Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I know that most of you are feeling better as a result of Chiropractic care,
but how many of you BELIEVE that you are actually "healthier" than you were
before you started working with Maximized Health Chiropractic?
Over the years I have heard several comments regarding belief in
chiropractic and its ability to improve an individual's overall health
potential. I want to make a very important clarification with regard to
ABILITY to BELIEVE in a healthier you.
First, knowing that you are healthier as a result of our joint efforts has
very little to do with your belief and or confidence in me as a Doctor,
Chiropractic as a profession, or the adjustment as a form of treatment.
Second, research tells us that people who become more educated, motivated
and proactive when it comes to health have a strong tendency to actually get
healthier. Imagine that!
Lastly, we are ever changing when it comes to health. That means that we
are either moving closer to health or closer to disease. A few things that
determine which direction we are going:
* How our body (posture, spine and nerve system) is aging and
* How well we eat and how much we exercise.
* How good our ergonomics or postural awareness is at work, home and
* Our "need" or decision to use medications and surgery.
* And of course, our overall image of how our body works, i.e. how to
maintain health and prevent disease.
2 very important questions:
* Have you improved in any area mentioned above?
* If so, how can you not BELIEVE that you are healthier than you were
before we started?
The PRINCIPLE of Maximized Health Chiropractic is like gravity.
Fortunately, it does not require belief in order for it to work! By working
with Maximized Health Chiropractic you are working in accordance with the
fundamental laws of science, nature and God as they pertain to your health.
In other words, you are moving towards homeostasis and health, and away from
dysfunction and disease.
Stay the course, believe in yourself, and be thankful for this opportunity
to improve your health and your life!

Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig

Monday, November 13, 2006

Vitalism vs. Mechanism, Healing, and Belief Systems

All throughout God's word, we see people healed and overcoming their
circumstances through faith and/or by changing over to a godly lifestyle. As
a result we realize that human beings are far more then just merely $1.96
worth of raw materials and that what we sow into our bodies radically
affects the results we reap in them. Sadly, "modern" medical science doesn't
look at the spiritual part of our makeup or fully appreciate the impact that
lifestyle makes in our physical and emotional health. This philosophy views
your body as merely a frail biochemical robot controlled by genes and
predestined to either; fail or succeed, be happy or sad, be ill or be well.
While this type of health care can be of great benefit in extreme
circumstances, because it is not considerate of natural, God-given function-
there are always dangerous "side effects."

Different than medicine, new age dogma recognizes the spiritual truth that
life cannot be explained solely by materialism. The new age term "Vitalism"
is the metaphysical doctrine that living organisms posses a non-physical
inner force or energy that gives them the property of life. New agers also
acknowledge the important role of natural living in determining wellness.
Unfortunately, because Christ is not at the center of this thinking, they
place the power of healing in finite, limited things like people's energy,
natural remedies, and crystals rather then the infinite, unlimited power of

The Bible shows us that you are not weak or pre-programmed, but vital and
powerful beyond what you can ever fully fathom. There is something
supernatural about you and your body that goes far beyond material DNA,
chemistry, biology, and physics. Your genetics are a tendency, not a death
sentence and in fact science shows us that only 2% of any conditions have to
do with a single gene disorder. Therefore we know, 98% of the time, you have
something to say about your future by how you believe and live your life. As
a Christian-based Doctor of Chiropractic, I know that the moment you fail to
give God the credit, you eliminate the true source of this vitality. Any
time you put the focus of health and healing in someone or something (MD's
and drugs) that comes from outside the body and away from God's working
power inside the body, you've missed the mark and consequences will occur.

Research on natural health as well as common sense tells us that when you
line up your lifestyle and the environment within your body with God's
natural intentions, well-being is the result. When there is harmony inside,
health is expressed outside. On the other hand, when disharmony exists, it
will show up as pain, depression, disease, and generally a failure to
thrive. Throughout history, it has been the tendency of people to turn
towards the outside as a means of treating the condition using drugs,
surgery, herbs, vitamins, idols, etc. However, these things don't bring back
order or establish health. While some may treat symptoms, patch dysfunction,
or supplement an inadequate diet, only God heals. It's His life power alone
that's keeping you alive.

For example; if paramedics arrive at the scene of an accident and find two
victims, one who is dead and one is barely hanging on, and then begin
surgically sealing all of the wounds, administering vitamin C, and pouring
massive amounts of medication down each of their throats - who's got the
only chance of making it? Obviously, barring resurrection, the one who is
hanging on is the only one with a chance because he still has the divine
spark of life given him by the Creator.

The example above is obvious in nature. A less obvious interpretation would
be situations that are not so black and white, life or death. In other
words, who will have the greatest chance of healing and becoming/staying as
healthy as possible? The one who does what it takes to ensure that their
life force / health / God-given potential is fully present, or the one who
does very little or nothing at all. Not so obvious a situation, but the
answer remains obvious!

Through Maximized Living, we understand that there is more to life than
physical law yet also distinguish between "Vitalism," man-made treatments
from the outside, and God-given intelligence from the inside. It really is a
"Body by God." As a Christian, I believe the modifications that need to be
encouraged are ones that allow the healing process to take place naturally
by respecting the normal way God created the body to function. When
adjustments are made to the body or nutrition and lifestyle changes are
utilized, it's not for the purpose of treating symptoms, but for restoring
balance and establishing or maintaining health. In this way, when health and
wellness prevail over sickness and despair, we glorify the natural law and
the innate wisdom inside every living being.

Health and vitality is the inherent consequence of living a natural
lifestyle that respects your body and falls into alignment with the ultimate
intent God has for your life. Remember, health and happiness is your choice
98% of the time.

Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Is Your Power On?

If a mechanic disassembled the parts of a car engine could he reassemble the
parts and the engine function again? If a computer technician came to your
house and disassembled your computer and reassembled the parts would it work
again? Most would answer yes, of course, based on the talent of the
What about your body? Do you believe that the top surgeon of the mayo clinic
could disassemble the parts of the body, reassemble all of your organs and
your body would re-animate itself into life?
The obvious answer is no. The more pertinent question would be why is it
possible that the unanimated parts of computers and a car engine can be
disassembled and reassembled and the mechanical device will function again
however, the human body cannot? It is simple and yet complex. What separates
the human body from a computer or a car is that the human body has this
mysterious something that creates life and causes it to function.
The Mysterious Power of Life
Some call this mysterious something universal intelligence, some call it
energy, and some are even willing to go out on a limb and call it God's
power. The fact is that this magnificent mysterious power causes the heart
to beat, hair to grow and food to digest. That same power also allows you to
read this article and interpret the information you are viewing on the page.
Researchers at Boston's Forsyth Institute and at Harvard University have
taken a big step toward explaining this mysterious something. When an embryo
consists of just four cells, they have found, an electric gradient starts
switching on genes. It's like a power switch is turned on that begins to
animate you to life.
The study of embryological development shows that the brain is the very
first organ to develop. The brain then sends creative power through the
spinal cord and nerves to create every cell and organ in your body. From
that moment on, that brain power flow continues to control all function and
healing in the body for the rest of that person's life. As a result, if
there is any interference or damage to the spinal cord and nervous system,
there will be an interruption with that life switching on power and your
organs will begin to malfunction.
Some Scientific Facts Behind the Spine:
1. While the body can go weeks without food, days without water and a
few minutes without air, it cannot survive for a second without nerve
(brain) supply. This is because the nerve supply is the literal life and
power supply.
2. The brain and the immune system talk to each other and this process
is essential for maintaining homeostasis (the balance of health).
3. The most extensive and physiologically most diverse component in the
efferent nervous system is the sympathetic nervous system, which sends axons
(nerves) to all parts of the body.
4. The primary and secondary lymphoid immune organs receive extensive
sympathetic/noradrenergic innervation (nerve supply), including: Thymus,
Spleen, Lymph Nodes, Tonsils, Bone Marrow and Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid
Tissues (gut, bronchus, nasal).
5. The sympathetic nervous system innervates (CONTROLS) all lymphoid
organs (immune function).
By finding a Doctor of Chiropractic who is trained in the full correction
and stabilization of the spine and nervous system, you not only remove pain,
you restore:
1. The full communication between the brain and immune system
2. Full function of the sympathetic nervous system, which plays a role
in controlling every part of the body
3. Immune organ activity, which includes maximum function of the lymph
nodes, thymus, spleen, tonsils, bone marrow and associated tissues
The spine is the lifeline of the entire body. Certain chiropractors are
trained to restore normal alignment and proper curvature to the whole spinal
column. Seek a Doctor of Chiropractic who is capable of X-raying your spine
and determining what it would take to create maximum correction.
This doctor should be able to not only adjust, but also give you
rehabilitative in-office and home care procedures so that the correction can
become more permanent. Following a course of care, this chiropractor must be
able to re-X-ray you and show you improvements in the alignment of your
spine as evidence that you are not only feeling well, you are getting well.
Following the corrective period, wellness care will be necessary to maintain
these corrections and keep you maximally healthy and feeling your best for
the rest of your life.
Chiropractors have spent over 100 years researching and showing that in
order for health to be restored, the brain and nerve power inside the body
must be free of interference. Chiropractors align the spine so that there is
no interference and the flow of power can regain control of your body. They
also align your lifestyle so that how you live is more in-line with
producing health.
Once your spinal cord and your lifestyle are in line, interference is
removed and the power that animated your body can heal your body.
In today's world, misalignment of the spine and nervous system is not only
common, it is epidemic. Whether you are sick and trying to get well, or well
and trying to stay that way, remember one thing... the power inside your
body that created your body, is the power that heals your body. You are not
doing all you can to get well and stay well if your power is not on! Look
around you this week. How many people do you think have their "power turned
on" and how many do not?
Happy Anniversary:
This week, Maximized Health Chiropractic is celebrating its 1-year
anniversary. I wanted to handout this article as a reminder to you and me
why we started this office, and why we created a place where people can
ACTUALLY get well and stay well! In short, I wanted to give us all a
healthy dose of mission, purpose, urgency, and commitment to building better
lives from the inside-out.
Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig

Monday, November 6, 2006

Immunity - Not For Sale!

Do you know how many people think that immunity (immune system function) can
be bought and sold in the form of vaccines or other man-made concoctions?
Too many people!
Think about this... All vaccines are immune depressing to some extent and
that is the trade-off we are risking. The medical thought is that we trade a
small immune depression for immunity to one disease. Now let me repeat, we
are trading a total immune system depression (our only defense against all
known disease - including millions of pathogens) for a temporary immunity
against one disease, usually an innocuous childhood disease. Therefore, the
trade is not at all fair.
The trade-off is not worth the risk. We are risking getting many more
diseases than we are "preventing" from getting. Another good example is the
ritual of the yearly flu shot. There may be only two or three varieties of
flu viruses in each shot, hence the names "Asian-Flu", "Japanese-Flu"
"Indian-Flu" or "Swine-Flu". But there are literally thousands, maybe
millions of flu-causing viruses. Taking one or two does not make sense and
many people report getting the flu after taking a flu shot. We do not know
which variety of flu will affect us each year and in each locale. Therefore,
the best method to avoid the flu is to strengthen our immune system
naturally, from the inside-out.
Vaccinations depress our body's immune functions and that keeps us open to
developing many other diseases. It is very childish to think that we are
going to take one flu vaccine and never get sick from the many varieties of
flu that exist, especially since viruses can mutate so fast when the
conditions arise. Keeping up with these fast mutating viruses can only be
done by priming and strengthening our immune system with healthy living
strategies like those we teach here at Maximized Health Chiropractic. In
other words, pathogenic viruses will not grow where the conditions will not
allow it. It is the terrain which dictates our health and not the
germs/viruses themselves. Germs are pleiomorphic, meaning that they can
change with their environment. Thinking that germs cause disease means that
we are not responsible for our own health and we place that responsibility
in the hands of some one who has the means to kill these germs with toxic
chemicals (drugs), even if those drugs/vaccines harm our body. Vaccines
prevent health! The principles we teach in this office are designed to
Maximize Your Health!
Some interesting statistics... be sure to note the source/reference for this
A 1992 study published in The American Journal of Epidemiology shows that
children die at a rate 8 times greater than normal within three days after
getting a DPT vaccination.
A preliminary study by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) found children
who received the HiB vaccine ... were found to be 5 times more likely to
contract the disease than children who had not received the vaccine.
In the New England Journal of Medicine July 1994 issue a study found that
over 80% of children under 5 years of age who had contracted whooping cough
had been fully vaccinated.
In 1977 Dr. Jonas Salk (inventor of the Salk polio vaccine) testified with
other scientists that 87% of the polio cases which occurred in the US since
1970 were the by-product of the polio vaccine.
The Sabin oral polio vaccine (OPV) is the only known cause of polio in the
US today.
The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association
found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatricians refused to take the
rubella vaccine.

The immune system is involved in protecting us from viruses, bacteria,
parasites and toxins. Immune system problems account for allergies. The
immune system also protects us from cancer. When the immune system goes
haywire it can lead to problems in literally any part of the body. The
immune system can even attack our own tissues causing diseases like
hypothyroidism, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Studies on the effects of chiropractic on immunity have placed people into
chiropractic care and monitored their immune system to see the effects.
One of the most important studies showing the positive effect chiropractic
care can have on the immune system and general health was performed by
Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York's
Preventive Medicine Institute and professor of medicine at New York
University. Dr. Pero measured the immune systems of people under
chiropractic care as compared to those in the general population and those
with cancer and other serious diseases. In his initial three-year study of
107 individuals who had been under chiropractic care for five years or more,
the chiropractic patients were found to have a 200% greater immune
competence than people who had not received chiropractic care, and 400%
greater immune competence than people with cancer and other serious
diseases. The immune system superiority of those under chiropractic care did
not diminish with age. Dr. Pero said, "I have never seen a group other than
this chiropractic group to experience a 200% increase over the normal
patients. This is why it is so dramatically important. We have never seen
such a positive improvement in a group."
"Specifically, the study demonstrated that the "phagocytic respiratory burst
of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) and monocytes were enhanced in people
that had been adjusted by chiropractors." In other words, the cells that act
like "Pac-Man" eating and destroying viruses, bacteria, parasites and cancer
cells are anywhere from 2 to 4 times more active in people who get regular
chiropractic care.
So are you, your family, and your friends benefiting from regular
chiropractic wellness care - even when they are symptom free?
Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig