Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Atkins Was Not Right About Carb Restriction!

A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrates that the complete, ketone-producing carb restrictions popularized by Dr. Robert Atkins in his weight-loss program are not necessary for weight loss.

Other Diets Just as Effective
Severe carb restrictions cause the formation of ketones, which result when your body burns fat for fuel due to inadequate carb reserves. Researchers found that weight loss could be achieved just as effectively without this level of carbohydrate avoidance.

Metabolic and Emotional Effects
In addition, ketone-producing carb restrictions resulted in higher LDL cholesterol levels, and also adverse metabolic and emotional effects, when compared to low-carb diets that did not restrict carbohydrate intake to the point of ketone production.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition May 2006; 83(5): 1055-1061

D. Craig’s Comments:
The carbohydrate food category has been around since the beginning of time, and NO I am not talking about the donut and cookie type. I am referring to vegetables and fruits and other naturally occurring forms of carbohydrate foods. These foods came into existence as a means to provide the body with a very efficient form of energy, which is why we refer to quality carbohydrate foods as “energy” foods. It is very natural and quite essential that we learn to “fuel” our body in a way that is congruent with its original design. Be sure to keep an eye out for our food and diet workshop coming up soon called the “Un-Diet” where we teach people how “not to diet”, but simply eat according to the body’s original design requirements- as opposed to the most current fad-diet concept to hit the bookshelf. Please tell your friends and relatives who need nutritional counseling that we welcome them to attend as well!

Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig

Monday, May 22, 2006



Current statistics show that our chance of going through life without suffering greatly or in fact, dying early from degenerative disease isn’t good. More then one out of two - therefore "almost two out of two” people now die early or are prematurely stricken with degenerative illnesses like: heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's/dementia, diabetes, and/or severe arthritis.

Additionally, as we share with you each week, those aren’t even the top killers. Research shows it’s even more likely you’ll be hurt or caused to become room temperature (dead) by prescription or over the counter medications.

America is fairing poorer and poorer when compared to other nations. In recent weeks, the health of U.S. citizens was compared to that of England’s. Those in England were found to be far healthier in every single category of health despite the fact that the U.S. spends twice as much per person on “health” care. Lifestyle in England including; smoking, drinking alcohol, and diet are worse than in the U.S. and they have our same genes. So the question remains, why are we sicker? Evidence has revealed that it is the “health” care that people in the U.S. receive that causes us to be overwhelmingly sicker than the other industrialized nations. The truth is our health care system clearly doesn’t actually provide any “health,” but rather sickness.

So here’s your question: Do you want to be part of the U.S. “health” care system? If your answer is no, we can help. If it’s yes, let us know where we can send the flowers.


Through Maximized Living, we understand that there is more to life than physical law. It really is a “Body by God.” When healing from a godly perspective, the modifications that are encouraged are ones that allow the healing process to take place naturally by respecting the normal way God created the body to function. When adjustments are made to the body or nutrition and lifestyle changes are utilized, it’s not for the purpose of treating symptoms, but for restoring balance and establishing or maintaining health.


    • Cooperate with the design of your body. Healthy posture, structural integrity of the spine and nervous system, the right quality and quantity of nutrients, stress management, and cardio-vascular and muscle function obtained through regular physical activity.
    • Nurture a non-toxic internal environment for your cells. Key toxins that interfere with normal function: medications, refined foods, sugar, additives, colorings, preservatives, alcohol, and smoke.

Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig

Monday, May 15, 2006


Adopted from TIME Magazine - May, ‘06

"While there are bad doctors practicing bad medicine who go undetected, that's not what scares other physicians the most. Instead, they have watched the system become deformed over the years by fear of litigation, by insurance costs, by rising competition, by billowing bureaucracy and even by improvements in technology that introduce new risks even as they reduce old ones."

Long gone are the days of going to a doctor who utilizes his time and training to make the best decisions regarding your health. No one knows this more then your doctor. They time their own procedures based on how long doctors have been out of school realizing that if they're too new, they lack experience, but if not new enough, they're knowledge is outdated. The strong resistance to treatment, hospitals, taking drugs, or going to a doctor at all sends home a very powerful message of extreme caution to all of us.

"It requires almost a stroke of luck to enter a U.S. hospital and receive precisely the right treatment - no more, and no less. A landmark Rand Corp. study published in 2003 found that adults in the U.S. received, on average, just 54.9% of recommended care for their conditions."

In other words, there’s just better than a 50/50 chance you won't be harmed or the victim of negligence when you see the doctor. . .your doctor. We live in hazardous times when it comes to medicine. While, in the case of an emergency like a tumor, clogged artery, kidney stone, or compound fracture, medical technology is beyond amazing. But, something like knowing which side of your brain to operate on or conservatively treating a simple childhood illness - can cause mega problems. "A patient with anything but the simplest needs is traversing a very complicated system across many handoffs and locations and players," says Dr. Donald Berwick, a pediatrician and president of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. "And as the machine gets more complicated, there are more ways it can break."

Without question, over treatment is the most critical problem. Doctors afraid of "missing something" and insurance that rewards testing, surgery, and expensive drugs creates a "dangerous impulse towards excess." Any good doctor knows when a cyst on your ankle or wrist is not a tumor and if they see a healthy child with a cough, then agreeing to surgery and antibiotics is potentially a risk worse than the condition.

You just can't beat working on being healthy vs. treating illness with drugs and surgery. While there are some magical medial solutions to emergencies out there, every day we learn that the field of medicine is replete with dysfunctions, conflicts of interest, overt concern for profit, and the bottom line: dangerous chemicals. Getting sick is a risky proposition. Invest today in your health. You may not like eating well and exercising. You might not have the time for them either. You may be "anti-alternative," against things that are different like chiropractic and nutritional support. However, if you want to prosper later, you invest now. If you don't have time and are "too busy" then you are too busy. Additionally, it's time to wake up to the fact that the way we do things doesn't work. It doesn't work at all. Even a doctor won't see a doctor. Alternatives are only alternatives because people are all doing something else. In this case, what they're doing has been a lesson in pain and failure.


Your Maximized Health Mentor,

Dr. Craig