Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What You Don't Know About Your Immune System Could Hurt You

It came to the point where something had to give. Lilian Garcia's pollen, dust, and food allergies were getting her down. Her allergies were even affecting her job. The recording artist and World Wrestling ringmaster's voice wasn't achieving optimal performance. But that soon changed. While she was cutting a record with singer-songwriter Jon Secada, he suggested chiropractic care. Though the recommendation struck her as unconventional, Garcia was desperate for a solution. She set up an appointment.

The test of efficacy came soon after she started regular chiropractic treatment, during a moment of weakness in the mall. "I saw an ice cream cone and I went for it," Garcia remembers. "I ate two and I had zero complications. It was my first ice cream cone in 12 years." The connection between her allergies and chiropractic care seemed natural. "Something's flowing better."

Terry Rondberg, president of the World Chiropractic Alliance, explains that the spine does play a role in wellbeing. He notes that many factors affect the body's ability to maintain optimal balance. Nutrition, posture, exercise, stress, fatigue are important, but so is the health of your spine.

Chiropractic care was first linked to improved immunity during the deadly flu epidemic of 1917 and 1918. The interesting thing was: Chiropractic patients fared better than the general population. This observation spurred a study of the field. The data reported that flu victims under chiropractic care had an estimated .25 percent death rate, a lot less than the normal rate of 5 percent among flu victims who did not receive chiropractic care.

In the years since, studies are finding that chiropractic care is a way to improve immunity. One study, from the National College of Chiropractic in Lombard, Illinois, found that disease-fighting white blood cell counts were higher just 15 minutes after chiropractic manipulation was applied to the back. A similar study investigated the immune system response in HIV-positive patients under chiropractic care. After six months of treating spinal misalignment, the group receiving the chiropractic treatment showed a 48 percent increase in white blood cell counts. Conversely, the group that did not receive chiropractic manipulation experienced a 7.96 percent decrease in immunity cells.

Time—and more studies—will show whether chiropractic treatment is a necessary addition to your immune system's arsenal. Lilian Garcia, however, has all the proof she needs. "I see my chiropractor every week," she says, "and there's no way I'm going to stop."

Dr. Craig’s Comments:

I hear it time and again from patients in our office, “Since I have been coming here, I don’t seem to get sick as often. And, if I do, I don’t seem to be sick as long as I use to.” There is certainly a connection between your spine and your immune system. A healthy immune system requires a healthy, well-maintained spine. Tell your loved ones that being sick and ill is a matter of choice. Please, choose to have a healthy spine and immune system. If you are a chiropractic patient already, and feel a cold coming on – get adjusted immediately! If you have a child or loved one who needs a checkup – get scheduled immediately. Don’t choose to let unnecessary sickness be a part of your life any longer.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig Burns

“While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.” Ben Franklin

Why Should Children Have Chiropractic Care?

More and more parents are seeking chiropractic care for their children. Many spinal problems seen in adults began as early as birth. Even so called 'natural' birthing methods can stress an infant's spine and developing nerve system. The resulting irritation to the nerve system caused by spinal and cranial misalignment can be the cause of many newborn health complaints. Colic, breathing problems, nursing difficulties, sleep disturbances, allergic reactions and chronic infections can often be traced to nerve system stress.

Since significant spinal trauma can occur at birth, many parents have their newborns checked right away. As the infant grows; learning to hold up the head, sit, crawl and walk are all activities that affect spinal alignment and are important times to have a child checked by a Doctor of Chiropractic.

As the child begins to participate in regular childhood activities like skating or riding a bike, small yet significant spinal misalignments (subluxations) may occur. If neglected, the injuries during this period of rapid growth may lead to more serious problems later in life. Subtle trauma throughout childhood will affect the future development of the spine leading to impaired nervous system function. Any interference to the vital nerve system will adversely affect the body’s ability to function at its best.

A common reason why parents seek care for their child is trauma from an injury of some sort. These misalignments may or may not result in immediate pain or symptoms. Regular chiropractic checkups can identify potential spinal injury from these traumas, make the correction early in life and help avoid many of the health complaints seen later in adults. Proper spinal hygiene, like dental hygiene, is an important key to better health.

Another sought out reason for care is the resolution of a particular symptom or condition. Parents seek care for conditions such as colic, ear infections, asthma, allergies and headaches (to name a few) because they have heard from other parents that chiropractic care can help.

It is important to understand that the doctor of chiropractic does not treat conditions or diseases. The expertise of the chiropractor is in checking the child’s spine for misalignments that impair nervous system function therefore affecting overall body function. The bones of the spine, the vertebrae, house and protect the spinal cord. The spinal cord is an extension of the brain and carries information from the brain to the body parts and back to the brain again. Subluxations interfere with the nerves’ ability to transmit this vital information.

The nerve system controls and coordinates the function of all the systems in the body: circulatory, respiratory, digestive, hormonal, eliminative and immune system. Any aspect of health may be impaired by nerve interference. The chiropractic adjustment restores nerve system function allowing the body the ability to express a greater state of health and well-being.

The doctor of chiropractic will take a case history and perform a chiropractic exam to determine if spinal subluxations exist. Chiropractic adjusting procedures are modified to fit a child's size, weight, and unique spinal condition. They are both gentle and specific to the child’s developing spinal structures. Most parents report that their children enjoy their chiropractic adjustments and look forward to subsequent visits. They also report that their children experience a greater level of health while under regular chiropractic care.

To enhance your child’s ability to function in a greater state of health, have their spine and nerve system evaluated early in life. Children deserve to live at their highest health potential. Let us help you make sure that is possible!

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig Burns

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Monday, January 12, 2009

Weak, Underweight Infant Develops Normally With Chiropractic

A baby born “down under” who was weak and underweight at birth is now living and walking normally thanks to Chiropractic.

When Caylee Taylor was born in Mawson Lakes, Australia, she weighed just 3 pounds. This may have had to do with the fact that her twin sister weighed in at 7 pounds and there just wasn’t enough room in her mother’s womb to fully develop. Additionally, as she grew, it was noticed that her muscle tone was low and that she had problems with sucking.

Caylee was fortunate that her mother Kerry was a regular Chiropractic visitor and was quick to consult her chiropractor about her daughter’s condition. She wondered if Chiropractic could help her daughter. Some study results suggest that up to 80 percent of all newborn infants have some type of nerve dysfunction which could later lead to any number of health problems, so Caylee’s mother was certainly on the right track toward helping her daughter with Chiropractic.

Treatments from Caylee’s chiropractor began with gentle adjustments to the head and neck. “Caylee could not be breast fed and even found the bottle difficult,” said her chiropractor Dr. Rebecca Rose. “This helped to improve the function of her musculoskeletal system as well as her nervous system.”

As Caylee continued to grow and neared the age of walking, it was further noted that her muscle strength was low and that attempts to keep her balance were a real struggle. For this problem, Dr. Rose treated her young patient with tiny adjustments to her back and feet to help restore her nervous system balance. The pressure that was applied was very gentle, no greater than the amount of pressure one would comfortably apply to an eyeball. “By working with Caylee, I was able to improve the overall structure and awareness of her body in space leading to fewer falls and much greater coordination.”

Caylee’s mom was very pleased with the progress her daughter was making as well. Soon she was walking without falling down, said Kerry. “She was able to bend her knees and her general muscle tone was improving.”

Now 3 years old, Caylee and her twin sister both get regular Chiropractic check-ups every six weeks. “There has been a remarkable change in Caylee’s stability. Chiropractic is helping our whole family stay healthy and feel at our best,” said Kerry.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig Burns

“As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself.” Adelle Davis (1904 - 1974)

How Do You Plan on Making This Year Better?

It is a new year, and I hope you plan on making it one of your happiest and healthiest ever. The New Year Mentality is so powerful isn’t it? People make plans, revisit their goals and their dreams – and start the new year with hope and excitement.

With the onset of a new year I would like to share with you a powerful concept, a personal point of view that I think you will appreciate. I call it the “Better Tomorrow Than Today Mentality”. I think it fits nicely with the New Year Resolution Mentality and it goes something like this…

What can I do for my mind and my body to be better tomorrow than I am today? In what areas of my life could I improve to bring a higher level of health and happiness into it?

Many of today’s leading health professionals share a vision for their patients and clients… to help them be healthier and happier in the future than they are currently. Unfortunately, I have found that many people are stuck in a mental state that says it is normal and/or inevitable for our body and our health to get worse with time- not better. The truth is… this is just a trend that we see in our society. This is not a medical fact!

It is true, the body will age. But, what we are seeing is an out of control trend of accelerated aging. This ugly process is not necessarily a function of age. Instead, it is the result of subjecting our body to poor conditions and unhealthy circumstances for too long a period of time. Therefore, the key to improving at any age is to change the current conditions and circumstances that you subject your mind and body to!

It sounds simple, right? Well, not exactly! When it comes to conditions and circumstances, most people don’t know what to change or how to change them. You might ask, “Aside from eating better and exercising more… what EXACTLY must I do to be dramatically healthier and happier than I am now by this time next year?” This is a great question, and the best way to start creating more health and happiness in your life!

First things first, long term happiness greatly depends on being healthy and staying healthy. Therefore, you must recognize that increasing your state of health is where to start this process. The typical New Year Resolution of getting to the gym more and starting some silly diet program is no longer going to ‘cut it’.

So, where do you start improving your health? Learn more about health and disease, how your body works, what your body’s needs are, etc. In short, learn to identify as many factors, conditions and circumstances that you can control and influence to move your health in a positive direction. Easier said than done, right? Well, if you are taking advantage of the health workshops, seminars, audio recordings, and weekly newsletters that we produce… you are on the right track. If you are not ‘plugged in’ to our education system – you need to visit the front desk and get ‘plugged in’ ASAP!

For the last several years, I have continued to get wiser in the ways of personal health management. I have become stronger, more flexible, more fit, more ergonomically correct, etc. This was my goal for me, and it has become our goal for you. If I can do it – so can you!

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig Burns

"The difference between being healthy versus unhealthy, lies in a person's level of determination"