Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Minimize Your Stress to Maximize Your Health

Chronic stress, which has been called America’s number one health problem, is not something to take lightly - it can have profound effects on your immune system and your overall health. Estimates have placed stress-related problems as the cause of 75 % to 90 % of all primary care physician visits.

Most people associate stress with worry, but stress can take on many forms. Stress, whether it be emotional, chemical or physical can be unhealthy and dangerous if you don’t know how to manage it.

It was recently discovered that people under chronic stress had above-normal levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), an immune-system protein that promotes inflammation and has been linked with heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, severe infections and certain cancers.

It appears that stress increases levels of IL-6, which in turn accelerates a variety of age-related diseases. Further, stress can weaken a person’s immune response, leaving them more susceptible to infection, and can lead to unhealthy lifestyle habits. For instance, stress often leads people to overeat, lose sleep, and neglect exercise - all of which can create health problems on their own.

"There is a whole new field called "neuroimmunology" that studies the effects of stress on the immune system. Scientists in this area have demonstrated alterations in the normal function of immune cells in animals during times of stress. Excessive physical stress (poor posture / unhealthy spine) significantly changes our immune cell profile. Yes folks, the quality of your posture will always influence the quality of your immune system!

It’s not practical to advise people to avoid stress because - let’s face it - we all have it. What is practical, however, is to emphasize the importance of dealing with stress before it takes a toll on your health.

Unfortunately, for most people, no one has ever taught us how to properly identify the many forms of stress in our lives. In addition, most people have absolutely no idea how to minimize or eliminate their stressors.

How many stressors do I have? Where is the stress in my life coming from? Can my stressors be eliminated or minimized, and HOW? More importantly, how do I keep the stress from coming back? These are questions that most people should be asking themselves. These are issues that most doctors should be addressing.

At our most recent seminar we clearly defined “chemical stressors” to look for, understand, and begin working on. For those of you who were in attendance, you are now in a better position to manage this type of stress in your life. If you could not attend or thought you did not need this information… I am worried about you! This seminar was extremely powerful as it gave attendees a level of awareness and motivation that all of us need to live a Maximized Life.

At Maximized Health Chiropractic our goal is to help people better identify and manage the many forms of stress in their life. Remember this… stress is the ultimate cause of pain, sickness and disease. Postural stress, work stress, emotional stress, nutritional stress, nerve irritation stress... the list goes on and on.

Have you got control of it, or has stress got control of you?

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Click Here for the "Maximized Health Tip of the Week"

Monday, January 21, 2008

Before You Get to the Checkout Line? Choose Wisely!

Organic farming differs from conventional farming in the methods used to grow crops. Where traditional farmers apply chemical fertilizers to the soil to grow their crops, organic farmers feed and build soil with natural fertilizer. Traditional farmers use insecticides to get rid of insects and disease, while organic farmers use natural methods such as insect predators and barriers for this purpose. Traditional farmers control weed growth by applying synthetic herbicides, but organic farmers use crop rotation, tillage, hand weeding, cover crops and mulches to control weeds.

The result is that conventionally grown food is often tainted with chemical residues, which can be harmful to humans. There is debate over whether dietary exposure to pesticides at levels typically found on food is dangerous, but experts say that consumers should use caution. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers 60 percent of herbicides, 90 percent of fungicides and 30 percent of insecticides to be carcinogenic (cancer causing).

Pesticides can have many negative influences on health, including neurotoxicity, disruption of the endocrine system, carcinogenicity and immune system suppression. Pesticide exposure may also affect male reproductive function and has been linked to miscarriages in women.

Aside from pesticide contamination, conventional produce tends to have fewer nutrients than organic produce. On average, conventional produce has only 83 percent of the nutrients of organic produce. Studies have found significantly higher levels of nutrients such as vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, and significantly less nitrates (a toxin) in organic crops.

There is little question that organic foods are superior to non-organic ones. However, I see many patients who are not eating any vegetables because they either cannot afford them or they are too difficult to obtain. Please understand that it is better to eat non-organic vegetables than no vegetables at all.

In the same vein, it is also important to realize that fresh non-organic vegetables will be better than wilted and rotten organic vegetables that are occasionally the only ones available in smaller organic produce stands. There are many highly perishable nutrients that degrade with time and exposure to air and ultraviolet radiation. If the organic vegetables are seriously damaged, then it would be far wiser to eat fresh, undamaged non-organic vegetables.

If you must buy conventional produce, there are ways to reduce your pesticide exposure. Thoroughly washing all fruits and vegetables will help, although all pesticide residues cannot be removed by washing. You can also remove the outer layer of leaves or peel vegetables if possible.

I know that it is confusing and sometimes scary to be put in a place where your choices can greatly impact your life or the lives of your loved ones. But, make no mistake about it- eating organic food is healthier and DOES NOT have to be considerably more expensive if you shop wisely. Also, if you have a hard time buying and cooking your daily dose of organic vegetables as I do… you can always drink them! If you don't know what a Green Super Food is… either come to a nutrition seminar, ask a member of Maximized Health Chiropractic (we use them regularly), or do some research on your own. When it comes to living at your full potential- your nutritional status is a very important factor. Make wise decisions on a consistent basis, and your body will thrive!

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Maximized Tip of the WeekFeatured Product

Ask yourself… are you really getting ALL of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs by eating ALL of the vegetables that your body requires? Looking for a simple solution? Read on…

Science has recently given birth to the concept of Green SuperFoods or PhytoFoods. Super Foods are a concentrated potent source of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, fiber and the essential amino acids, which reputedly add alkalinity to our system, balance us, increase our energy, improve stamina, sharpen mental activity, and deodorize and cleanse the cells and colon.

Super Foods are a return to the basics of the food chain; generally they are organically grown in a chemical free environment. These concentrated, nutrient-rich food powders are mixed with water or juice and consumed in liquid form, preferably on an empty stomach for maximum absorption.

The Super Food that we recommend here in the office comes from a company called LifeSource. It is the highest quality Super Food I know of that is actually reasonably priced. I take the Green PhytoFoods supplement daily. Just look at the benefits below and you will easily understand why I take it- and strongly recommend it!

What are the Benefits of Green PhytoFoods?

• Increased and sustained energy levels, no more ups and downs of energy throughout the day.
• Emulsifies cholesterol & fat.
• Strengthens the immune system
• Natural weight loss by bringing the body back into nutritional balance.
• Detoxifies the intestinal tracts and cleans/purifies the colon.
• Helps control hunger as well as cravings. All natural nutrients ensure that you will get 100% absorption, while synthetic and non organic greens will provide only 5 – 15% absorption.
Each serving is 5 – 7 servings of fruits, vegetables and whole foods.
• Neutralizes acidity. Helps with heartburn, acid reflux, and upset stomachs, all of which are caused mainly by over-acidification.
• Aids in efficient and enhanced digestion, and improves elimination of bodily wastes.
• Chlorophyll enriched, with fiber-enriched herbs and vegetables, which aids in mental clarity.
• Oxygenates the cells. Help the skin cells to regenerate more efficiently.
• Maximizes blood purification and aids in detoxification.
• Helps dramatically slow the aging processes caused by over-acidification.
• Much healthier skin (unhealthy skin is usually due to poor digestion).

Living at your full potential becomes even more possible when you nutritionally supplement the body wisely!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sit up straight, stop slouching!

Does this phrase bring back childhood memories… find yourself repeating this phrase to your children as your parents did? How often do you repeat this phrase to yourself nowadays- that is the question!!! Another question… could bad, unhealthy sitting habits contribute to a person’s level of pain and discomfort, fatigue, weakness, abnormal posture, and even poor health? Science says ABSOLUTELY YES!

Sitting for prolonged periods is taxing enough on the human body, but sitting with bad posture is even more harmful. In fact, science says it can be quite damaging! So, let’s explore this topic a little further and figure it out together.

One thing we all need to be mindful of is… our habits literally dictate how we age, i.e. how we will look, feel and function in the future. What I want you to think about while sitting is this, are my sitting habits helpful or harmful to my body and overall health? It is true- your body will suffer by neglecting to understand this concept. On the contrary, you can dramatically improve your condition, or state of health, by correcting your sitting habits as much as possible.

So, where do we start? Think of at least 3 areas in your life where you could improve your sitting habits. I will give you a personal example: Sitting at home in a chair or couch, sitting at work, and sitting in the car.

Lounging at home: 2 things to think about here… back support and resting head position. Most people slouch back into the chair or couch (loosing their low back curve) and then let their head come forward to watch TV or read (loosing their neck curve). The solution is simple. Roll up a blanket or grab an extra cushion and place it down low behind the back to offer support (maintaining the low back curve), and then let the head rest in the seat back (maintaining the neck curve). At first it may seem awkward, but trust me… it is very comfortable and relaxing. Try it!

Sitting at work: one concept here can go a long way, “sit tall”. By this I mean sit as tall as you can. In doing so, it is very difficult to lean to the right or the left. It is also very helpful advice for those people who tend to lean backwards into their chair or lean too far forward into their workstation. Sit tall. Try it!

Sitting in the car: This one is easy. First, set your seat controls to promote an upright posture. Don’t let your seat recline too far back. Don’t set your seat to a position where you have to lean into the steering wheel or the foot pedals. This will cause you to shift and twist abnormally during your driving time. Next, set your mirror controls to a setting that reminds you to sit tall. If they are set properly, you will constantly correct your posture every time you try to use your mirrors.

Believe it or not, you can make significant changes to your sitting habits. If you chose to do so, you’ll notice that your body will respond favorably. If you chose not to improve your sitting habits you can surely expect to remain the same or worsen over time. Remember, how you age is a function of the decisions you make. If you have more questions about sitting habits or seated posture please ask a member of the Maximized Health Chiropractic Team. We would be happy to help you improve your understanding of this topic.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Monday, January 14, 2008

Maximized Health Tip of the Week


The ACTIVE LIVING Nutrition Seminar

Open to the General Public! Bring a Family Member! Bring a Co-Worker! Friends are Welcome to Attend!

Part I
January 21st
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Part 2
January 28th
6:30pm - 8:00pm

Topics covered will include:

• The Un-Diet Food Guide
Learn how to use the Un-Diet Food Guide to make better decisions about shopping, cooking, food combining, what to eat and when, etc

Raw Living Foods vs. Cooked Foods
Health factors associated with raw foods vs. cooked foods
Food Preparation
Basic food prepaiation techniques that everyone should be using for better health
Changing Your Body's Ph Balance
Simple strategies to reduce the state of acid that promotes pain and illness
Sugar Intake
Insight into how sugar intake is directly corelated to poor health & what to avoid most
Simple techniques to cleansing your body of stored up toxins
Green Super Foods
Learn what a green surper food is and why we need it nowadays more than ever

Why should you attend?
Many people try to live better lives only to fail and become depressed with their inability to achieve higher levels of health and fitness. We can easily teach you the HOW and more importantly the WHY to radically changing the way you think and live. In doing so, you will notice that your quality of life will increase dramatically. Now is the time to take control of your health, and Maximize Your Life. Don't wait any longer!
Please reserve your seats now! RSVP at the front desk or by emailing info@maximizedhealth.net.
Seating is limited. This is a one time a year event. Don't miss out!

Maximize Your Life by improving HOW you live it!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Active Sitting - what is it and why should you do it?

As we continue to hyperspace into the future, technology keeps finding new ways to lower our daily levels of activity. Our day has become an accumulation of non-active events and the biggest of those non-active events is the time we spend sitting (work or hobby). A typical 8-hour workday represents one half of our waking time! For many of us, this huge chunk of our day is spent in an office environment sitting in a chair and clicking a mouse. Perhaps you have a hobby or other activity where prolonged sitting is required. If so, the following applies to you:
The chair is one of mankind's worst inventions. From a human engineering standpoint, mankind is not designed to sit. There is actually more strain on our back when we sit than when we stand! Also, since a chair supports our spine, we are not required to use our postural muscles - muscles that stabilize the segments of the spine that are essential to the foundation of our body. If we are not using them for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, they will shrink and become weak, which places our spinal stability in jeopardy. Imagine what would happen to the muscles of your body if you were to lie in bed 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. They would deteriorate, and this is exactly what happens to your postural muscles when you sit in a chair! With our spinal stability in such a wobbly state, back injuries are inevitable.
Have you ever wondered why your back is so stiff after sitting for a period of time? A chair is a rigid structure, and when we sit on it, it does not allow any movement to occur in our pelvis and back. This lack of movement creates a lack of blood flow to the area so that the joints and muscles become stiff. We are finally starting to realize the detriments of sitting in a chair and how it has become a liability to our long-term health. This has created a paradigm shift in the way we approach sitting. We are now trying to find ways to create office environments that are an asset to our health and well being and not a liability.
'Active Sitting' has provided a phenomenal solution to the problems that were created with traditional passive chair sitting. As this paradigm shift changes our thinking, more and more people are sitting on active sitting surfaces such as FitBalls and Swiss Balls or the FitBall Disc (featured on the back of this newsletter). By sitting on something that is unstable, it forces us to activate our postural muscles while we sit. This prevents the postural muscles from deteriorating so that we are able to maintain strong spinal stability. Because we are able to move while we sit, our joints are never stuck in one position. The ability to move while we sit maintains blood flow to the muscles and joints, thereby allowing us to sit for 8 hours without back stiffness occurring.
Sitting up straight is important. Perhaps even more important than sitting posture is being able to move subtly while you sit up straight, thereby activating muscles and stimulating blood flow. The two concepts should actually go hand in hand.
As far as the act of sitting goes, think of it this way… how you feel at the end of the day is a by-product of 3 key factors: how long you sit, how healthy your seated posture is, and how much you move while you sit.

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Featured Product – FitBall Active Sitting Disc
Who would like it?
Ideally we would all be active in our home and work environments and we would not need to worry about active sitting. But if your profession or daily activities require you to sit for long periods of time you may want to consider a Fit Ball sit disc for your office or home. Even though the level of core and back conditioning you will get is lower than traditional exercises, it will assist you in bringing some core conditioning and low back mobility into your everyday routine. As most of us find ourselves sitting more than we would like for good health, the sit disc can improve posture, strength and mobility of the core.
Additional benefits to 'Active Sitting':
Provides a fun, energized experience
Strengthens core muscles of the back and abdomen
Enhances your balance and overall relationship with gravity
Improves circulation to the lower extremities
Improves nourishment to the intervertebral disks
Assists lymphatic flow
Provides relief from back pain
The bottom line
A sitting disc is a small investment that can make a big difference to your spinal health. It is a simple tool to learn how to use and can be used in everyday life.
Where do I get one? Please ask a member of the Maximized Health Team.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Health literacy leads to a longer life

lit·er·a·cy /[lit-er-uh-see] a person's knowledge of a particular subject or field.

Higher health literacy is directly correlated with a longer life, according to a new study published in Archives of Internal Medicine. A health literacy level would refer to a person's knowledge base of health and disease, including their ability to read and understand health information.

The researchers speculated that people with poor health literacy may be more likely to die not only because they are more likely to become sick, but because they also have a harder time managing illness when it arises.

So, what does this mean to you? Basically, your ability to be proactive (think and act for yourself) about health and disease can greatly impact how long you live!

In regard to increasing your ability to better care for yourself, here are some things to work on:

Ø Find places where you can get credible health awareness information on a regular basis.

Ø Find people you can share ideas and thoughts with, and receive advice and counsel.

Ø Develop a deeper appreciation and understanding for the needs of your own body.

Ø Observe the health habits of people you admire and emulate them.

I know that many of you inherently want to know more, do more, and be more… when it comes to your health, and how your body feels and functions on a daily basis. I also know how hard it is when you don't know where to start, who to turn to, who to trust, etc. Even though it may be a difficult task to undertake, you must come to terms with something very important… you are responsible for your own health!

Too many people nowadays think that they can neglect their health (examples = no chiropractic, poor diet, minimal exercise), and when things get tough a Doctor will come to the rescue and fix them. This line of thinking is not only irresponsible, but it's also quite costly. When I say costly I am referring to the medical bills and prescription medications that unhealthy people must pay for because they neglected their health for way too long. But, more importantly I am also referring to the cost of life that is lost.

The cost of life that is lost refers to all the things that compromised health prevents a person from being able to do and experience. Examples of life that is lost might include refraining from social activities or hobbies, inability to travel and get outside, time lost with children / grandchildren / great-grandchildren, or perhaps time lost with a spouse, etc. Can you put a price on any of these things? Of course not! But, this is the cost that is paid when one does not INVEST time and energy in maintaining health and preventing disease. If you are not engaged in the process of taking control of your health and increasing your health literacy- start now!

At Maximized Health Chiropractic we go to great lengths to empower every patient with a higher level of health literacy, and motivate you to avoid the heavy cost(s) associated with compromised health.

Coming Soon: The ACTive LIVing Health Seminar Series

Speak up and educate others,

Dr. Craig

Click Here for the "Maximized Health Tip of the Week"