… find yourself repeating this phrase to your children as your parents did? How often do you repeat this phrase to yourself nowadays- that is the question!!! Another question… could bad, unhealthy sitting habits contribute to a person’s level of pain and discomfort, fatigue, weakness, abnormal posture, and even poor health? Science says ABSOLUTELY YES!

Sitting for prolonged periods is taxing enough on the human body, but sitting with bad posture is even more harmful. In fact, science says it can be quite damaging! So, let’s explore this topic a little further and figure it out together.

One thing we all need to be mindful of is… our habits literally dictate how we age, i.e. how we will look, feel and function in the future. What I want you to think about while sitting is this, are my sitting habits helpful or harmful to my body and overall health? It is true- your body will suffer by neglecting to understand this concept. On the contrary, you can dramatically improve your condition, or state of health, by correcting your sitting habits as much as possible.

So, where do we start? Think of at least 3 areas in your life where you could improve your sitting habits. I will give you a personal example: Sitting at home in a chair or couch, sitting at work, and sitting in the car.

Lounging at home: 2 things to think about here… back support and resting head position. Most people slouch back into the chair or couch (loosing their low back curve) and then let their head come forward to watch TV or read (loosing their neck curve). The solution is simple. Roll up a blanket or grab an extra cushion and place it down low behind the back to offer support (maintaining the low back curve), and then let the head rest in the seat back (maintaining the neck curve). At first it may seem awkward, but trust me… it is very comfortable and relaxing. Try it!

Sitting at work: one concept here can go a long way, “sit tall”. By this I mean sit as tall as you can. In doing so, it is very difficult to lean to the right or the left. It is also very helpful advice for those people who tend to lean backwards into their chair or lean too far forward into their workstation. Sit tall. Try it!

Sitting in the car: This one is easy. First, set your seat controls to promote an upright posture. Don’t let your seat recline too far back. Don’t set your seat to a position where you have to lean into the steering wheel or the foot pedals. This will cause you to shift and twist abnormally during your driving time. Next, set your mirror controls to a setting that reminds you to sit tall. If they are set properly, you will constantly correct your posture every time you try to use your mirrors.

Believe it or not, you can make significant changes to your sitting habits. If you chose to do so, you’ll notice that your body will respond favorably. If you chose not to improve your sitting habits you can surely expect to remain the same or worsen over time. Remember, how you age is a function of the decisions you make. If you have more questions about sitting habits or seated posture please ask a member of the Maximized Health Chiropractic Team. We would be happy to help you improve your understanding of this topic.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig