Tuesday, August 1, 2006


- Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka

What would it be like to have so much time on your hands, you don't know what to do - without being incarcerated or lost on a deserted island with no one to talk to but Wilson. Most people couldn't imagine that. We get up and go, go, go – usually getting up before we've had the necessary amount of sleep to be mentally or physically well.

The really bizarre part about how busy we are, is that all of the important areas of life – family, health, finances, and our spiritual life are in that tank now more then ever. This of course bears the question, "What are we so busy doing?"

This paper is about choices and your ability to make them. After birth, you're allotted a very specific amount of time. No matter what you believe, your days are numbered - and that's specific. If you live long enough, eventually you're going to die. Last I checked death was still affecting 1 out of 1. Therefore, all that ultimately matters while on earth is what you do with those days. Many, I fear, aren't making the best choices for how limited those days really are.

In my life, when I've been the busiest, I've never been the most successful. First of all, when you let rushing overtake you, you start making bad choices about your life. When I'm rushing to and fro I start missing sleep, eating worse, get off my preferred exercise schedule, spend less time with my kids, and shorten my prayer and Bible reading time. Those are the obvious problems.

Even worse, as I look back to the times I've been the most rushed, I find I'm in autopilot. Moving towards that day of – "When I just past this one deadline" or "When I have this much money" or "As soon as this project gets completed" etc, etc, etc. it's like I'm in a coma. Days, weeks, months, and even years can rush by and you're just getting through them, rarely getting much from them. All with the belief that there's a Promised Land on earth type of destination where you can just stop and enjoy life.

During these times, I also make terrible choices. Being overworked, under rested, and badly stressed negatively affects your decision making ability. Not only are you messing up your life by rushing through it, you further aggravate the situation by making one wrong decision after another.

YOUR LIFE IS NOW!! If you're not experiencing joy and health NOW and you're not working on and investing in your joy and health for later –YOU'RE BLOWING IT!!! Destination living is the proverbial way of missing your whole life and destroying all that's important.

Sit back down with your daily planner and create the greatest year of your life- one that is unburdened by excess stress.

Remember… stress creates dysfunction, makes us ill and ultimately leads to our demise. Our nerve system becomes impaired more and more with accumulating stress. Emotional stress along with physical and chemical stress needs to be minimized or eliminated in order for us to realize our full health potential, and thereby achieve a MAXIMIZED LIFE.

Keep you eyes and calendar open for our newest health seminar, “Managing The 4 Essentials Of Health & The 3 Stresses In Life – Your Future Depends On It!”. In this free seminar we will introduce the concepts of healthier living and ways to achieve a maximized life. You do not want to miss it. By the way… friends, family, coworkers, etc are welcome to attend with you.

Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig