Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Who Is the Colorado Wellness Foundation

Actually it is all of us! A couple of years ago we discovered that many of our local businesses and friends were not getting the “Big Idea” (see page 1 of this newsletter for more details about the “Big Idea”). This was very troubling to us because these people are our friends and neighbors. We decided to do something about this problem and founded the Colorado Wellness Foundation.
What exactly is the Colorado Wellness Foundation (CWF) you may ask? This is a group of top-notch healthcare professionals dedicated to educating our communities about health and wellness. Members of the CWF pledge to speak a number of times per year in our communities, at no charge, for the sole purpose of educating those around us.

The Colorado Wellness Foundation’s success has always depended on help from the communities that we serve. Members receive ideas for speaking and teaching engagements from their respective patient families.

It is a true win-win situation; our community helps us create a stronger community!

So how can you get involved?

Now that you know about the “Big Idea” the next logical step is to share that knowledge. Next week will be your chance to help to find audiences in our community to hear from the Colorado Wellness Foundation. We will roll out the details next week… in the mean-time thank you in advance for your willingness to make our community a better place by sharing the “Big Idea”!

More to come next week…

Yours in abundant health,

Dr. Judd

Read Page 1 of this newsletter: CLICK HERE...So What Is the "BIG IDEA"?

P.S. Don’t forget to visit and watch the short video entitled the Big Idea. This video will only be up till the end of July!

… Go watch it now, don’t wait any longer!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Health Literacy Leads To A Longer Life

lit·er·a·cy /[lit-er-uh-see] a person's knowledge of a particular subject or field.

Higher health literacy is directly correlated with a longer life, according to a new study published in Archives of Internal Medicine. A health literacy level would refer to a person’s knowledge base of health and disease, including their ability to read and understand health information.

The researchers speculated that people with poor health literacy may be more likely to die not only because they are more likely to become sick, but because they also have a harder time managing illness when it arises.

So, what does this mean to you? Basically, your ability to be proactive (think and act for yourself) about health and disease can greatly impact how long you live!

In regard to increasing your ability to better care for yourself, here are some things to work on:
  • Find places where you can get credible health awareness information on a regular basis.
  • Find people you can share ideas and thoughts with, and receive advice and counsel.
  • Develop a deeper appreciation and understanding for the needs of your own body.
  • Observe the health habits of people you admire and emulate them.

I know that many of you inherently want to know more, do more, and be more… when it comes to your health, and how your body feels and functions on a daily basis. I also know how hard it is when you don’t know where to start, who to turn to, who to trust, etc. Even though it may be a difficult task to undertake, you must come to terms with something very important…you are responsible for your own health!

Too many people nowadays think that they can neglect their health (examples = no chiropractic, poor diet, minimal exercise), and when things get tough a Doctor will come to the rescue and fix them. This line of thinking is not only irresponsible, but it’s also quite costly. When I say costly I am referring to the medical bills and prescription medications that unhealthy people must pay for because they neglected their health for way too long. But, more importantly I am also referring to the cost of life that is lost.

The cost of life that is lost refers to all the things that compromised health prevents a person from being able to do and experience. Examples of life that is lost might include refraining from social activities or hobbies, inability to travel and get outside, time lost with children / grandchildren / great-grandchildren, or perhaps time lost with a spouse, etc. Can you put a price on any of these things? Of course not! But, this is the cost that is paid when one does not INVEST time and energy in maintaining health and preventing disease. If you are not engaged in the process of taking control of your health and increasing your health literacy- start now!

At Maximized Health Chiropractic we go to great lengths to empower every patient with a higher level of health literacy, and motivate you to avoid the heavy cost(s) associated with compromised health.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Read More..."Hey, What's the "Big Idea"?" CLICK HERE