Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What Can You Learn From The Oldest People On The Planet?

Learn why these 5 cultures are living without disease and what common denominator connects them. They are well known for longevity of 120 to 140 years. You may have heard of their names if you have been studying alternative health for any length of time.

  • Certain tribes of Tibetans in western China
  • The Hunzas in eastern Pakistan near Mount Rekaposhi
  • The Russian Georgians of the Caucaus Mountains in western Russia
  • The Vilcabomba Indians in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador
  • And the Titicaca Indians in the Andes Mountains of southwestern Peru

The common denominator… they all live in mountain valleys 8,500 to 14,000 feet in elevation and they all get their water from the “glacial milk” (the water that comes from underneath glaciers as they grind up the parent rock of the mountain). This highly mineralized water is white and opaque – it looks like milk.

More importantly, for 2,500 to 5,000 years, they have irrigated their crops with it. So, their crops have converted the metallic minerals in the “glacial milk” into organically bound plant colloidal minerals, the most absorbable form of minerals. And then guess what… they eat the plants and get all of those minerals.

In short, these 5 third world cultures gave their body the raw materials that it needed, and then let the greatest physician of all… their own body do the healing. Your body is capable of healing itself, but only when it’s basic nutritional needs are met on a daily basis.

Approximately 99% of the human body is comprised of minerals, yet minerals are generally overlooked when nutrition is considered. It is well known that the human body requires at least 60 minerals in order to maintain a disease and ailment free state.

Foods we raise or purchase in markets today seldom contain more than 16 to 18 minerals. This small number of minerals in plants is because of a mineral deficiency of the food producing soils around the world.

If this information is indeed true, it's easy to understand why sickness is so prevalent throughout the world, even in technologically advanced countries. The body can utilize some minerals without vitamins, but vitamins and most other nutrients are basically useless in the absence of minerals.

Extensive research is showing that without supplementation, it is not likely that we can eat enough food to get the full range of essential trace minerals required to obtain optimum health and longevity.

Dr. Craig’s Comments…

The water in one of my supplements, Ionix Supreme, is sourced from the Arkansas’ Ouachita Mountains, an area known for the healing properties found in its water. Discovered within the Coleman mine, the water is supersaturated with quartz crystals and other minerals. Quartz Crystal Mineral Water is one of the most unique waters to be discovered. Quartz is made up of silica and oxygen and is an incredible conductor of electricity. Silica makes up the primary element saturated in this water. It is a trace mineral that is important for bones, hair, skin and proper nerve conduction.

When water becomes rich in minerals, as this unique quartz water has done, it enables the body to maintain energy, vitality and health. Many of the health problems we are seeing are occurring as a result of deficiencies in our diet. Using waters that are enriched naturally with minerals such as silica, calcium, magnesium and trace minerals becomes a fuel for the body to enrich and function more efficiently.

If you have more questions about mineral supplementation, please ask a member of our staff!