Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Fish Oil, It Is Not Optional- It Is Essential!

“I am writing a second article for the week for 2 reasons: First, many of you wanted to know more about finding a fish oil supplement that is high in quality and low in cost. Second, I got the impression from others that they think fish oil supplementation is “optional” at best, and is not really critical to improving and preserving their health. For those of you who are now taking fish oil to protect your health, I congratulate you! For those who are not taking fish oil, I beg you to reconsider! I have taken the time to provide all of you with more information to help you see how important this issue is and why I feel so strongly about it. Please read the following carefully, and share it with others. Thank you.” Dr. Craig

Other Health Benefits I Did Not Mention That You NEED To Be Aware Of: 1-5
Scientists made one of the first associations between omega-3s and human health while studying the Inuit (Eskimo) people of Greenland in the 1970s. As a group, the Inuit suffered far less from certain diseases (coronary heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, psoriasis) than their European counterparts. Yet their diet was very high in fat from eating whale, seal, and salmon. Eventually researchers realized that these foods were all rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which provided real disease-countering benefits.

In addition, nutritionists have come to recognize the importance of balancing omega-3 fatty acids with omega-6 fatty acids in the diet. Because most people on a typical Western diet consume far more omega-6-rich foods (including cereals, whole-grain bread, baked goods, fried foods, margarine, and others), the ratio is clearly out of balance for almost everyone. This means for most Americans the emphasis now needs to be on increasing omega-3s to make the ratio more even.

Specifically, omega-3s in fish oil may help to:
1) Improve heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to play a part in keeping cholesterol levels low, stabilizing irregular heart beat (arrhythmia), and reducing blood pressure (hypertension).

2) Omega-3 fatty acids are also natural blood thinners, reducing the "stickiness" of blood cells (called platelet aggregation), which can lead to such complications as blood clots and stroke.

3) Improve rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Raynaud's disease, and other autoimmune diseases. Diets high in omega-3 fatty acids (such as fish oils) have been shown to increase survival in people with autoimmune diseases. This is probably because the omega-3s help the arteries--as well as many other parts of the body--stay inflammation free. In numerous studies over the years, participants with inflammatory diseases have reported less joint stiffness, swelling, tenderness, and overall fatigue when taking omega-3s.

In 1998, an exciting review of well-designed, randomized clinical trials reported that omega-3 fatty acids were more successful than a placebo ("dummy drug") in improving the condition of people with rheumatoid arthritis. The research also showed that getting more omega-3 fatty acids enabled some participants to reduce their use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin, etc.

4) Improve depression and symptoms of other mental health problems. The brain is remarkably fatty: In fact, this organ is 60% fat and needs omega-3s to function properly. Now researchers have discovered a link between mood disorders and the presence of low concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids in the body.

Apparently, omega-3s help regulate mental health problems because they enhance the ability of brain-cell receptors to comprehend mood-related signals from other neurons in the brain. In other words, the omega-3s are believed to help keep the brain's entire traffic pattern of thoughts, reactions, and reflexes running smoothly and efficiently.

5) Aid cancer prevention and cancer support. Preliminary research from the University of California, Los Angeles, suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may help maintain healthy breast tissue and prevent breast cancer. Also, in a recent study, participants who supplemented their diet with fish oils produced fewer quantities of a carcinogen associated with colon cancer than did a placebo group.

Conclusion / Summary: Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s), are fats required by the body that the body is unable to produce on its own, so they must be supplemented from the diet. EFA’s are often called “the good fats” because unlike other fats that have received negative press, these fats have health promoting benefits. Essential fatty acids help modulate inflammation, protect against cancer, protect against heart disease, help to support the structure and function of the nervous system, help to maintain healthy skin, assist in modulating blood sugar, and help in the modulation and production of hormones. Essential fatty acids are extremely important nutrients for health and are present in every healthy cell in the body, and are critical for the normal maintenance, growth and functioning of the cells, muscles, nerves, and organs.

My recommendation is this: Each and every person should be taking a fish oil supplement because their body can NOT produce essential fats on its own, and the average person is NOT getting them in their foods in adequate amounts. I recommend the Body By God product for 2 main reasons: great quality control and its inexpensive compared to everything else I have tried. You will never find this quality of fish oil in any health food store because it is simply too expensive for them, considering that ultra-refined fish oil concentrates are up to 1,000 times more pure than health-food grade fish oils. At Body By God, it is all about results. There is nothing else that really matters when it comes to your health, just RESULTS!

Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig