Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Flossing Your Spine for Health and Longevity

I see it day in and day out, the difference that exists between people who “get it”… the why’s and how’s of spinal hygiene, and those that don’t. One of the saddest things to witness for me is someone who comes to me for help, but is too far gone to make any significant improvements. In frustration I wonder how could they let things get this bad, how could they ignore the warning signs? Looking at x-ray after x-ray I can’t help but think: this could have been avoided if they just knew better!

Of the many goals we have in this office, awareness of personal choices is perhaps the biggest one. For instance, the concept of good dental hygiene is really just a series of healthy personal choices that we learned to make while we were young. Consider the following basic principle: maintaining healthy teeth and gums to prevent damage and decay requires consistent health practices like brushing, rinsing, and flossing. Most people understand this to be as true as 2+2=4. So, why the mental block when it comes to spinal hygiene? Herein, is both our greatest frustration and challenge in being health care advocates.

One of the major benefits of getting your spine adjusted by a Doctor of Chiropractic is similar in nature to that of flossing your teeth. You have been taught to floss your teeth to ensure that no hidden food particles remain behind that can lead to the formation of a cavity. By the same token, we adjust your spine to ensure that no hidden joint stress remains behind that can lead to disc decay and joint arthritis. As you use a daily brushing and rinsing strategy to promote health in the future, we use exercises, stretches and ergonomic advice to promote health in the future. We all have regular, routine dental checkups. We should all, and I mean everyone, have regular spinal checkups.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are just talking about bones here... the ones in your mouth versus the ones in your back! They will respond favorably to healthy personal choices and practices, just as they will rot and decay from neglect and abuse.

I have seen enough rotting, decaying spines to know that maintenance and prevention is the way to go. I have also seen the quality of life in many people increase dramatically simply because they decided to start “flossing their spine” on a regular basis.

Are you looking for a means by which to ensure a great state of health and function well into the future? Your spine is part of that equation, and there is no way around that fact.

I for one do not want to be on medication when I am older. I do not wish to need the assistance of a cane, walker or wheelchair. I plan on having the strength, mental clarity, and ambition to be as active as any 80, 90, or 100 year old has ever been. I do not have all the answers, but I do know that the only way this is possible is through awareness of my personal choices.

Society did make dentistry a no brainer for me as a kid, but the rest seems up to me to figure out as an adult. In any case, my goal of having a healthy mind and healthy body seems worth the effort. And, I am hoping to educate and motivate as many people as possible to do the same.

“To preserve health is a moral and religious duty, for health is the basis of all social virtues. We can no longer be useful when we are not well.”
Samuel Johnson

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig