Monday, March 24, 2008

Flossing Your Spine for Health and Longevity

I see it and hear it, day in and day out, the difference that exists between people who KNOW the why’s and how’s of spinal hygiene… and those that don’t. One of the saddest things to witness for me is someone who comes to me for help, but is too far gone to make any significant improvements. In frustration I wonder how could they let things get this bad, how could they ignore the warning signs, why don’t they “get it”? Looking at x-ray after x-ray I can’t help but think: this could have been avoided if they just knew better!

Of the many goals we have in this office, awareness of personal choices is perhaps the biggest one. The concept of good dental hygiene is really just a series of healthy personal choices that we learned to make while we were young. Consider the following basic principle: maintaining healthy teeth and gums to prevent damage and decay requires consistent health practices like brushing, rinsing, and flossing. Most people understand this to be as true as 2+2=4. So, why the mental block when it comes to spinal hygiene? Herein, is both our greatest frustration and challenge in being health-care advocates.

Getting your spine adjusted by a Doctor of Chiropractic is similar in nature to flossing your teeth. You have been taught to floss your teeth to ensure that no hidden food particles remain behind to lead to cavity formation. We adjust your spine to ensure that no hidden joint stress remains behind that can lead to disc decay and joint arthritis. As you use a daily brushing and rinsing strategy to promote health in the future, we use exercises, stretches and ergonomic advice to promote health in the future. We all have regular, routine dental checkups. We should all, and I mean everyone, have regular spinal checkups.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are just talking about bones here... the ones in your mouth and the ones in your back! They will respond favorably to healthy personal choices and practices, just as they will rot and decay from neglect. If you know you must care for one, you must learn to care for the others.

I have seen enough rotting, decaying spines to know that maintenance and prevention is the way to go. I have also seen the quality of life in many people increase dramatically simply because they decided to start flossing their spine regularly.

Are you looking for a means by which to ensure a great state of health and function well into the future? Your spine is part of that equation, and there is no way around that fact.

I for one do not want to be on medication when I am older. I do not wish to need the assistance of a cane, walker or wheelchair. I plan on having the strength, mental clarity, and ambition to be as active as any 80, 90, 100 year old has ever been. I do not have all the answers, but I do know that the only way this is possible is through awareness of my personal choices.

Society did make dentistry a no brainer, but the rest seems up to me. No problem, the goal of having a healthy mind and healthy body seems worth the effort. And, I am taking as many people as I can with me.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Click here for the Maximized Tip of the Week

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Forgive them - they know not what they do

“Biomechanical studies have demonstrated that increased paraspinal muscular forces are required to maintain an erect posture when there is loss of normal lumbar or cervical curves. Furthermore this may result in increased strain, pain, and degenerative changes within the spine, which may require operative treatment.”

The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American) 86:1793-1808 (2004) 2004 The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc.

To paraphrase… loss of spinal curvatures negatively impacts how the human body works mechanically. These changes can lead to persistent symptoms and degenerative changes during the aging process.

This paragraph was taken from a research article that discussed prevention of spinal deformity following spinal surgery. Apparently spinal fusions can and often times will lead to further alteration of not only spinal alignment, but normal movement as well – all of which contributes to additional breakdown and failure of the human body.

I did find it interesting, and worth pointing out to you, that now appearing in the medical research is the Medical Doctors’ recognition of normal spinal alignment in determining the cause and effect of patient condition. The authors did site many studies using physical therapy only, and concluded that improving spinal alignment with such methods was not successful. Therefore, they conclude that surgical correction remains the best option. But, what they don’t know is that there are new techniques that can restore spinal curvatures – it just isn’t common knowledge at this point in time. That is where we come in…

Even though many people don’t think that it can be done… I have many x-rays showing restoration of spinal curvatures. Some changes are small, while some changes are dramatic (dependent on patient commitment to the program). I have plenty of new research outlining and describing this new form of treatment. But, medical doctors still don’t know that it exists! We forgive them (patients and doctors alike) for thinking medication and surgery is the best option. After all, they don’t know any better, and they know not what they do. So, we have decided that instead of complaining and bashing the medical profession as many Chiropractors do, we should instead become part of the solution. I believe that most medical doctors are great people who just want to help people, but have been led to believe that all chiropractors are the same. If one Chiropractor is bad, they all must be. If one method is unscientific, they all must be. If one form of treatment is unsuccessful, they all must be. This is simply, not true – and they need to know it!

It is time to clear up the confusion between the professions, and we can not do it without you! We are asking for your help in developing professional relationships with medical doctors who see patients with pains and symptoms that we can better manage. We want to share the value of modernized Chiropractic Care, and open the doors of communication and referral. I do believe that if the medical doctors in our community actually knew what we were doing in this office, they would send countless patients to our office for guidance and quality care. This would be a great thing for this community!

Just think of a friend or a loved one and hold them in your mind’s eye. Imagine if they had a problem that would someday require surgery and/or daily medication. Now, imagine that an alternative form of health care could possibly eliminate the need for that surgery. Would you want your loved one to know about and receive that kind of care? This is our motivation, please help us! On the back of this newsletter you will find a form with instructions. Your assistance on this Outreach Program can make a big difference in the lives of many!

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Click Here to Download & Print Form for the Physician Contact & Release Form

Monday, March 3, 2008

What do you have in common with a super computer?

Your nerve system is your body's master communication system. Your brain is your body's central processing unit. It receives information from every other system. Information on sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell is constantly bombarding your brain. Information on muscle activity, placement of your arms and legs and fingers and toes, and the positioning of your joints reaches the brain, nanosecond by nanosecond. Feedback is constantly being supplied on how many new red blood cells are being manufactured, how much acid has been secreted into the stomach to help digest your breakfast, and how much insulin, epinephrine, and other hormones are needed for healthy functioning.

Your brain processes information faster than a super computer, and you get to have one for free!

Remarkably, man-made computers are exactly like the human brain. How information is received, how it is processed, and how instructions are sent back out again. These activities are quite identical in both the artificial machine and the living organ.

How is all the information transferred back and forth? Messages coming to the brain from the body and messages going from the brain to the body are transmitted via the spinal cord, the tail-like direct extension of the brain itself. The spinal cord - delicate nervous tissue - is encased in the bony structures of the spinal canal, housed within the spinal column.

Of course, all systems in the body are related. Interestingly, problems with spinal mechanics may interfere with normal activities taking place in the spinal cord. If spinal muscles are irritated and spinal ligaments are tight, pain signals from these structures will affect normal signals flowing through the local spinal nerve. Ramped-up pain signals impact levels of other signals, enhancing some and depressing others. The ultimate result is that of "wires being crossed". Systems then begin to break down and the person's health may be affected.

So, mechanical problems in the spine can lead to many other physical ailments. Tight neck muscles, headaches, painful lower backs, and even arm pain or leg pains suggest altered spinal mechanics. How may these health issues be addressed?

Chiropractic health care is specifically designed to diagnose and treat spine-related complaints. Treatment is gentle and directed toward restoring mobility, reducing pain and irritation of spinal muscles and ligaments. As these painful conditions resolve, more normal functioning within the nerve system is made possible. The result is greater health and improved well-being across the range of your body's systems.

So, the conclusion is this: what is keeping your computer (your nervous system) from operating at full potential? Is it something you can fix? How strong is your brain-body communication system? Could you make healthier choices to improve its ability to function properly? Could chiropractic be part of the answer? These are questions that few people are taught to consider. Make no mistake about it – these questions are worth finding the answer to – if health and longevity are at all important to you!

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

P.S. I do understand how difficult it is to talk to a loved one or friend who is completely “in the dark” when it comes to Chiropractic and the topic of their health status. But, don’t give up on them! If you don’t help them become more educated – who will?

Click Here for the Maximized Health Tip(s) of the Week