Tuesday, June 30, 2009

2 New Developments In The Office:

First, I want to remind you of our Patient Appreciation Day event on July 8th. Patient Appreciation Day is a time honored tradition in the Chiropractic profession. We have always recognized the need for showing gratitude for having patients who allow us to improve the health of mankind through the Chiropractic Lifestyle. We appreciate having YOU as a part of our family!!!

With that said, our Patient Appreciation Day is also an opportunity to celebrate those people who are NOT YET patients of Maximized Health. So, let me ask you 2 simple questions…

1. Would you agree that we have helped you?
2. Would you agree that there are many, many people in our community who also need our help, but don’t know what we do?

If you answered YES to both questions, then I want to ask you a favor - we need your help. Our purpose is to help as many people as possible and I want to ask you if you know of anyone who lives locally who has health problems such as arthritis, headaches, pain, hormone problems, sleep problems, weight problems, etc. Who are you thinking of? What is their problem? Are you thinking of someone at work?

On July 8th we will be doing 2 very important things. First, we will be having a small party to celebrate YOU.
If you are in town, please be sure to come by and be APPRECIATED… grab a snack, perhaps an adjustment, and certainly a laugh or two (not to mention we will be giving away prizes all day, HINT: if you participate, the least you will win is a free massage :).

Second, we will be opening the office for free examinations. Therefore, I am asking all of you to go the extra mile and invite someone to receive a complimentary evaluation. If they have a problem, and we can help them, then great! If they just want a simple biomechanics or health evaluation to see if everything is OK, then that is great as well!

Our goal is to offer at least 10 people the opportunity to GET CHECKED during that week. We need YOU to help us accomplish this goal. Will you go the extra mile and tell someone about our Patient Appreciation Day event, and how they can receive a free evaluation? If so, I may have an extra gift waiting for you – and them (HINT: everyone could use a free massage).



We are proud to announce that we have added a new member to our Team, Julie Hickman. Julie will be helping us at the front desk to maintain excellence in patient care. Julie has been with us as a patient for nearly a year now. Having been a patient, Julie is very much aligned with our values and our purpose in serving this community.
Julie is also finishing up her training as a Certified Nutritionist and is looking forward to applying this knowledge in the field of natural health care.
In short, our office is much improved with her presence and we are all looking forward to serving you in even greater ways. Please help us make Julie feel at home, as I am sure she will do the same for you.

Yours in Health and On Purpose,

Dr. Craig Burns

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Coca Cola® Water With Vitamins Might Not Be a Healthy Beverage

VitaminWater® from the Coca-Cola Company sounds like a healthy product that promotes wellness, right? It comes in several flavors with names like “Defense,” “Rescue,” “Energy” and “Endurance.” It certainly seems like it might be an energizing treat. Well, maybe not. According to nutritionists at the Center for Science, the product is loaded with sugar to the tune of 33 grams in each and every 20 oz. bottle.

As a result of this discovery, Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has decided to take the Coca-Cola Company to court. A class action suit has been filed by CSPI against the company for deceptive and unsubstantiated claims on its VitaminWater line of beverages.

Coca-Cola has made a wide variety of advertising statements regarding the effectiveness of VitaminWater. Included in the hype are claims that drinking it reduces the risk of chronic disease, promotes healthy joints and that it supports the immune system.

According to CSPI nutritionists, the opposite is actually true in terms of good health. “The 33 grams of sugar in each bottle of VitaminWater do more to promote obesity, diabetes and other health problems than the vitamins in the drinks do to perform the advertised benefits listed on the bottle.”

CSPI believes that Coca-Cola marketing has gone beyond the limits of statements the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allows, all the way to making fraudulent claims about the product. As a result of their investigation, a suit has been filed against the company in the U.S. District Court in the Northern District of California.

“VitaminWater is Coke’s attempt to dress up soda in a physician’s white coat,” said CSPI litigation director Steve Gardner. “Underneath, its still sugar water, albeit sugar water that costs about ten bucks a gallon.”

CSPI’s executive director Michael F. Jacobson had these words of wisdom for health-conscious people: “My advice to consumers is to get your vitamins from real food. If you have reason to believe you have a shortcoming of one vitamin or another, perhaps take an inexpensive supplement. But don’t seek out your vitamins in sugary soft drinks like Coke’s VitaminWater.”

Source: Center for Science in the Public Interest. “Coke Sued for Fraudulent Claims on Obesity-Promoting VitaminWater.” January 2009. http://cspinet.org/new/200901151.html

Dr. Craig’s Comments:
I know you are trying to find the healthy alternative to the “bad stuff”. In doing so, remember 2 things: First, don’t get your product education from some marketing team – go get it on your own. Second, don’t get too comfortable with your choices – always be looking for the better version!

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig Burns