Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The #1 Crisis in the US is not the Stock or Real Estate Market

Here are 4 powerful statements made by some very wise individuals about the crisis in question:

1. FROM A HEALTHY, WEALTHY, ULTRA ACTIVE 80 YEAR OLD MAN - "You're only young once - take care of it." (I'll bet you thought he was going to say "Enjoy it." He meant take care of your health!)

2. FROM A WORLD LEADING DOCTOR - "People spend half their life spending all of their health to acquire wealth and the second half of their life spending MORE THAN their wealth trying to get their health back."

3. FROM A WORLD LEADING, WEALTHY FINANCIAL ADVISOR - "The #1 cause of bankruptcy and financial stress are costs related to health problems. So it is simple - make your health your first investment."

4. FROM A SUPERMOM (Single mom, successful business woman, with 4 great kids) "What do you mean organic food is too expensive? Your health is not a place to save money! You will spend 10 times as much later at the hospital!”

It turns out all of these people were either brilliant or prophetic. The Boston Herald just reported a study from Fidelity Bank that showed a couple needs $225,000 in CASH (in addition to Insurance and Medicare) to cover medical expenses after retirement and this number, which was $215,000 last year, is going up at a rate of 4.7% a year!

At that rate, 4.7% per year, 12 years from now you will need approximately $400,000 in cash at retirement to pay medical costs not covered by Insurance or Medicare. If Medicare fades out, as many are predicting, you will need far more than that. Depending on your condition, possibly several times that amount.

So what is the problem then? Most people will say "we need better health care coverage". That is insane for many reasons. Here are two:
1. There is no way to give everyone in the US an additional $200,000 - $1,000,000 in medical benefits.

2. Clearly we don’t need more health coverage – we need more health!
The real problem is that too many people nowadays put too little time and effort into their health, which is why it fails and becomes so expensive later.

1. Cheap food, cheap groceries, and cheap supplements are all #1 top sellers.

2. Only 13% of the U.S. exercises regularly

3. Only 7% go to the Chiropractor

4. You get the cheapest insurance available and then go to doctors on the list! If it is cheap insurance, then it has doctors on the list that accept guidelines set up by the insurer. These guidelines are designed to save the insurer money, not to get you healthy!! CHEAP CARE = CHEAP HEALTH.

5. Passion for the quick fix despite the huge risk. Pharmaceutical companies make trillions even though the side-effects on every drug commercial and bottle read: "CAUTION: Your nose will fall off, you will become homicidal, get cancer, die early, commit suicide, and see aliens." Rising medical costs are not the issue; diminishing self care is the issue, along with doctors that are not doing what they need to do to get you healthy - but simply prescribing, following rules, and abiding by traditions - rules and traditions that don't work. We're the sickest, most depressed country in the world and spend the most on "Health Care." The key is to take care of yourself today so that you don't have poor health and expensive conditions tomorrow. You could literally save 100s of thousands of dollars!


1. "Take care of your youth (health and vitality)"

2. "Spend time on your health"

3. "Spend money on your health - make health your biggest investment (a few thousand today will equal $400,000+ tomorrow)"

4. "Don't save (go to the cheap doctor on the insurance or buy the cheap food and vitamins) when it comes to health" (You'll save $12.50 on your grocery bill and $20 at the doctor, but it may cost you later)

The #1 crisis in the U.S. is its citizens’ state of health. The solution is simple. Invest your efforts, time, and money into your health today and it will pay dividends tomorrow.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Maximized Health “tip of the week”

Please be sure to attend the upcoming nutrition seminars, July 15th and July 29th. We will teach you how to make the right decisions when it comes to health and nutrition so that health problems are not a part of your future.

I strongly urge you to invite a friend or loved one to attend these classes with you. Their future depends on their health as well!