Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Neurological Stress Reduction Therapy, NSRT

A Scientific Breakthrough That Could Potentially Change Health Care Forever

The big question nowadays is how does stress accumulation and stress reduction specifically correlate to the symptoms and conditions afflicting our society?

When stress or pressure is applied to the nervous system through exposure to specific substances, the nervous system begins to fight or expel the substance from the body. This response is referred to as an (ANS) Autonomic Nervous System Mediated Response which can be expressed by the body in the form of sinus pressure, skin irritations, headaches, upset stomach or any other manner in which the body can expel the substance it believes is harmful or toxic.

The ANS Mediated Response is the trigger for all of these symptoms which when diagnosed as chronic by the medical community become conditions we are all familiar with such as allergy, asthma, eczema, ADD, ADHD, migraine, IBS or Chronic Fatigue.

NSRTSM Neurological Stress Reduction Therapy uses laser technology to positively condition the brain or what we call neurological relaxation training to eliminate the ANS Mediated Response that triggers the symptoms and conditions that affect you on a daily basis. The nervous system triggers a reaction or series of events because of something it has sensed in your environment. By training the nervous system to NOT become stressed from a harmless substance during substance specific exposure we are able to stop the reaction or event before it becomes a symptom or condition.

The net result is that many of those conditions that people suffer from all their lives can be alleviated in just a few therapy sessions, with no drugs, no needles, no diets and no nutritional supplementation.

Through NSRT, inappropriate ANS mediated responses can be reduced or eliminated. These ANS mediated responses are the triggers for symptoms commonly associated with:
  • Allergies & Sinus Conditions
  • Asthma & Shortness of Breath
  • ADD, ADHD, Autism & Asperger’s Syndrome
  • Skin Irritations, Eczema & Rosacea
  • General Digestive Discomfort, Indigestion, Constipation, Swelling & Bloating
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Menstrual Irregularity
  • Headaches & Chronic Fatigue

To Learn More:
If you have any of the above symptoms or just want to know more about NSRT and how it can help you improve your health or avoid disease I strongly urge you to investigate a new form of treatment called the BAX3000 by BioVeda Technologies (

Speak Up and Educate Others,

Dr. Craig Burns

READ the 1st page of this newsletter by clicking HERE

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Are You In the Spirit of Giving this Year?

In the spirit of the holidays, and in the spirit of giving, Maximized Health Wellness Center pledges to gift over $10,000 in health and wellness services to those in need. Our goal is to help make 2010 a more symptom free year for as many people as possible. This is a very big number, but we are committed to it.

To achieve this goal we are going to need a lot of help. Will you partner with us this holiday season in the spirit of giving?

We are asking all members of our practice family to make a list, like Santa’s list (we won’t ask you for this list, it’s yours). For every person that makes your list we will give you a $250 gift certificate. This “Gift of Health” gift certificate can be used to make 2010 a healthier, more symptom free year for its recipient.

The $250 gift certificate applies to our Chiropractic & Physiotherapy Department as well as our Allergy & Asthma Department. The recipient can choose which department they need the most. The $250 can be applied to any testing or treatment procedure that they need.

This is an amazing opportunity for the people on your list to discover if we can help them enjoy a better year and a brighter future, one without symptoms, one that is filled with health and happiness.


More about the “Gift of Health” gift certificate:
The “Gift of Health” gift certificate comes in a Christmas envelope that you can personalize if you wish. You can request more than one gift certificate.

People who can make your list:
Family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, church members, etc

Symptoms for the Allergy Department:
Allergies, asthma, IBS, fatigue, skin conditions, food allergies, stress related disorders, etc.

Symptoms for the Pain Department:
Pain, stiffness, weakness, numbness, arthritis, disc problems, accidents, injuries, etc.

The World’s Largest Stocking Drawing & the “Gift of Health” gift certificate:
If you desire, for every gift certificate you give to someone you will receive an additional 5 entries in the drawing for the World’s Largest Stocking. You will also receive an additional 25 entries when a friend on your list uses their gift certificate before Christmas.

How do I participate?
Ask any member of the office for a gift certificate, or for more details. We would be happy to help you.

Speak Up and Educate Others,

Dr. Craig Burns

The Truth About Medical Asthma Treatment...CLICK HERE to read more!

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Good Doctoring is Evidenced in the Result!

Below are just a few written testimonials of people who tried everything else, and finally found the right solution to their problem with the BAX3000 Laser Allergy System. A wise man once said, “Focus on the cause of the problem, not the symptom, and the body will amaze you time and time again… that is good doctoring.”

"I suffered constantly from a sour stomach, bloating and nausea since 1993 and was diagnosed by a specialist with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I had significant improvement after only two treatments and am now 100% symptom-free" ~ S. Steinman

"Milk and dairy used to give me stomach problems and cause vomiting. I couldn’t believe it when I ate pizza, with a lot of cheese, for the first time in over 20 years. Even more amazing when I ate ice cream... again with no problem. Eating is finally fun again." ~ T. John

"It's amazing, that's what I say - and you've got to remember, I was very cynical, I didn't think anything was going to work." ~ O. Holloway

"The proof of the pudding for me was when all those allergies disappeared." ~ E. Mendez

K. Scott
Symptoms: abdominal cramping before and after eating; avoided dairy for many years
Results: After 5 treatments; symptom free; able to eat dairy products

K. Mitchell
Symptoms: intestinal pain upon any ingestion of foods
Results: Eliminated entirely after treatments

G. Mohr
Symptoms: Bloating and acid reflux pain at night
Results: After 10 treatments to foods and digestive allergens; 100% symptom free

A. Diaz
Symptoms: 8 year old with infant onset of multiple food allergies; very limited diet which greatly limited activities
Results: Eliminated all food allergies and can now participate in all school activities

Dr. Craig’s Comments:

The BAX 3000 Laser Allergy System has much promise because it uses a revolutionary treatment technique, and many people are naturally skeptical. For those people, keep this in mind:

"The metaphysics of today is the physics of tomorrow. The physics of today was the metaphysics of yesteryear"

Don’t let the fact that many doctors and most patients have never heard of Laser Allergy Treatment deter you from finding the right solution to your problem. You can be symptom free if you choose to be!
Visit for more information.
Read the 1st page of this newsletter "Misunderstanding IBS and Poor Patient Care"