Monday, August 27, 2007

A retired neurosurgeon says "read your labels"

Is your consumption of MSG (monosodium glutamate) doing potential damage to your brain and body?
MSG is an excitotoxin, a type of chemical transmitter that allows brain cells to communicate. The problem is that excitotoxins can literally excite your brain cells to death. Aside from harming your brain, MSG has also been linked to eye damage, headaches, fatigue, disorientation and depression.

Its ever-expanding use by the food industry causes great concern in the medical profession. It is neither a necessary additive, nor a harmless flavor enhancer like common table salt. MSG actually tricks your brain into thinking the food you are eating tastes good. Manufacturers can therefore use inferior ingredients to make a mediocre product seem tastier. Higher profits and low-quality products of little nutritional value prevail at the expense of consumer health.

Children are most at risk from MSG. The blood brain barrier, which keeps toxins in the blood from entering the brain, is not fully developed in children. MSG can also penetrate the placental barrier and affect unborn children as well. Nonetheless, most major brands of infant formula contain some processed free glutamic acid (a form of MSG).

If you are ever going to Take Control of Your Health you will need to take responsibility for ALL the food you eat and be very conscious of avoiding MSG in the processed foods you purchase or restaurant foods you eat.

It is very difficult to really know whether MSG is in your food, because it goes by so many aliases. To avoid ingesting this toxic additive, you’re best off choosing fresh, unprocessed foods. Becoming familiar with the hidden names of MSG can also help you determine what foods to eat- or not eat. Here is just a sampling of ingredients that contain MSG (our nutritional seminar will include a lengthy list):

    • Gelatin
    • Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP)
    • Yeast Extract
    • Malted Barley
    • Rice Syrup or Brown Rice Syrup

Dr. Blaylock's research on MSG is startling to say the least. He is a world famous neurosurgeon that has written several books on MSG and other “neurotoxins” like aspartame, etc. You can do an internet search and educate yourself and your family about the dangers of these types of food additives.

Unfortunately, MSG is in so many foods that it is truly difficult to completely eliminate it from your diet. I am offering you this information in hopes that you will research the topic of MSG further on your own. Although it may be difficult to completely avoid MSG, look at your food labels- and choose wisely. Your health depends on it!

For more information about MSG, and how to protect health against it, search MSGMYTH.COM.
Speak up and educate others,
Dr. Craig