Chiropractic was discovered on September 18, 1895 by a man named Daniel David (D.D.) Palmer in Davenport, Iowa. D.D. Palmer was a magnetic healer in the city of Davenport and had an office in the downtown area. A good friend of D.D. Palmer’s and the owner of a janitorial business in the area was a man by the name of Harvey Lillard.
Harvey had been legally deaf for about 17 years. He was discussing his condition with Dr. Palmer one day and he revealed that his deafness started one day when he was lifting something heavy and felt a “pop” in his back. His hearing gradually got worse and worse from that point on until he could not even hear the horses and buggies go by on the cobble stone streets anymore.
Dr. Palmer concluded that if an injury to the back caused his problem, maybe he could relieve that problem by repairing that injury. Dr. Palmer had been an anatomist and physiologist for many years and had studied all there is to know about the human body. He knew that the spine houses the spinal cord and that the spinal cord is an extension of the brain, which the brain uses to communicate to the entire body.
He also knew that there are many nerves that travel from the spinal cord out to the entire body in order for the body to function. He concluded that there must be some sort of nerve interference to the nerves controlling Mr. Lillard’s hearing and if he removed that interference, he may recover his hearing. Dr. Palmer invited Mr. Lillard into his office in order to examine his spine. Upon his examination, Dr. Palmer discovered a lump in his spine. Dr. Palmer set his hands in a specific position in order to correct this problem and put a thrust into the spine. Harvey Lillard immediately stood up and could hear better. After a few more treatments of specific adjustments, his hearing was completely restored.
Initially, Dr. Palmer thought that he had discovered a cure for deafness, but after a couple other attempts to correct people’s deafness, he discovered that what he was doing was so much bigger than just curing one ailment. He saw a couple more patients with other problems with their heart, lungs, and other areas and began to see improvements in them also. He then discovered that he wasn’t only curing a disease, but he was allowing the body to function at its optimal level and therefore heal itself. Later, along with a friend by the name of Rev. Samuel Weed, Dr. Palmer came up with the name Chiropractic, which in literal terms means, “done by hand.”
Chiropractic did not “cure” Mr. Lillard. Fortunately, Mr. Lillard’s body was able to “cure” itself – it just needed a little help from Dr. Palmer. By way of the Brain–Spine–Body Connection, health can be restored in the same manner by which it can be destroyed. The Principle of Chiropractic is stronger than ever nowadays. People of all walks of life are coming forward and testifying to the fact that chiropractic has strengthened their body in ways they never expected. If you still think chiropractic care is for pain relief only – you are sorely mistaken!
I strongly recommend that you remain open to the full spectrum of health benefits that chiropractic can offer you, and your family. In a day and age where heart disease, cancer and diabetes is on the rise… do you really think medicine and surgery is the solution for the next several generations to come?
Chiropractic philosophy dictates that health only flows in one direction, and from one source… from within. Chiropractic science is teaching more and more of us how to foster health and prevent disease by keeping the body lined up, tuned, and functioning as it was designed to.
As healthy as you are within, so you are throughout.
Speak up and educate others,
Maximized Health “tip of the week”
Anyone you know complaining of Acid Reflux or Arthritis?
Acid Reflux Disease, commonly called heartburn is a digestive disorder that usually occurs in some people due to overeating the "wrong" types of food or drink. The digestive acids travel back up the esophagus (throat) causing a distasteful burning sensation in the chest, throat and mouth.
Most people think that Acid Reflux is caused because of too much acid production in the stomach. On the contrary, progressive health care professionals have learned that the problem may actually be coming from too little acid in the digestive system. Why would we have an acid shortage in the body? Although the body knows how much acid to produce and in the correct amounts, it seems too much processed "boxed" food in our diets throws off the balance. Live, naturally occurring foods, as we were intended to eat, can help maintain a proper acid balance. By living foods I am referring to fruits and vegetables. To help correct an acid "shortage" in the body pump up your diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
In the mean time, to help restore acid to the body, recent research has shown the benefits of taking pure, organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar with each meal. One tablespoon before each meal will help balance the acidity in the body and may even eliminate the acid reflux. If a tablespoon of vinegar is too strong to swallow, mix it in one 4 oz glass of water which should make it easier to swallow.
The digestive enzyme Betaine Hydrochloric Acid taken with each meal also helps balance acid production. Taking the vinegar and Betaine for four to six months should bring the digestive acid levels into the proper balance and thereby help in reducing or eliminating heartburn. It should be noted that over-the-counter and prescription acid reflux drugs, reduces the acid in the stomach, which temporarily gives symptom relief, but in the long term is throwing the important acid balance of the stomach out of kilter, and could be contributing to the problem.
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It is typically associated with aging, but it can also develop due to joint trauma and repetitive motion to the joints over a period of time. Repetitive motion can be from activities such as sports or work related activities. Two examples would be throwing a baseball for 20 years or using a hammer to bang nails for 20 years. As the bones start to rub together this causes pain and swelling. As time goes on, the bones begin to deteriorate, which can lead to bone spurs. This causes more pain and discomfort.
Sadly, Osteoarthritis, also know as Degenerative Joint Disease is so common that people think it is just a normal part of the aging process. As we get older joints do start to wear down, but at normal or minimal levels. The main problem with bone and joint degeneration is related to the acceleration factor. The more friction on the joint, the more accelerated the degeneration. As far as osteoarthritis in the spine goes, spinal bones that are out of alignment cause excessive friction on the spinal joint, accelerating the degenerative process. This is why in some cases a 35 year old may have the spinal deterioration of a 60 year old. A traumatic accident that injures the neck or the back when someone is in their 20's will cause spinal misalignments which then leads to friction on the spinal bones that over time will show up as arthritis.
This is why children should have regular spinal checkups!
To keep the joint surfaces healthy, Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplements have been shown to provide the nutrition for healthy joint surfaces. Omega 3 fats, as found in fish oils provide an anti-inflammatory effect on the joints, easing discomfort. SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine) has been shown to be just as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, but without the obvious health risk to the stomach, kidneys and liver. Resistance exercise strengthens bone density and helps keep motion in the joints.
And most importantly, use chiropractic care to your advantage. “Keep those joints healthy”