Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How Can A Picture Of Your Lower Back Predict Your Future?

The focus of this week’s newsletter is a continuum of the topic “how unhealthy habits can create an unhealthy body – and how this process will always affect your future”.

Last week we begged the question, “What does the shape of your lower body look like on the inside?” If you can not answer this question in great detail – YOU HAVE A PROBLEM! For example, here are 7 simple questions about your body that you should be able to answer with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY:

1. Have I developed too much curve in my lower back, too little curve, or do I have just the right amount?
2. Does my upper body weight favor a backward lean to it, a forward lean to it, or is it perfectly centered?
3. Does my upper body weight favor a lean to the right, a lean to the left, or is it also perfectly centered?
4. Does my pelvis regularly flex forward too far, extend backwards too far, or is it perfectly level?
5. Do I have a right short leg, a left short leg, or perfectly leveled legs?
6. Do I have a left high shoulder posture, a right high shoulder posture, or a perfectly leveled shoulder posture?
7. Does my pelvis rotate forward on the right, rotate forward on the left, or is it perfectly centered?

How did you do? If you could not answer all of the above questions with absolute certainty YOU ARE IN DANGER of growing and aging abnormally. If so, you will most likely develop what is now known as degenerative disease. This condition is brought on by abnormal wear and tear on the body, which is CAUSED BY a physical imbalance of core body structure.

Often times this will lead to frequent discomfort, which most people ignore or pass off as “getting older”. But in fact, the discomfort is your body’s way of alerting you to an imbalance. Unfortunately, many people can have an imbalance or impairment and NEVER EVEN KNOW IT!

So what do you NEED TO KNOW to maintain your body and prevent problems in the future? First, you NEED TO BE ABLE to answer the 7 questions with absolute certainty! If you have any of the above mentioned structural imbalances or physical impairments you NEED TO BE ABLE to fix them as quickly as possible. In both cases; knowledge and understanding is the key. Second to that is an accurate plan of attack!

As a patient of The Maximized Health Wellness Center you have the opportunity to accomplish both goals. If you feel as though you need help in answering these questions or better understanding your plan of attack – do not hesitate to ask! If you are not an active patient and can not answer the 7 basic questions… getting a picture of your lower back is “as easy as 1, 2, 3”.

In any given day, the majority of everyone you encounter is aging passively. What I mean is this… if any physical imbalance or impairment exists and they are not aware of it – they are doing NOTHING to improve it! On the other hand, if a person IS AWARE of their imbalances or weaknesses they can engage in activities that will significantly improve how their body ages, i.e. AGE ACTIVELY.

With this knowledge we can accurately predict a person’s future well-being, and thereby alter it if need be. KNOW YOUR BODY, change your habits, and take control of your life! We are here to help people do just that.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig Burns