Monday, April 26, 2010

Can Chiropractic Supercharge Genetic Expression?

Chiropractic Influence on Oxidative Stress and DNA Repair

There is a growing body of evidence that wellness care provided by doctors of chiropractic may reduce health care costs, improve health behaviors, and enhance patient perceived quality of life. Until recently, however, little was known about how chiropractic adjustments affected the chemistry of biological processes on a cellular level. In a landmark study published this week in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation, chiropractors collaborating with researchers at the University of Lund found that chiropractic care could influence basic physiological processes affecting oxidative stress and DNA repair. These findings offer a scientific explanation for the positive health benefits reported by patients receiving chiropractic care. The researchers measured serum thiol levels in 21 patients under short-term chiropractic care and 25 patients under long-term chiropractic care. The results were compared to those of a non-chiropractic treated control group of 30 subjects. Long-term chiropractic care of two or more years was shown to re-establish a normal physiological state independent of age, sex, or nutritional supplements. Symptom-free or primary wellness subjects under chiropractic care demonstrated higher mean serum thiol levels than patients with active disease, and produced some values that were higher than normal wellness values. Serum thiols are primary antioxidants, and serve as a measure of human health status. The test provides a surrogate estimate of DNA repair enzyme activity, which has been shown to correlate with lifespan and aging. Dr. Christopher Kent, one of the authors explained, "Going through life, we experience physical, chemical, and emotional stress. These stresses affect the function of the nervous system. We hypothesized that these disturbances in nerve function could affect oxidative stress and DNA repair on a cellular level." "Oxidative stress, metabolically generating free radicals, is now a broadly accepted theory of how we age and develop disease," Kent continued. "Oxidative stress results in DNA damage, and inhibits DNA repair. DNA repair is the mechanism which fixes the damage caused by environmental impact." Chiropractors apply spinal adjustments to correct disturbances of nerve function. "Chiropractic care appears to improve the ability of the body to adapt to stress," continued Kent.

Dr. Craig’s Comments:
Do you really understand what this means for chiropractic and for you? For over 100 years we have stated that removing stress from the spine, removes stress from the nervous system, and this improvement can affect health at the cellular level – even down to the genetic level. This is huge!

Many chiropractic patients are happy about their care on a symptomatic level, i.e. “my back feels much better”. That is just the tip of the iceberg. Understand that the Chiropractic Lifestyle has the power to change your life right down to the genetic level. The more stress-free your nervous system is (chemical, physical, emotional) the stronger and healthier your genetic expression. That is how the Chiropractic Lifestyle can supercharge your genetic expression. The result? The health and vitality you deserve. Spread the word!
At the Maximized Health Wellness Center, we promote a traditional, drug-free and non-invasive form of chiropractic as a means of correcting vertebral subluxations that cause nerve interference. In the end, our goal is to ensure that the nervous system is more stress-free and better able to express health in order to prevent disease.

Would you like to know more about why kids nowadays need chiropractic now, more than ever? Please ask any member of our team. We are happy to help!

Read Page 1 HERE "Innate Intelligence and Our Lifestyle Choices"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Coming Cancer Explosion...

Scientists and researchers claim that cancer may surpass heart disease as the number one cause of death worldwide in 2011.

Globally, about 12.4 million people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer this year, and 7.6 million people will die. The global cancer burden doubled in the last 30 years of the 20th century, and it will likely double again between 2000 and 2020 and nearly triple by 2030.

By 2030, 26.4 million people a year may be diagnosed with cancer, with 17 million people dying from it. In men, lung cancer leads new cases and deaths, while among women; breast cancer leads new cases and deaths.

Of those 7.6 million people who will die of cancer this year, it has been estimated that up to 4 million could have been saved just through healthy lifestyle changes. For example, avoiding sugar and increasing your water intake.

So that would bring the number down to 3.6 million deaths each year. Want to bring that down even further; to 3, 2 or even less than a million, in just one more step? If vitamin D3 levels from sun exposure were increased among populations worldwide, doctors believe that well over two million cancers could be prevented, especially in regions far from the equator.

By now you probably realize that the dangers of sun exposure have been greatly exaggerated, and the benefits highly underestimated. Not only is sun exposure not the major reason people develop skin cancer, but it will actually lower your risks of developing 16 different types of cancer, including pancreatic, lung, breast, ovarian, prostate, and colon cancers.

Those million remaining deaths could be prevented through just a few more easy steps. More deaths could be prevented by using natural health care methods, like chiropractic and a nutritional cleansing/replenishing program, instead of relying on medications and other unnecessary chemicals.

It is quite possible that a significant percentage of cancer is simply caused by physical and chemical imbalance – not a lack of prescription and over-the-counter medications. You may find that making other lifestyle changes, like quitting smoking, is easier when the body is in balance physically and chemically.

Another good way to keep yourself from getting cancer is to make sure you regularly get a good night’s sleep. And, what about exercise? Over 200 studies have linked physical activities to cancer risk. There’s another big chunk of the 7.6 million deaths suddenly erased.

Do the steps outlined above sound impossible? I don’t think they do. Eat a healthy diet, exercise, get some sun, get a good night’s sleep each night, and keep your body physically aligned and chemically balanced. A “cure for cancer” isn’t impossible - it turns out, it’s mostly just common sense!

But right now, things are heading in exactly the wrong direction. Instead of trending down from 7.6 million to zero, the number of deaths could increase to 17 million in just two decades. Don’t let yourself, your children or loved ones be one of those millions of people. Take responsibility for your own health.

Get yourself and every member of your family, especially your children, involved in an office like ours… a holistic wellness center armed with the tools and techniques to build health and prevent disease. If you need help finding an office like ours in another state for a loved one – please ask us anytime – we are happy to help.

Read Page 1 Here: "Are You Addicted To Your Emotions?"

Upcoming Seminars
Mark Your Calendars - RSVP as soon as possible!
* Allergy Elimination - Wednesday, April 14th, 2010 at 6:30pm
* Cleanse, Detoxify, Weight Loss - Wednesday, April 21st, 2010 at 6:30pm
* Kaizen Fitness - Wednesday, April 28th, 2010 at 6:30pm

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What is the Underlying Cause of Seasonal Allergies?

There are many reasons why people have allergy symptoms, but perhaps the most common of all is the substance association stress response. The substance association stress response is what takes place when a person eats, inhales, or absorbs something that they are hypersensitive to, i.e. allergic to. It is the trigger that initiates a cascade of events that inevitably leads to troublesome symptoms. It is the defining difference between the person that is “OK” during seasonal changes and the person that is “NOT OK”. Whatever you might be hypersensitive to, pollen or grass – you name it, is not the real problem. Instead it is the abnormal way in which your body “reacts” to the substance.

The substance association stress response is a neurological event that is orchestrated by the central nervous system, specifically the autonomic nervous system. To put it simply, it is a faulty wiring and timing issue within the body itself that if left uncorrected will always lead to the same outcome, i.e. symptoms and misery. To put it another way, it is an abnormal reflex response that the body has when it comes into contact with a particular chemical or substance.
Remember when you first touched something hot as a child and jerked your hand away? Probably not, but you do know the theory behind how your body learned to develop reflexes or habits that protect you. You also know that these reflexes eventually become unconscious and automatic. Well, interestingly enough, your body can acquire bad reflexes too. In short, the substance association stress response is a great example of an abnormal, unhealthy reflex.

What if you could break that reflex and establish a new one, a healthier reflex to trees, grass, and pollen – you name it! What if you could break the reflex that makes your body react to something that many other people do not react to? What if you could go from being “NOT OK” to being “OK” during seasonal changes like other people are? Would that be a better life, a more enjoyable life? You bet it would!!

What Should a Person With Seasonal Allergy and Asthma Symptoms Do?
To put it simply, stop treating the symptoms as if they are the condition. Try and find the true underlying cause of the condition, and fix it once and for all. Then and only then will your body be free from the substance association stress response, and thus be symptom free. Remember, reflexes and habits both good and bad can be easily built and easily broken. The key is finding the right doctor to help you do just that.

In my opinion, nearly every allergy and asthma patient has 2 choices:
  1. To learn to live with their condition and rely on man made medications to manage symptoms, thus leaving the bodily dysfunction to worsen with time.
  2. Or, to learn more about their body, to improve it for the sake of their future well being and allow it to work as God designed it to.
    Where Can I Learn More?

If you or someone you know has allergy or asthma symptoms, we may be able to help. For more information visit To attend a free Allergy Elimination Seminar on April 14th you can RSVP by calling the office at 303.462.4476.

Read Page 1: "Kaizen! Change Your Mind, Change Your Body"

Upcoming Seminars:

Mark your calendar - RSVP as soon as possible!

*Cleanse Detoxify Weight Loss Wednesday, April 21st 6:30pm

*Allergy Elimination Wednesday, April 14th at 6:30pm

*Kaizen Fitness Workshop Wednesday, April 28th at 6:30pm