Monday, July 17, 2006

The Depression Epidemic

    Nearly 18.5 million people suffer from depression every year!

    The most common form of treatment is medication. Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, and Wellbutrin, are some of the drugs that are prescribed.

    Researches suggest that depression may be caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, and that these types of drugs help balance out the levels of two neurotransmitters called dopamine and norephinepherine.

    Although these drugs are commonly prescribed, are they the best solution for someone who has depression?

    The British Medical Journal stated earlier this month that they received documents from an anonymous source indicating that Prozac’s manufacturer, Eli Lilly & Co, was aware in the 1980s that this drug could have HUGE troubling side effects. However, Eli Lilly did nothing. This information was not shared with the public back then. It wasn’t until 2004 that the Food Drug Administration (FDA) began requiring that all antidepressants carry warnings on the bottle that they “increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children.” Although this is a step, it still does not address the fact that drug companies often know about the dangers of certain drugs, but fail to inform the public.

    In fact, these types of drugs can cause brain tumors and produce psychotic episodes. They are highly addictive, may result in loss of libido, and may actually cause depression. In addition, they only really work for 30% of the people who take them.

    If you go to a website for Wellbutrin, it states that it doesn’t work for everyone and increases the risk of suicidal thoughts/actions! Yet people take these pills every day because they are told they need them and are made to feel that they cannot function without them.

    What is scary is that depression can appear as symptoms, such as stomach-aches, headaches, to severe crippling muscle pain. Other symptoms include poor sleep; weight loss or gain; forgetfulness; inability to concentrate, sleep, or enjoy the pleasures of life. Since these symptoms can appear in everyone’s life, how is it that the medical profession is able to distinguish between a person having one of these issues, or literally suffering from depression?

    It makes you wonder if they can because all you have to do is watch TV to see one of these drugs advertised, then consult with your doctor to see if this medication would work for you.

    Depression can be wired into the brain cells that are made in the body as a direct result of traumatic experiences in life. The problem with this approach is that antidepressants alter brain chemistry and do NOTHING to deal with the underlying cause of the problem. How can you make a change when you do not address the cause?

    Chiropractic DOES address the cause in a very big way!

    Chiropractors find the bones out of place, called subluxations, and remove them, which allows the body to heal itself. Chiropractic works with every living cell, tissue, nerve, and organ while allowing all communication to occur between the brain and the rest of the body through the spinal cord and nerves that make up the nervous system.

    The nervous system controls EVERYTHING in the entire body, every function, thought, emotion, and even ALL CHEMISTRY.

    Researches state that one of the reasons depression exists is due to chemical imbalances in the brain. Well, then doesn’t it make sense to address the CAUSE rather than masking the symptoms of depression with prescription drugs or even with a supplement that is commonly used called St. John’s Wort.

    How does chiropractic address the cause? Chiropractors who utilize a corrective care of the spine approach by restoration of the cervical curve along with adjustments ultimately allow the body to function better. When the body is able to function better and have all the communication occurring between the brain and spinal cord that makes up the nervous system, this has an affect on the body’s chemistry. Isn’t it amazing to think how we were created, like masterpieces that work right when all the parts are lined up and organized the way God intended. Our bodies can function properly and heal WHEN all of the communication occurs between the brain and spinal cord (aka Nervous System). It’s no different than a car having all of its communication coming from the motor to allow it to function and run properly.

    Remember, it’s your nervous system that controls everything (EVEN YOUR BLOOD CHEMISTRY) in your entire body. This important, life enhancing system is surrounded and protected by a column of bone, called your spine.

    Chiropractors check you for subluxations (bones misaligned) that put pressure on the nerves and interfere with the communication and healing ability in the body. This task is life-changing, life-enhancing, and saves lives.

    If you know someone who is taking medication for depression, please inform them to have their spine and nervous systems checked TODAY so they do not have to rely on medication to run their body. If someone has a diagnosis of depression, it is urgent to get their spine and nervous system checked to get their body functioning right so their blood chemistry in their brain can function correctly. Don’t keep what you learn a secret… TELL EVERYONE!!

Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig

Monday, July 10, 2006

Are We Thriving, Or Just Surviving?

All you have to do is look at the current levels of depression and obesity in both kids and adults, the epidemic levels of lifestyle-induced diseases, the increase in learning disorders, the rise in immunity related conditions like allergies, and the erosion of the family unit and it becomes increasingly evident that the way we take care of ourselves and interact with each other is massively incongruent with what it takes to create health, peace of mind, and fully functional bodies.

THE MIND: We are born to nurture and develop imagination, concentration, adaptability, and planning. All of life and fulfillment require creativity, strategy, a sense of humor, flexibility, and focus. These things are developed through adventure, investigation, crafts, art, reading, journaling, social interaction, physical activity, problem solving, and all else that make up real life experiences. There is one thing that all of these basic necessities of bodily function and development have in common: NONE OF THEM OCCUR WITH A SEDNETARY, UNDER-STIMULATED, SUBLUXATED LIFESTYLE.

THE BODY: As with the mind, we’ve poisoned the body. If you think of the food industry all that can pop into your head are commercial after commercial selling some sort of blue, green, or purple sugared cereal, some kind of artificial, easy to use, quick to make food item endorsed by a cartoon character or teen idle, and last but not least, the latest gimmick to drive you to McDonalds, Burger King,Rite Aid, Walgreens, etc. Organs and blood streams nurtured and developed with junk food and medications DO NOT create the kind of foundation that will allow you to experience good health and longevity throughout life.

THE PROBLEM: As pain, illness, learning disorders, and even depression begin to riddle people everywhere, rather than looking at brain development, nerve function, nutrition, and lack of movement as the culprit and doing what we can to begin producing health and well being, people are turning to more and more medications. Should medication be a way of life? What does the future hold for us when more and more people are overweight, out of shape, and taking medications? What kind of society are we creating? Are we creating one that will thrive and live Maximized Life?

THE SOLUTION: This is a call to begin looking at the way we now live our lives. To look at the way we eat, breathe, sleep, run, and how we feel about ourselves. Parents and children need to be educated on how to live a healthy lifestyle and develop the capacity to make good choices. At Maximized Health we will help you change your family culture and recognize where the culture around you isn’t working so you can avoid or help to change it with us. Maximized Health Chiropractic is here to do just that, maximize a person’s ability to thrive in life.

At Maximized Health Chiropractic, we’re completely committed to every individual we meet, especially children. Our books, programs, and workshops are all there to equip people to maximize their lives, and the lives of their children. We now have a program for school systems and will have our Maximized Health Kids and Youth programs for churches out by the end of ’06. Additionally, we are going to great lengths to reach ever deeper into our community’s resources in an effort to educate individuals, parents, and children about the principles of living a Maximized Life.

THE DIFFERENCE YOU CAN MAKE: Most people you know, live with, work with, play with, see on the street… are lost and confused when it comes to how they can better their lives and make better decisions with regard to their body. So many people are unhappy and unhealthy. So many people will know sickness and disease in their lifetime, most of which could have been avoided. So many people don’t know where to go, who to trust, whom to turn to for advice about health and well-being of mind and body. You know these people. You can make a difference in their life. You can make a difference in the way your community grows and develops. But how and when will you act? Who will you tell about the principles of Maximized Health and the benefit of living a Maximized Life? Who will you bring with you into a future of abundance in health, joy and happiness? Will it be your family, your friends, your coworkers, the members of your church… who will you help? Whose life will forever be changed because you helped them find Maximized Health?

We are here to help! If you can think of any way in which we could influence more people, please let us know. We will always be asking you for help. We need your help in this mission of influencing lives and making a difference!

Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig


Studies of fish in waterways throughout the world, have found that we’ve polluted them. The sewage technicians in the San Francisco bay area have now sounded the alarm. Apparently, they’ve found that medications passing through our bodies and /or being dumped into our toilets is polluting the sea life. In surveys last year, southern California officials found detectable levels of ibuprofen; fluoxetine, the generic name for Prozac; and the antibiotics erythromycin, trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole. Tests also found low levels of the anti-arthritis drug diclofenac; the anti-cholesterol drug gemfibrozil; triclosan, an antibacterial agent in soap; and anti-seizure drugs. Evaluations performed on the fish showed unwanted changes in their reproductive systems that apparently are linked to pharmaceuticals that can disrupt the endocrine systems.

Medicine and physician in the Bible means “to make whole, heal, restore, or recover completely.” These meanings have been reversed today. “Modern” medicine has gone away from these principles to using chemicals designed to alter body function and cover symptoms. They possess no curative value and in fact we now know that they actually deepen the plight of the victim. They leave the deeper reason for the symptoms uncorrected as well as creating side effects due to the level of toxicity and its effect on the human organ systems. The biggest concern deals with drugs that will alter the mind or attitude towards God. Any time you work against God, the negative consequences go beyond measure. Fish were already polluted with mercury from our drug and chemical plants. Now they’ve been poisoned by drugs as well. I shudder to think what this means to the future of our waterways, the wildlife, and as a result our lives.

IN OTHER NEWS: Pubmed Journal released an article on Forward Head Syndrome (FHS) showing that it was the major cause of tension headaches. FHS is created by a loss of the cervical (neck) curve and a subluxation of the occiput. It’s accompanied by the head jutting out in front of the thoracic cavity (chest). Thus the term, Forward Head Syndrome. FHS causes stretching of the spinal cord and vertebral arteries, traction on the brain stem and mid-brain, and tension on certain cranial nerves. This has a potential lethal effect on overall physical, mental, and emotional health.

In recent years, leading Chiropractic research on conditions and care have pointed more and more to the serious effects of FHS as well as how to correct it. Chiropractors use adjustments, traction, drop mechanisms, and head and shoulder weighting to fix FHS rather then hazardous pollutants. The great part about correcting and preventing illness and the development of illness through correcting FHS is that you won’t kill any fish, destroy the ecology, or wipe out wild life and potentially mankind in the process.

You may not have realized this, but bringing someone to a Chiropractor will not only help to preserver their life –it will help to preserve the planet. Anything in alignment with God saves, anything out of alignment is apocalyptic and a danger to the fish. This article may be a little joke-ish, but the seriousness of the situation is fast becoming a reality- both on a personal and a global level.

Let’s save the world together! If not us– who will? Let’s start by helping our friends and family find a better lifestyle, the chiropractic lifestyle, and avoid the pain, misery and medications all together.

Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig